

It is now morning, around 7:55 AM. A young male in his early 20s is on the bus wearing everyday clothes, shoes, and a backpack on his lap. He looks at his phone to check the time as the bus comes to its final stop which is a college campus. He gets off the bus, with a few other fellow students, and he heads off to the cafeteria. Inside there are other people either hanging out with friends, doing assignments last minute, and/or eating. The male sits down at a table and pulls open his laptop to do an assignment that's about to be past due. On one of the televisions in the cafeteria the news is on explaining the death of Demo Nigma. Along with that story it also shows a recent court case of a mafia boss by the name of Mario DeFranco vs the state of Angel City. The young male looks at the news for a bit before going back to his laptop.

A few minutes go by and soon two others walk in the door. Both twins, one female and one dressed like a female head towards were the male was sitting. they both grab a chair and sit next to him side by side with a smiling grin. The male, who was wearing headphones, takes them off and turns to look at the both of them side by side. He waves slightly at them and speaks.


"Hi George" said the both of them.

"What, not happy to see us?"

"Maybe he needs a little cheering up."

"No I don't, what do you guys want?" The male says as he gets up starting to put away his laptop.

"Can't we just talk with you, we mean no harm."

"I doubt that, look Melissa and Rian I-"

"Rhianna not Rian."

"Sorry, look I have like 4 assignments to do and not a lot of time to do them, speaking of time I need to head to class, well we."

"Good, let's all go together." The two follow George to their history classroom. From there they go sit in their seperate seats. George sits down next to a another male who is busy looking at some other class notes. The male notices George as he works on what he was working on.

"Hey George."

"Hey Jamil, what you doing?"

"Just some assignments, no big deal. Did you watch the news this morning?"

"Depends, crazy scientist makes new chemical that kills him or the trial of the year for Angel City?"

"Ah good, crazy right. That scientist? I mean they said there was a audio recording, wonder what he said? Eh probably just some more crazier stuff."

George chuckles a bit at the comment. A girl walks in, looks that can probably make a dude head over heels about her. That is if your a dude thats into hot nerds and geeks. George leaves his stuff with Jamil and goes up to that girl. She was reading a book as he approached her.

"Hey Andrea, what you reading there?"

The girl turns to look at him with a half smile. "Oh nothing important, it's mainly a informative piece about how society could better itself. If you excuse me George I would like to finish this chapter before we start class."

George nods and walks back to the table he and Jamil are sitting at, along with another girl who was right by Jamil's side. She was the opposite of Andrea however both were on the same IQ level. She waves to George as he sits down.

"Hey George, you ok?"

"Yeah just, well you know stuff."

"Told you once man, she's not interested in you" said Jamil not looking up from his papers.

"Babe, don't be rude. He is right though."

"Thanks you two." Soon an older gentlemen walks in and heads to the front of the desk, announcing himself as he does so.

"Sorry students, had some stuff to do. Now last time we left off we were around the Gilded Age period correct." A students answers yes and he proceeds with the class. George takes notes during this session but then is distracted with his own thoughts. He's been having these thoughts for a while but everytime they come he surpesses it. These thoughts about saving people from ultimate doom. Crazy over the top scenarios where a person comes in and threatens the college and he saves the whole place. At the end of it he has Andrea by his side thanking him for his heroism and His friends cheering him on. Soon his thoughts end as he hears the words "...And that's it for today class, till next week. Please bring any and all assignments you need to turn in before I leave to the Amazons."The class packs up and is leaves, George about to be right along them when the professor calls to him.

"George, a moment please. I need to talk to you."

"Yes Mr Jackson, is there something wrong?"

"Yes, George I noticed that you haven't turned any assignments in a while, beginning to worry about it now. Everything ok with you?"

"Yes sir, just been you know busy with stuff. Work, home life. My mom she's been, well not saying bothering me but you know how it is."

"I understand, just get them done before next week Mr. Medina."

George nods and heads off. He's then shortly followed by the twins. They both walk by his side and he just sighs. They both giggle as he heads to the bus stop. One taps on his shoulder smiling.

"Hey, we can take you both home you know that right?"

"Yeah, and be trapped with you two? Thanks but no thanks."

"Geez so harsh. You know if it weren't for us you would be done for in the city. After all we all know your still a field boy."

"Sis, don't be that harsh. Field boy or not George we still-Hey! Where did he go." George decided to walk away from the convo as fast as he can. The twins usually bothered him on daily, after all they were right. George was a farm boy. Grew up outside of the city and on a farm, wasn't till around his later teens did he move to the city. Mainly as a run away from the abuse he was getting at home from his deranged mother and drunken father but lived in secret with his aunt and uncle until about a year ago they moved to live in Florida. He meet the twins, Jamil and his girlfriend Selina during high school.

George catches the bus back home by a different station. He gets on and sits down somewhere in the middle. As he heads home the thoughts come back for a bit before going away again.


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