
Anna Evans

Soon Diana said goodbye and left the room sending a message to her bodyguards in the waiting room next to her new room.

She got into the elevator and headed downstairs, stopping at the fifteenth when her bodyguards entered the elevator.

When she reached the parking lot, Diana went to her new place. In it, a beautiful black SUV parked brightly.

She threw a key to one of the bodyguards, Bush.

- Take my old car and drive me home, Carter and I will get back in the new car.

She got into the driver's seat.

- Madam, let me drive. - Carter said uncomfortably.

- Why, I want to debut my car. Sit in the passenger seat and shut up.

She then started the car and heard the V10 engine purr silently.

- That's the quietest engine I've ever heard. I think only your boss's car can be compared.

- Madam, this vehicle and that of the master were produced by Dunkelheit motors. They always make silent engines in their cars.

- Oh, it sounds like fun.

Diana started and drove calmly to her apartment.

She liked the new car a lot. The inside scent was fresh, clean. Very different from when she bought her car if second hand with the stained bench.

The new car seats were black leather, heated and extremely comfortable.

A few minutes later, she parked in her parking space in the garage and entered the elevator.

She then thought for a moment and when she stepped down on her floor, knocked on the front door of her unit.

An old lady slowly opened the door and smiled at Diana.

- Good afternoon, Mrs. Monter, I wonder if you can do me a small favor?

- Oh, good afternoon, Diana, what happened? - The old woman replied.

- I need an extra place in the garage and I'd like to know if you can hire me your place, since it's out of date.

- Clear. You can use it. You do not have to pay rent, no one uses it anyway.

- But that's not fair. The spot belongs to you.

- It's all right. It could be ten bucks a month.

- But this price ...

- Let's go or I'll down for a dollar.

- It's all right. Thank you, Mrs. Monter.

- Will you stay for tea?

- No, thank you. I have some work to do and Anna is coming. I must organize the guest room.

- All right, see you later.

Diana turned and opened the door to the apartment.

- Carter, call Bush and tell him to put my car in the 505 seat.

- Yes, Madam.

Diana did not know why but she felt something was different in her apartment. It was as if someone had entered. She nodded slightly and went into the kitchen to make tea.

After sitting on the small balcony of the apartment, caressing the two cats in his lap while drinking tea. Diana took a shower and went to her studio to draw a prom dress.

Diana searched for masked balls on her laptop and a wave of inspiration hit her full.

A simple style may be the most appropriate, in fact, however, every time she thinks about a masquerade, she thinks of Venetian masks.

So she designed a long retro style dress from the 1930s. And thought about which shoe model should be used. But they would certainly be high, thin heels.

Well, it should be said that she had a point. Her small one and sixty-five was her inner complex. For one thing, she liked it because it made her look small, delicate and sweet. She could wear heels without appearing to be a woman who grew up and lost her femininity and sweetness. However, it did not look good on pieces made for tall people but that she loved the models and design.

And that's why she decided to draw and make her own clothes! "Since there are no pretty clothes that fit my body, I'm going to draw and do everything." That's what she thought when she was fifteen when she could not find something that fit her. It was also around this time that she noticed how fat she was and started dieting and eventually developed her eating problems.

After doing the pattern drawing of the dress. Diana took from the large closet of her studio two large rolls of black silk and brilliant silver.

He propped the rollers on the long table and began to cut according to the molds.

A little over half an hour later, she received the phone call from Anna.

- I just passed Station Z, I think you can go get me. - Anna said disinterestedly.

- You really are a vile woman. I'm leaving now.

Diana unplugged and organized her molds.

Diana then took out her purse and cell phone before leaving the house.

The bodyguards who were watching the door were different. From twelve to twelve a new pair of bodyguards appeared at his door.

This time it was Radcliffe and Bones.

The two tall men followed her into the parking lot. Radcliffe opened the back door for Diana and ran to the front passenger seat while Bones sat in the driver's seat.

The traffic was calm and Diana desc she glared at Indie in the backseat. Ten minutes later, she got out of the car with the help of Radcliffe and escorted her to the landing area.

Five minutes later, Anna Evans, A beauty of short platinum blonde hair appeared.

- Slut! - She cried as she ran to her best friend and hugged her.

- You are fat. - It was the first thing Diana said when she saw her friend. - You were eating like a big nut, were not you? The bastard betrayed you and you stuck in the food to overcome the hurt?

- Shut up. Anna said in a weak voice. His face was flushed with embarrassment.

- It's all right. Let's eat a diet from tomorrow. I'll let you eat pizza tonight. Tomorrow we will live on salad, lean meat and fruits.

- Who are the closets behind you?

- The guy I'm dating has told me to let the bodyguards take care of my safety.

- Bitch, have you found a crime boss or an influential politician?

- It's more like a businessman ... I guess. Radcliffe, what does your boss do exactly?

- Madam, the master is an entrepreneur of a large Conglomerate and has connection with the sale of ...

- Okay. You know what? Do not tell me anything else. I feel the less I know, the better. Diana interrupted the bodyguard. - Let's go home.

When they reached the parking lot, the bodyguards opened the doors for the two ladies and Anna was shocked by the big luxury car.

- Your boyfriend is certainly rich.

- This is not his gift! I won when I got my promotion to the director!

Soon the vehicle designed to transport world-famous statesmen went to Diana's little apartment.

The long-haired girl opened the door and threw the keys on the table.

- Now say it. What happened? She asked the blond woman, sitting down in the chair elegantly.

- What you predicted happened. I told you I had some problems with Shedd. The bastard was cheating on me with that fat bitch of his boss! And I found out he's been having sex with her a long time.

- I hate to say that, but ... I warned you. What did you expect? That man is a fool, a great fool. Besides dissolute, perfidious, disgusting and repulsive! I always said that you deserve someone better. Come on, let's get some pizza. Or do you prefer to start dieting today?

- Let's start the diet. I want to have my hot body that can make any man go crazy, but let's not go crazy on diets ...

- There you come with your healthy ideas.

- Come on! If you are not healthy, you will get old sooner!

- Okay. You convinced me.

- That's it! Let's do exercises and ...

- No way!

- Come on, Diana, it's going to be fun. You will not suffer alone!

- I almost feel better now. Almost.

After a lively dinner, eating healthy recipes, the two friends finally slept together in Diana's bed.

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