
Stark industries ( 1 )

Ray opened the car door and sat inside. He placed his bag behind the car. His father also arrived and took the wheel.

" So what kind of project you are making? " Ray asked while fixing the broken radio. He took a screwdriver and twisted it.

" It is a secret. " His father said.

Ray rolled his eyes. " Come on. I know it is just a thing that shot a thing. No need to hide from me. "

" When did you become smart? Messing with my tools. Did your girlfriend dump you? I know that feeling kid. That's why I pick this kind of stuff. "

His father went on about his lore. Ray stayed inside his head, trying to fix the radio.

After a few electric shocks to his hand, the sound came from the box.

" I am done. " Ray smiled and placed the screwdriver under the car.

His father's eyes widened and touched the radio button to select the channel. The sound came smoothly.

" I don't know you are into cars, son. "

Ray sighed. " I am not. Anyway, why don't you pick Mom for dinner? You guys have not hung out for a while. "

" I suppose my work is taxing on me. I'll take a vacation. "

His father looked at Ray and said, " Maybe we can go to Paris. "

"Whatever you want, Dad. "

They arrived at Stark Industries. It was a giant building. Ray had been bewildered by the sheer size when he first arrived here but after a while, he felt numb.

He remembered the reason he begged his father and chuckled. During that phase, Ray was pretty stupid.

He thought he could connect with Tony Stark and tried to be with his father every second. He even went to become an experiment subject because of that.

No matter how many times he appeared in his father's works, Tony never showed up.

' Ah. Good times. '

Ray smiled at the guard. " Good to see you. Mr Flekn. "

The car passed that gate and parked underground. Ray got out of the car and noticed a fancy car in the parking lot.

He raised an eyebrow and let out a long sigh.

He followed his father to the elevator. They arrived at the third floor. It was his father's lab. Technically, it was for his father and his father's friend.

The door opened.

" Welcome handsome. " A seductive voice immediately sounded inside the room.

Ray looked at his father. ' Well, it is awkward. '

His father boldly formed a fake smile and ignored Ray's stare.

The room was huge. It was large like a football field. Of course, it was an exaggerated comparison.

" Stop flattering me. Mrs Cathy. "

A woman came out under the table. She wore a long white coat with her boobs hanging through the shirt. She was beautiful.

" Your son, Nathan?" The woman pointed at Ray.

Nathan looked at Ray and nodded. " His name is Ray Silvers. Ray, this is my new partner, Catha. "

Ray squinted his eyes. Catha came forward and shook his hand. Ray noticed the machine she was building and asked.

" What is this? Energy converter? "

He crouched down and looked through the machine. Catha came toward him and nodded. " Kind of. I am trying to come up with an energy-saving machine. "

Nathan was heading to the desk.

" I am going to test the design. Ray, don't cause trouble here. "

" I know. "

Ray grabbed the machine from the ground and observed. " I see. "

" You managed to convert 45 per cent of energy into use. It is pretty good. " Ray remarked. What Cathan was making was a water-down version of his watch energy convertor.

While Ray managed to expand a single-cell button for five laser shots, this machine was not good.

Ray loses interest in the machine quickly. He noticed a spot in the corner and decided to make his spot.

Catha grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her. " Wanna hear another project your father and I are going to make? "

Ray shook his head and scanned at Catha. He sighed and asked directly. " How is my dad? "

" Woh. I am not that kind of woman. "

Ray nodded his head, " He doesn't know your advance? Must be suck for you. "

" Okay. Fine. I will admit. I found your father attractive. It is not like I am going to break your family. No need to act cold. "

" I don't care. My family is about to break anyway. " Ray waved his hand and dismissed her inside his head.

" Change the molecular structure of components to 23 %. That will increase the energy converter by about 60 ℅. Of course, you need to twist your blueprint to reach that Mark. "

Ray walked to the corner. " Also. Don't try to fuck my dad yet. I wanna see my family function before leaving this damn place. "

Catha was dumbfounded. ' What the hell is he murmuring about? '

Ray sat on the corner and took a notebook from the bag. He started to plan for his future project.

He a clear goals already just needs extra steps to reach that goals.

After an hour of writing and fixing, his back hurt and decided to walk around. He looked around and saw Nathan and Catha focusing on something.

Catha was pushing her entire body onto his father.

Ray shook his head. ' If my father sleeps with Catha, I will tell my mother. They will get the divorce and I will take on my father's side. It is better that way. I stay quiet and focus on my things. '

' Maybe I should make this happen. Nah. Too heartless. '

He walked out of the lab room quietly and wandered around.

" Dodge that hook, eat this lead. "

" Ah. Ah. "

" I give up. I give up."

Ray scratched his chin. ' Can't believe I found him here. '


Author's words.

The plot will be slow for now since I want to establish Ray's power and intelligence. More importantly, I want to set tension for the character since he will be kind of immortal.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

If you have any suggestions, drop in the comment below.

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