
Red Room


Wednesday, 23 February 1991

Sherry Lim was writing a note for the FBI, as when she was in the middle of writing, suddenly a masked man came into her room and brutally poked her eye out and stabbed her in the chest several times. Unfortunately, no one was in her room that night, but luckily a witness who saw a suspicious looking man walking to her room, but the man was never seen left from her room ever again. The witness called the police. The police came and saw a rotting corpse on the floor and a fragment of a face mask, and they were instructed to call the FBI. When the FBI came they instantly knew that it was the work of the masked killer, they questioned all suspects and asked the witness: " Did you see a masked man walking to Sherry Lim's room?". " Yes! he was about 6 inches tall and was holding a rusty knife on his left hand, I think he was also wearing a black hoodie and a white face mask covering his face." The witness said. " Thank you for the information we will certainly give you a ticket to Europe, I'm sorry but you can no longer live in the U.S as a normal citizen, instead we are going to move you to France where it is safer, and we will inform the EU's government about this serial killer." They said. " Thank you." Said the witness.

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