
Into the Unknown

opening my eyes I was greeted by the darkness and floating to the unknown. examining my surroundings and looking at my floating body to make sure that it is literally my body and not some astral projection or something, I was confused if I died or something but me knowing that I can't remember anything even my own name or where I am from. after some time using my last braincells and forcing myself to remember anything about myself. I was attacked by a massive pain in my head and slowly I remember it all in a matter of seconds as the pain subsides in an instant.

remembering my name which is Adler Anderson, I was on my way home after a shitload of work from school, yep some of my classmates are just a bunch of free loader leaving all the project work to me but that's enough for me because at least they are paying attention to me and treat me as their friend, I think. as I was saying walking back at home thinking that I was such a loser for letting those bastards treat me like that but I have no one else in school, expect a bunch of nerds that I can call a true tovarishch (Comrade) we hang out like there is no tomorrow and talk about many nerd things everyday at school before the bastards call me and become their dog. I hate it so much. it's not like I can do shit I know from myself that I am weak and can't fight back so I just let go and go with the flow.

sigh being a 19 year old virgin is tiring. looking at my back and seeing that there are no people around and then glancing at my phone while lighting a cigarette. it's already late not like someone is waiting from me at home. I pretty much think of myself that I was an orphan. I know my parents but they just throw me away and give nothing expect my name a few expenses from my school and then I survive in this miserable world by myself and making a living in various job. but in truth, deep inside me. I just want my parents to accept me and give me those so called parents love that they give to my other siblings... I don't know why they distance their self from me but I am in pain so I didn't dig and just let it be.

looking at the bright orange sky as the sun went down and the night takes over. looking at the city full of lights. such a busy city I say.

as I continue my journey to my humble adobe which is my shitty apartment a rundown building near my school, but all of a sudden, slowly I lost consciousness and slowly loosing my sight and my flesh prison hitting the ground with a loud 'THUD'.


And where back here folks in this miserable darkness waiting for the almighty one to send me on my way. because I assumed that I died I just hope that he doesn't send me in hell because I literally didn't do anything bad and at the same time anything good. I'm such an idiot at least I visit church even though I'm a fricking Nihilist i still visit the church not knowing why. maybe because if I am inside the church the Lord himself will hear my cries of pain in my heart.

as time past I say but me knowing that time doesn't exist in this place. while waiting I reorganize my memories and thoughts thinking that I might be stuck here for eternity. God, I will probably lost my sanity and go crazy. I mean anyone will.

Counting on my head since the beginning I've got here, it's already at least 1 hour. so I decided to move my body and surprisingly I've got full control and I literally can move here to other place while floating. as I started to fly to this ShitHole not knowing which direction am I heading. I can see something in the unknown direction that I am heading. it looks like a 2 foot floating crystal is in my sight.

it's glowing and radiating a blue wave of energy. as I approached it I somehow feel a connection...I slowly put my hands on it due to curiosity and at the moment it touch my fingers a huge explosion occurs while me in the other hand was screaming in pain because the energy and crystal itself melt forcing its way inside my body. because of the pain I slowly lost my consciousness again blaming the almighty one for not coming and granting me something unnatural while this thoughts is in my head I fell into a deep slumber.


The moment Anderson touch the crystal a massive explosion occurs and the whole abyss shook. and slowly many types of substance and matter appears out of nowhere.


After some unknown amount of time I woke up but I didn't expect to be still here and surprisingly The so called God I still not in sight.

"Where the hell is that old man! not doing his Job, I bet his drinking Corona beer as he watch the world crumble due to that shitty Covid-19 virus!" Anderson curse as he once again observe the surroundings. looking at his body and as he slowly feel everything in his body he was surprised once again as he never felt so good like this before and probably never back in the so called reality.

Looking at his majestic body, it was so beautiful with a perfect muscle and abs. his hight genuinely increase right now his hight should be at least 6'0. now that he observe his body he is physically just like Superman's physical body but he is slightly better with the perfect body and height not to mention that his appearance completely skip to another level.

"it's not like that I look hideous before but right now I look like an angel, better and cute. I wonder if i gained something other than this otherworldly look?." as he looked around he was surprised to see that the dark abyss that he witnessed before is now full of small light's everywhere.

"what the? what the heck happened here, did I got transported outside the Galaxy or something? seriously what the hell is happening to me!? " as he question everything that is happening to him he is greeted by a voice.


[initialization completed.]


"..." as Anderson dazed for the sudden voice and literally there's a Game panel in front of him.

"wait... is this what I think it is?" as he questioned himself a little bit of exited, the voice answered after a second.

[Yes, I am an individual that is a part of you, in short I am what you are thinking which is a Systematic being that grants any host to achieve Godhood or higher.]

[but I am different. I am you and you are me the only difference is that my purpose of existence is to guide you, as well as being your companion even though we are one.]

