
Getting Zombie Stark

A few months ago, Tony was invited to a party by Anbani in the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, and sadly he had to accompany a lonely lady to her private room.

He didn't want to skip the 4hr long dance show, but what could he do but go with her when she was very bored, and feeling lonely due to all the bollywood, hollywood, and who knows which couples were dancing and dancing and dancing?

Then, the infamous terrorist attack which came to be known as 26/11 happened. The staff member who tried to get him out of the hotel was shot in the head before his eyes, and before he could try to run, he realised that he couldn't move.

He was drugged.

And the next thing he knew, he was on a boat with the terrorists, ready to dock in Gwadar Port of Pakistan, where a Pakistani soldier shouted at them, got killed, and he was transported to a secret location, and forced to make weapons.

From what he understood, the the terrorist organisation that had kidnapped him went rogue from Pakistan's command. Otherwise, they wouldn't have dared to kidnap him, the most important person for the USA who makes 90% of its weapons.

Though the same country almost killed him by bombing Pakistan indescriminately, without any plan whatsoever. It was a pure stroke of luck that one of the Stark Industries bomb turned dud, and then proceeded to have a small explosion just near him.

Well, long story short, he made an arc reactor and Tin man suit from the scraps with the help of another kidnapped weapon engineer named Justin Andrew of Canada, killed some terrorists on his way, and successfully escaped from Pakistan and somehow crashed into the Himalayas, where Indian soldiers found him and Rhodey came to pick him up.

Fast forward some months, he has stopped manufacturing weapons, India and US's relations have improved drastically with their nuclear deal, and the Stark Industries have transitioned from being a weapon company to a tech company.

He was in India to set up the company for outsourcing tech guys, and was flying around Mumbai to decide on which place to set up the office.

Did the Indian government try to stop him from flying and using his 'weapon', the Iron Man suit? Absolutely.

But did they shut up when when he told them that he will set up the Asian headquarter of Stark Industries in Mumbai instead of Singapore?

Very absolutely.

But he didn't know that due to high temperature and humidity, one of the propulsor would malfunction and he would fly into two weird kids with blonde and purple hair.

And the next thing he knew, he was cut in half, and died on the spot.

And if that wasn't enough, he was now alive, yet not really feeling alive.

"Welcome again to the world of living, Stark-kun."

The weird kids in front of him. The boy even had whisker marks.

He looked at his body, and the arc reactor that was on his chest wasn't real. It was brimming with energy, yes. But it wasn't real.

"So, umm, hello? I am not a zombie now, am I?"

He chuckled, but the kids didn't laugh.

"Well, you are. I am only capable of resurrecting you as a zombie."

The girl brought out a mirror from her hand. What kind of sorcery is this?

Tony looked at himself in the mirror, and saw that his white part of the eye was black, and there was cracks running through his face.

The realisation of his death finally kicked in, and he became cautious against the magical kids.

And then, he saw his half cut body lying around along with his armour cut in half, very cleanly.

He shuddered, and became cautious of these magical people. They were most likely evil, since necromancy isn't a skill that goes well with good characters.

"Why did you revive me as a Zombie?"

He cautiously asked, and the girl smirked.

"Why do you think?"


... No. What will magical people require money for?


...They really are textbook villains.

"And your help to establish our ninja village as well. In return, you can live on as an unkillable Zombie for a while, and when we get powerful enough, we will revive you completely. How about it?"

"But you killed me in the first place."

"You attacked us first."

The blonde boy just muttered.

"You know magic. Surely you could have dodged? I didn't attack. My suit just malfunctioned."

The boy's face became devoid of expressions. Looks like he really could have dodged.

"Sorry about that, Stark-kun. You see, we were suddenly teleported to this unfamiliar world. And you were crashing into us the moment we arrived. So he panicked a little, and killed you on instinct thinking that you are a threat."

Tony sighed. Now, there are only two options for him.

If he disagreed to help them, he would be dead. Well, he is dead right now, but not dead... So is he dead or not?

Whatever! If he disagreed, he would not be able to live, even as a zombie. And it is entirely possible that he can be controlled entirely due to her necromancy skill.

If he agreed, he will be able to live like a zombie. But will have to help these guys into whatever their goal is. World Domination?

"Your goal isn't something clichéd like World Domination, is it?"

"We will create our own country, and find a way to return to our original world. If we really want to dominate this world, we wouldn't need you at all."

"And you don't plan to kill innocent people, do you?"

"Hey! Do we look like some sort of third rate villains!?"

Blonde guy shouted at him.

But yes. They do look like villains.

If he agrees to help them with the money thing, and probably the establishment of their country, will they really keep their promise and revive him fully?

"What if I disagree?"

"I will just control you."


"So now, feeling like agreeing to the offer, Stark-kun?"

"... Alright. I agree. But I won't make weapons for you."

"We don't need your toys. Maybe space-suits and other stuff, but not weapons.

Anyway, let me introduce ourselves. I am Shiori Uzumaki. And this is my husband, Naruto Uzumaki."

"Huh? Naruto?"

Didn't Happy mention an anime named Naruto a while ago?

Well... It was probably a coincidence.

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