
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

Nutcruncher_442 · Video Games
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Species Database

[Warning info dump ahead procide at your own volition.]

This database only covers active, dormant, unknown and pre-interstellar species.


Active: currently engaging in active communication between new species in galactic affairs. Including isolationists.

Dormant: Have gone into a long slumber of pleasure and happiness. Refuses to greet new active civilisations and will act aggressively to anyone intruding on there slumber and territory.

Unknown: No one knows if they are dead or dormant.

(No data for a species if it is unknown)

All times that have BCE (B.C) or CE (A.D) and can be measured in human years.

Examples 580 CE stands for 580 years after christ or as its known Common Era

Age stands for the first colony or galactic appearance.


1. Greater Humanity: aka Terrans

Status: Dormant.

Age: 2,500,000,000 BCE

Biology: Humanoid

Height: 2-3m

Weight: 50-300kg depending other factors.

Life span: original: 60-120 years, current: imortal (able to choose when to die, can also be forcefully killed by combat).

Pysonics: Yes

2. Elves:

Status: Unknown

3. Dwarves:

Status: Unknown

4. Asari:

Status: Active

Age: 580 BCE

Homeworld: Thessia

Biology: Similar to a human but with skin ranging from blue to purple, instead of hair they have a semi flexible cartilage. They live long live for about 1,000 years

5. Drell:

Status: Active

Age: 1980 CE

Homeworld: Rakhana

Biology: Reptilian Humanoid similar to Asari and humans

6. Elcor:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE

Homeworld: Dekuuna

Biology: large creatures standing on 4 muscular legs of increased slowly. Elcor are a verry expressive species that now say the types of thing before due to causing problems for them.

7. Hanar:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE

Homeworld: Kahje

Biology: resembling an earth jellyfish it interacts with the rest of the galaxy using an ezzo based anti gravity device.

8. Lesser Humans: aka Humans

Status: Active

Age: 2069 CE

Homeworld: Earth

Biology: you know this it human

9. Keepers:

Status: Active

Age: Unknown

Homeworld: Unknown

Biology: A bio engineered race to look after the citadel unknown who actually made them. They are possibly the first enslaved race by the reapers.

10. Salarians:

Status: Active

Age: 520 BCE

Homeworld: Sur'kesh

Biology: Warm blooded amphibians that have a short life and are verry quick to do things not spending long doing non useful things. They can think non-linear compared to other races.

11. Turians:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE (Unification wars)

Homeworld: Palaven

Biology: Avian species that have resembles earth birds or raptors.

12. Volus:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE

Homeworld: Irune

Biology: Volus must wear a pressure suits and breathes when interacting with other species. Because of there evolution on a high pressure greenhouse gass world.

13. Batarians:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE

Homeworld: Khar'shan

Biology: Humanoid species with 4 eyes and hair all over but more around the mouth

14. Collectors:

Status: Active

Age: 48,000 BCE

Homeworld: Unknown

Biology: corpses of the Protheans kept intact to be used in the future cycles to gather organic samples.

15. Geth:

Status: Active

Age: around 1895 CE

Homeworld: Rannoch

Biology: A robotic body resembling the quarians that is made from a hard metallic substance or a muscle that is extremely flexible.

16. Krogan:

Status: Active

Age: 80 CE

Homeworld: Tuchanka

Biology: Large reptilian bipeds they have multiple redundant organs as well as a high regeneration factor.

17. Leviathans:

Status: Active

Age: 1.500,000,000 BCE

Homeworld: Unknown

Biology: Possess resemblance to earth cuttlefish

18. Quarians:

Status: Active

Age: 300 BCE

Homeworld: Rannoch

Biology: similar to humans but with a shorter frame, backwards knees and purple blue skin.

19. Raloi:

Status: Active

Age: Meets the galaxy in 2185

Homeworld: Turvess

Biology: Avian appearance.

20. Reapers:

Status: Active

Age: 1 billion plus BCE

Homeworld: Citadel

Biology: synthetic-organic starships. Looks like an metal earth cuttlefish that can go ftl.

21. Virtual Aliens:

Status: Active

Age: 6,000 BCE (ai ship launch date)

Homeworld: Destroyed in a supernova

Biology: Digital constructs

22. Vorcha:

Status: Active

Age: unknown

Homeworld: Heshtok

Biology: Fast breeding, aggressive behaviour, limited regeneration, and follows elders to an extent.

23. Yahg:

Status: Pre-interstellar

Age: descoverd in 2125 CE

Homeworld: Parnack

Biology: Filled the niche of apex predators.

24. Protheans:

Status: Active

Age: 68,000 BCE (First spaceflight)

Homeworld: Unknown

Biology: Anthropoidal race. Two pairs of eyes, three nostrils, flanging effect on there voice, they also have a carapace.

25. Rachni:

Status: Active

Age: 68,000-48,000 BCE (Uknown when taken by the Protheans)

Homeworld: Suen

Biology: An insect hivemind that has 4 subtypes: Worker, Soldier, Brood warrior, Queen.


Sorry I didnt go into a full detailed breakdown of each species but you can find all of them online with the wiki and the wiki timeline.