

As the sun rose, Tony Stark, who has been missing since last night in Mumbai, was seen eating a burger in New York.

'I can't taste things as a Zombie...'

"Why do you have to be my secretary?"

Tony muttered as a beautiful and sexy woman with brown hair and brown eyes was staring at him flirtatiously.

But in reality, she wasn't a woman.

He was a shadow clone of Naruto.

Well, Naruto didn't really want to do this either. But he has to make sure that Tony's doctors don't try to take his blood, and he is never hurt since that will reveal that Tony is no longer a human.

"Tony! Where have you been! You disappeared from the Indian Military's radar, and even the US's radar couldn't pick up you coming back. Do you know how much diplomatic trouble you have caused!?"

Pepper came into the restaurant and started screaming the moment she saw him.

"Pepper... Ahaha! You see, my tech is better than the best military in the world!"

Tony gloated. And why wouldn't he? It was true.

Well, he came here through a portal created by Naruto though. He didn't know how it worked, but he will learn to create one in the future, definitely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Pepper. I am Soniya Singh, Mr Stark's new secretary."

Naruto's shadow clone, Soniya greeted Pepper, the CEO of Stark Industries.


Pepper glared at Tony, since he brought in a new secretary out of nowhere without informing her. And Tony could only look away from her.

"Sigh... Alright. Ms Soniya, submit your documents to my table today. And Tony..."

Pepper dragged Tony to a corner, and glared at him.

"You haven't been honey-trapped again, have you?"


"Where did you pick her up from?"


"...Why do you sound unsure of yourself? Wait... have you been drinking excessively again!?"

Pepper smelled Tony's breath, but he didn't smell like alcohol. Infact, he didn't smell like anything at all.

"Ms Pepper, why don't we move to the office first?"

Soniya suggested with a smile, and Pepper found herself agreeing to her due to genjutsu.



In the jungles of Bengal, Naruto's shadow clone stalked around the source of energy that was somewhat similar to Kurama.

And to his surprise, it was a small tiger cub.

It was sleeping peacefully with its siblings and mom, so Naruto left it as it is.



Real Naruto and a bunch of his clones scouted the area from which the energy even greater than his was coming. According to Shiori, it is possibly an infinity stone, most likely the mind stone.

When he saw a really normal guy enter his house, which led to an underground facility, Naruto put him under genjutsu with his Sharingan, and obtained all the information he needed.

It was a Hydra hideout, operating under SHIELD's guise, where a girl named Wanda and her brother were undergoing experiments with the a mysterious yellow gem.

'So it IS mind stone.'

Thankfully, the guy was a scientist who was directly involved in the experiments. So, he confirmed that the Mind Stone was currently in a secure vault. It was emitting so much energy that even Naruto couldn't sense if there are people nearby it.

Now that he was sure that no one was near it, Naruto directly opened a portal inside the vault, and stole the Mind Stone.

He then proceeded to teleport back to Shiori.

'This gem would look good on her. It's the color of my hair afterall.'

(North Korea)

Kim was having fun with his pleasure squad, when he was interrupted.

"Good morning, Supreme Leader."

He glared at the intruder, and was immediately put in genjutsu.

"What are my orders, master?"

He kneeled in front of his new master, Shiori.

Actually, Shiori considered various places on earth to establish her base. Some uninhabited islands, the North Sentinal island, and a lot of unstable countries, which will be easy to take control of.

But she decided on North Korea for a lot of reasons. Not only it is an isolated country, but the easiest to control too. Just control the dictator, and the country is yours.

Moreover, since the majority of people undergo military training to begin with, and are systematically brainwashed, they would be easier to become ninjas after they get chakra.

And the most important thing, this country has no religion. So converting the people into zealots and considering her and Naruto as their Goddess and God respectively wouldn't be too hard.

In short, it is a perfect country to take control of.

"Orders huh. So Supreme Leader-kun, let's start by having some changes in the country, okay? Make a grand temple for me first, alright?"

"Yes Shiori-sama!"

Just then, Naruto appeared behind Shiori, with a dazzling Mind Stone with him.

Well, things are about to become interesting.

Next chapter