"So we are one...I pretty much know a little stuff about that but me and you one? I don't understand and why are you so different than the others? " Anderson questioned as he payed all his full attention to the Systematic beings Answer.

[The moment you touch the Unknown Crystal, your soul itself shift and due to that the energy burst it's energy and enter your soul and in that slightly moment I was born with the crystals energy and also thanks to your soul. it also created this bunch filling this abyss with many types of matter and other Unknown energy.]

[reminder it has been 16.3 billion years since your Awakening and various Galaxys has greatly distanced themselves from one another.]

[This place is a partial dimension that is hidden to all known being through the whole omniverse. even Primordial God's doesn't know the Existence of this place.]

as Anderson process it's answer. he ask the most important question. "Then why did I got here on the first place? do you know the answer?"


[Even though I am a Systematic being I am not omniscience. apologies.]

"oh... that's ok. I appreciate it." as Anderson was thinking he remembered that there really is nothing back there that is waiting for him. except those nerds but it would probably be ok. so he thought that why come back? when there's an opportunity to become God? he decided that he will continue going forward as he enjoys the adventure along the way.

"System...can you tell me what are we supposed to do now just this once, please?" as he ask the Systematic being it answered after a second.

[ This place is considered as our own meaning this reality is in our gasp and we are considered God here due to the energy that covered the whole place. We may not be Omnipotent yet but we are now Omniscient and omnipresent through out this whole place.]

[My analysis shows that this place is considered a Universe now and surprisingly it's not your average Universe it has an unlimited potential and is expanding while creating more stars and Galaxys out of nothing. I detected various civilization all over the place...]

[Host, I think they are aware of your existence. there are many Ships heading this way through light speed and I have detected that there are many civilization around us...]

"!!" Anderson is startled as he was enjoying the news that he was the owner of this Universe and now there are probably thousands of Space craft heading his location.

"What do you mean? are they planning on doing something bad to me? are you F*ucking kidding me?! ". as he cursed from himself being just awaken and after that getting killed because he was some random dude that own's a motherfucking Universe he quickly though that if he is the owner of this place he must be God and has an unlimited power but this though completely vanish as the system Answered his endless though.

[Host, sorry to interrupt you but what you are thinking is not possible we may be Omniscient and Omnipresent but both of us were not capable of using it for now. look at your status so I can show you on what you are capable for now.]

as the Systematic being said another window appeared showing Anderson's current stat.


Name: Adler Anderson

Title: "Harbinger of the Unknown" "Pathetic God" "Horny Bastard"

Age: 19 (16.03 billion years)

Race: Unknown

Sub race: kryptonian (purity 100%)

strength: 30

Agility: 27

intelligence: 38

Wisdom: 20

endurance: 40

charisma: 50

luck: 43

Skills: None

Abilities: None

(the peak of all stats are 15)


"...hahaha I'm... Sorry we're doomed..." as he says that many massive ships arrive and he was surprised again as he looked at the Ships he literally recognize the ships design.

"... Why are there Star destroyer here? did I got send in star wars universe? oh hell no." there are approximately 45 star destroyer in front of him and he doesn't recognized the others. but now that he think about it he's in space which is where he is floating he just though that 'why can I breathe here anyway?'

He quickly looked at his status and saw that he has the sub race Kryptonian. he was in daze and deep in thoughs and at the same time grateful that he has this awesome Perk.

then he saw that there are many space shuttle approaching him he felt something. he felt that everyone was exited. he can feel them. he feel them that they are grateful that he is finally awake.

"Waite... why are they grateful?" he ask the Systematic being and it answered shortly.

[Host, You just received the will of the Universe. it means you and me can feel them and their feelings. The universe itself just accepted us and so we are one with the universe making us both omnipresence.]

[as on why they are greatful is that they have been waiting since the beginning of their existence. they know that you are the cause of their existence and are devoting themselves to us like a crazy cult or something]

"oh so they are just rescuing me, huh cool once I am in that shit I can finally know wherever the fuck am I?"as he questioned the Systematic being shortly answer.

[Host, for the Answer We are currently in a big universe and I am 100% sure that we are not in any type of universe that you are thinking. they are just using a similar technology as star wars.]

"Really? nice I don't really wanna fight some evil space wizard for the moment." as he said that he flew heading towards the space shuttle and as he entered the airlock he was greeted by a man he looked like in some higher position and before I can talk they quickly kneeled making me uncomfortable.

"My Lord! We, Welcome you from your Awakening!" The man talk in words that surprisingly I can understand.

"ahhh... please stand up and can you please bring me to a nice planet or something? "

" Of course sir! please let us enter the Star destroyer first. then we can go the nearest planet. " the man answered and showing me to sit. I can see the respect that they are showing me and as we enter the star destroyer I decided to enjoy my life here.


Hello there just wanted to say that don't expect me to make this elegant or something I a. just doing this because I am bored due to this quarantine bullshit. at least pinpoint some mistake and sorry for the grammar I know it's trash.


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