
MARVELously Super

I don't know how, I don't know why. But suddenly, I wake to find myself in the Marvel Universe during WW2 with Superman's powers of all things. Oh boy, they won't see me coming.

BeNotAfraid · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

One of the things I'll never get tired of, is the looks of awe and shock I get when floating down from above.

Even after seeing this scene many times before, the residents of the SSR, still regarded me with curiosity, but I wasn't complaining. I remember first floating over the compound asking for the higherups of the stunned individuals.


'Alright, just like you practiced. Come on, don't sweat it.'

I floated over the base of the SSR building, a secure facility where the first super soldier was born.

Guns in their multitudes pointed directly at me, with shouts of confusion and yells from commanding officer to state my business.

I breathed in, letting in large amounts of air, beyond what would be consider normal, before booming in a loud voice that resounded like thunder.


The people beneath me covered their ears, as the vibrations forced its way into their ears. 

It wasn't long after that when a man, Colonel John Flynn, came out to meet me still floating with my arms crossed.

I lowered myself so we could talk, but refused to touch the ground, hey I can fly now, I'd be damned if I didn't do it as much as possible.

"Colonel John Flynn," I said, stretching out my hand.

He looked at me shocked, "Who told you that?" He glanced back at the soldiers as though hoping to find the culprit.

"None of your men told me anything, Colonel." I spoke for them, "I simply... hear things."

He faced me, a look of angry confusion on his face. He grabbed my outstretched hand, and winced at the sudden pressure from my steel grip.

"You hear things?" He repeated, massaging his hands.

"Yes." I stated, "I hear things. It's how I found you."

He nodded, looking me up and down, his eyes lingering on the space between the cement earth and my feet. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage then, you know my name, but I don't know yours."

A smile played on my lips as I folded my arms. "The name's Superman. Just Superman," I declared, adding a playful bob of my head. "It's a mononym."

/Flashback End/

A couple of soldiers rushed forward to meet as I landed. I released the man I had been holding onto, it had taken an annoying amount of time to return, since I couldn't just zip through the air at comfortable speed, lest the flesh of the man slide of his bones, or something like that, I haven't exactly tested what that type of speed would do to a normal human being.

The man landed face first, crawling a short distance from me before emptying his stomach contents onto the concrete floor. He turned around, fear still evident in his eyes when two guards grabbed hold of him.

"He's a German commander, I think. I thought he might know something," I explained, waving off the guards before heading inward.

Multiple eyes followed me, as made my way through the building. he structure, while not monstrously huge, housed numerous individuals bustling about, each attending to their assigned tasks. Eyes flicked up to stare at my massive, muscular frame. There were no other blacks in here so everyone was well aware of who exactly I was.

I strode confidently into the conference room, where the Colonel and another where busy discussing tactics.

"It's politics John."

"Fuck politics. There ain't a damn politician on God's green earth that can be trusted. That damned Kraut only got here because that fool brought him here, and know he's trying to place the blame on us!"

John's face reddened with anger as he tossed the letter across the table, it fluttered downwards, landing haphazardly on the floor. Another member of the room picked it up, scanning its contents.

"You'll have to retaliate; you can't let him gain any momentum," The man suggested, his eyes shifting from the paper to meet mine.

"Superman." He called out.

The sudden acknowledgment drew the attention of everyone in the room, their postures stiffening in my presence.

"Ah, Superman," John greeted with a clap. "How did the rescue mission go?"

I smiled, casually moving closer to the table and settling into a seat, balancing my feet on the table.

"It was alright, a bit boring though, to be honest." I said nonchalantly.

"Put your feet down boy." The man from earlier frowned, "This is an office of respect and you will treat it as such."

I arched my brow at him, briefly I considering ignoring the request but deciding against it. No need for unnecessary conflict.

The room fell silent as I complied with the request, lowering my feet to the floor. Colonel Flynn motioned for me to continue with the report.

"Alright, as I was saying, I managed to extract a commander. He's currently in custody, he doesn't seem to speak any English, so I'd get a translator." I explained, leaning back in the chair.

John nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Good, maybe this will get them off my back. We're on the brink of a war, and these politicians are playing their games."

"Not games Colonel. And I doubt this would do much in the long run."

John frowns. "Then what do you suggest then, Julian?"

The man paused for a moment, "Politicians interests lies very heavily on profits, the super soldier program was a failure, but with him," He nodded toward me, I waved with a smirk. "We can cover that cost."

"You're saying I should let him on the frontlines?"

That was shocking news to me as well, I was well aware, that from day one, Julian held no liking for me.

"I'm saying give more free way, at least for the time being."

Ok what is going on, did I enter another alternate reality?

Colonel John turns to me, eyes inclusive. "Superman, what do you think?"

"Don't befuddle him with complex questions!" Julian crows defensively. "Make it a yes or no so he can understand."

And there it is, for a moment I thought he might have hit his head.

John stared at him, a blank expression on his face, Julian looked down.

He turned back to me, waiting for my answer. 

"I think he's right. I'm useless doing rescue missions, put me on the frontlines, and we'd have the Germans on the backfoot in a week, and marching home in a month."