A twelve-year-old with no name known only by his number, 13 has spent his entire life imprisoned in the shadowy location known only as The Facility, subjected to experiments to forcefully awaken the extraordinary abilities within him. But after years of captivity and experiments he remains the only subject to have not awakened his powers. Will 13 ever awaken his powers? And if not how long will The Facility tolerate his lack of them? MASKS is a thrilling superhero tale of three extraordinary teens who must navigate trauma, trust, and their emerging powers on the road to forging their own destinies. ... You can read advanced chapters by visiting my P@ treon page, p@ treon com/aBMO
The world used to be a much simpler place, or so he had been told. Before the emergence of Resonance, people lived ordinary lives within the confines of what was believed to be possible. That all changed when the first cases of individuals exhibiting extraordinary abilities came to light. These powers went beyond what science and reason could explain, fueling both awe and fear across society.
Scholars traced Resonance back through obscure accounts in history, dismissing past cases as myth or superstition. But as more people that would latter come to be known as Resonants began Awakening unique gifts, the truth could no longer be denied. Humanity had entered a new era, one where the laws of nature could be bent and broken.
Of course, he only knew of the world before Resonance through stories. He was born into a reality where these powers already existed. For him, they had always been a simple fact of life. His world was made up of the sterile white walls and regimented routine of the Facility. A place where he had no name only a number. He had been told that his number 13 was one that represented misfortune, and he couldn't help but agree.
13 lay on the thin mattress in his small room, staring up at the stark white ceiling and listening to the constant hum of the ventilation system. He tried to imagine what the world outside these walls must be like - so vast, so full of possibilities. He had seen pictures and videos of course, during the limited educational sessions they were permitted. Blue skies, green forests, shimmering oceans...it all seemed so unreal to him.
13 had no memory of what life was like before. He only knew the clinical sterility of the Facility, that he had been confined in for his entire twelve years of life. here he was subjected to an unending cycle of tests and training. For him, this was the only world that existed. He was simply a bird destined to forever be trapped in its cage.
But he hoped to find out someday. To see and explore the world beyond these walls. To know what it felt like to see an open sky above him, feel the grass under his feet. To not be a numbered lab subject, but a free person making their own choices. It was these thoughts of freedom and discovery that kept his spirit from completely breaking under the harsh conditions of this place. He clung to this spark inside, tending it like a fragile flame.
A buzzing alarm pierced the silence, signaling the start of another day. 13 sat up slowly, smoothed his standard-issue white t-shirt and pants, and waited by the door. He didn't have to wait long. The heavy metal door swung open and two guards entered.
"Let's go, Number 13," one of them said gruffly. 13 nodded and followed them out into the long white corridor, doors lining each side, hiding who knew what behind them. He kept pace behind the guards, eyes straight ahead, giving nothing away. Show no weakness. That was one of the first lessons he learned here.
13 followed the guards down the stark white hallway, keeping his eyes fixed straight ahead. He knew the routine by now. More tests to assess his "progress" as they called it. He wasn't sure what they hoped to find each time they ran him through the same examinations, the same training simulations. So far he had exhibited no signs of Resonance, no glimmer of the extraordinary abilities that the other subjects here possessed.
The guards led him to a large room at the end of the corridor. As the doors slid open, 13 saw that several other children were already there, lined up and waiting silently. He recognized all of them, having grown up alongside these same few faces within the confines of the Facility.
There was number 11, her short black hair framing her pale face. She stood with a rigid poise, face expressionless, dark eyes staring blankly ahead. 13 knew her to be reserved and stoic, seldom speaking unless necessary.
Next to her stood her twin sister, number 12. Her platinum blonde hair shone under the bright lights, a stark contrast to her sister's raven locks. While 11 was a pool of still water, 12 was a crackling spark of energy, bouncing on her heels, smiling brightly at 13 as he entered. She waved, and 11 shot her a subtle look of warning. 12's enthusiasm faded slightly under her sister's gaze but her cheerfulness remained undimmed.
13 took his place in line with the others, nodding briefly at number 12. He envied her seemingly boundless optimism. For him, each passing day in this place slowly sapped a little more life from his spirit. He watched the proceedings stoically, taking note of every detail.
The doors slid open again and several scientists entered, led by a tall, distinguished looking man with sharp blue eyes - The Doctor, as he insisted they call him. The guards quickly moved to the edges of the room, hands on their batons, watching closely. The Doctor consulted his notes, then called number 12 forward first.
She bounded over eagerly, always ready to show off. Under The Doctor's direction, she created glowing orbs of light in her palms, then shaped them into a playful flock of birds that fluttered around the room. 11 watched her sister, a flicker of pride briefly crossing her face before it returned to its usual impassive mask.
When 12 was done, The Doctor summoned 11. She stepped forward and with a wave of her hand, swallowed the room in darkness. After a moment, she allowed the lights to return, exchanging a silent look with her sister. The Doctor nodded, making a note.
13 suppressed a shudder as the shadows fled from the room. There was something unsettling about the way 11 seemed to embrace the darkness. He wondered if that's what this place did to you, over time. A slow descent into the dark.
He realized The Doctor was looking at him expectantly. It was his turn now. He stepped forward, bracing himself for the inevitable disappointment when nothing happened. The Doctor's icy eyes bore into him, assessing.
"Go on then, Number 13. Show us what you can do."
13 focused, willing something, anything to happen. The familiar feeling of helplessness washed over him as the seconds ticked by. A ripple of unease passed through the other children, while 11's eyes narrowed slightly. 12 gave him an encouraging smile.
Finally, The Doctor sighed, making a note on his clipboard. "No change then. Very well, we'll try again tomorrow." He nodded to the guards, who quickly moved to escort the children out.
13 hung his head, trying not to show his frustration. Why was he the only one who remained without powers? What was wrong with him? His hands clenched briefly into fists as he fell into line with the others. Someday, he told himself, someday things would change. He just had to remain patient and resilient.
The Doctor watched them go, then turned to the large monitor on the wall which displayed the feed from the room's hidden cameras. he began to review the data before frowning slightly when 13's turn came. "Number 13 still hasn't made any progress," he murmured. "It seems another round of supplementary lessons are in order"
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