

Alexander carried the girl. "Really? Twenty five? I would never say that. "

An airport employee saw the situation and approached.

- Sir, is everything okay?

- Yes. My wife had a slight indisposition. It's all right. Alexander answered quickly and went to the car waiting for him outside the airport.

Alexander had the driver drive quickly to the hospital under the Dunkelheit Conglomerate and put the pale girl on his lap.

"She looks like a sugary fairy. So sweet. Is her lips as sweet as her appearance? When she wakes up, I'll find out."

At the hospital, Alexander sent the best doctor to do a general check up on the girl. He would never let a man touch his wife.

- You're fine. It was a drop in blood pressure aggravated by anemia and menstrual periods. She will be fine taking vitamins and resting. The doctor said.

- Low blood pressure and anemia? Is not that dangerous? - Alexander asked.

- Yes and no. You see, the anemia of this lady is involved with poor diet and stress. It was aggravated by the period then the dizziness is normal, but fainting was caused by hypotension. As long as she takes care of herself and has a healthy diet, everything will be fine. I recited a number of vitamins. She can start with that. She needs to take care of herself or it will be very difficult to conceive a baby.

- Great. I'll take care of everything.

The doctor left and left the couple resting in the hospital's VIP suite.

A few seconds later, Assistant Kim arrived holding a black briefcase.

- Report? - Alexander asked.

- Miss Diana Yangxuan Luhan Aimer is employed as the manager of the women's game development team in the LSM design department. She is in the competition for the position on the board. Single. She graduated from the National Academy of Art, design department, at age twenty with honors. He completed his master's degree at the age of twenty-one. At twelve years, her parents, Lilian Luhan and William Aimer, died in a fire at the Garden Hotel. She was present and managed to escape by escaping through a window. They are were staying on the fourth floor and she managed to jump into an oak that was in front of the window. The window was too narrow and the parents could not escape and died. It was a criminal arson. Her parents had a consulting firm and they discovered some irregularities that could lead to a lot of people being arrested, at least that's what the police discovered, since the door to the Aimer suite was where the fire started. She was raised by her paternal grandmother and practically used all her inheritance to care for the old lady who was sick and to pay for her studies. At age eighteen, the grandmother also died. She sold her grandmother's estate and her parents' estate in City M ​​and moved to City B where she started college and bought an apartment in the center, number 37 on Z Avenue, apartment 503. The rest of the information is on her - personal mail. I believe there is something wrong, surname Yangxuan Luhan is not common, especially the name Lilian Yangxuan Luhan ... but it has been said that Lady Lilian Luhan died drowned more than twenty years ago ... Let's continue the background investigation? Until what generation? - Reported Assistant Kim.

- Let's go to the Great Grandparents. We should not look so deeply into stories of dead people. You come back and continue to investigate.

Alexander glanced at his watch. It was eleven-twenty. Their meeting would begin in forty minutes. Fortunately, there was still time to get to the headquarters of the Dunkelheit Conglomerate.

He looked at the unconscious girl and took a notepaper on the table, wrote and gave a gentle kiss on her forehead before leaving.

As he left, he handed the paper to one of his bodyguards.

- Stay and protect your lady. Do not let her leave and give it to her.

- Yes, Master.

Some time later, Diana woke up. She let out a soft moan and held her head.

She sat in the hospital's large VIP bed and looked around. The room was quiet. The decor was luxurious but no one was in sight.

- Serum bag? Really? Oh, shit! My meeting. Diana snatched the intravenous in her hand and stood up shaking her head. She slipped on her shoes, took the bag and the suitcase from the table in a corner and ran out of the room.

-Lady, go back to your room. - An armed bodyguard said when Diana left the room.

Diana ignored the bodyguard. She glanced at the bedroom door as she taped the number and walked toward the elevators.

- Lady, you can not leave. - Repeated the bodyguard.

- Are you talking to me? - Diana asked after the bodyguard stepped in front of her to stop her.

- Yes ma'am.

- And who are you to stop me from leaving?

- Lady, I'm just following orders. The master will not be happy if he does not come back when he returns.

- I do not know who your master is but I have work to do ...

- The master was the one who brought you to the hospital.

- Tell him I appreciate the kindness but he does not have to worry ...

- Oh yeah. The master left a note.

In the note written by Alexander,

"Diana, rest and do not worry. I already called your work and I told you that you are sick. The meeting was postponed to Monday at 10 am. Hospital fees have already been paid for by me. Wait for me, I'll be back at three-thirty, and we'll talk about it.


Diana looked at the watch on her wrist. It was half past two. Your meeting would be over anyway.

- Great. A nosy. And I owe a nosy.

Diana went back to the bedroom and lay down for a rest. "Since I have a day off, I'll enjoy it."

Next chapter