
Marvel: Why Can't Luck Be a superpower

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. .......................................................... In a world where superpowers reign supreme, one man finds himself reborn into a universe of heroes and villains. Meet Indra, an ordinary man with an extraordinary stroke of luck. When asked about his superpower, he confidently claims, 'Good luck!' But in a world where abilities range from super strength to telekinesis, can luck truly be considered a superpower? As Indra navigates his newfound existence in the Marvel universe, he stumbles upon the most coveted of treasures: the ultimate Lucky System. While others harness the raw power of the cosmos or wield ancient artifacts, Indra's advantage lies in the unpredictable yet undeniable force of fortune. With the Lucky System by his side, every roll of the dice, every turn of the card, becomes a testament to his unparalleled luck. But as he delves deeper into this world of heroes and villains, Indra realizes that luck alone may not be enough to navigate the treacherous waters of superhuman conflicts. As alliances shift and betrayals loom, Indra must rely not only on his extraordinary luck but also on his wit, cunning, and the unexpected allies he encounters along the way. Join Indra on an epic journey through the Marvel universe, where luck is his greatest ally and his greatest weapon. Will his newfound powers be enough to carve out a place for himself in this world of gods and monsters? Only time will tell as Indra embraces his destiny and embraces the chaos of a world where anything is possible. ........... If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 ................................. Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out this translated novel! Just a heads up, I’ve done a lot of editing on this version. I’ve removed some toxic stuff and made the story more positive overall. I’ve also made some big changes to the story itself. So, if you’re familiar with the original, don’t expect this to be exactly the same. There will be new twists, different character developments, and maybe even a different ending. My aim is to make the story better and more enjoyable for a wider audience. So, while you might recognize the basic plot, expect some surprises along the way. I hope you enjoy this revamped version as much as I enjoyed working on it! Thanks for your support and happy reading! Original Novel : 漫威:我的超能力是运气好!

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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Chapter 21 You know party could be a Fun

For every 100 power stones you bestow, I will reward you with a bonus chapter. So here is today's bonus chapter. Enjoy 😉


Indra smiled as he looked around. This was a high-end hotel in the heart of New York City, typically reserved for people of significant status. The basement level housed a private casino, a detail Indra had noted from the elevator directory.

Patrons of this establishment were generally quite wealthy.

"How is this possible?!" Caleb exclaimed, his face a mask of disbelief. In a mere ten minutes, Indra had already won nearly ten million dollars from him. The casino's security was top-notch, featuring advanced infrared scanners and pinhole cameras, with at least three world-class cheating experts monitoring each table. It was impossible for Indra to be cheating. Could his luck really be this extraordinary?

Caleb's expression soured as he watched Indra. A nearby woman, thrilled by the spectacle, whispered excitedly in Indra's ear, pressing herself against him.

Casinos often focused their attention on two types of people: those who won a lot and those with significant wealth and status. Clearly, Indra fell into the former category.

Indra stood up, intending to leave. He wasn't a gambling addict; he just played occasionally to win some extra money for meals.

Seeing him rise, Caleb sneered, "What? Think you can just leave after winning? It's not that easy."

"Even though I don't have that much cash on me, I can wager this watch!" Caleb seethed, removing his watch and tossing it onto the table. For him, money was insignificant compared to his pride. This man had humiliated him, and Caleb was determined to restore his dignity.

Indra glanced at the watch and smiled. He recognized it as a limited edition Patek Philippe, a piece whose value couldn't be measured in mere money, as it was nearly impossible to purchase even with wealth.

"Alright, one last game," Indra agreed.

Caleb glared at Indra, refusing to believe in such consistent bad luck. Could he lose again?

"Fine! I'll bet this watch against all the money you have and the clothes on your back!" Caleb declared. "If you lose, you'll not only give me the money but also strip naked in front of everyone!"

Indra raised an eyebrow. Clearly, Caleb was intent on humiliating him, confident in his chances.

"Deal. If you lose, you'll do the same," Indra replied without hesitation.

Caleb nodded, and the dealer dealt the cards again.

Three minutes later, Caleb had lost once more.

Indra smiled, "Alright, Caleb, time to strip."

Caleb's face darkened with rage. He signaled his bodyguards, and several large men surrounded Indra as he prepared to leave.

Indra chuckled quietly. It seemed casinos were the same everywhere. When pushed to their limits, even the most dignified people resorted to such unsavory tactics.

He cracked his neck, ready to fight, when a voice called out from the crowd.

"A million dollars is nothing, Caleb. No need to make this difficult for anyone," said a well-dressed American man pushing his way through the throng.

Indra raised an eyebrow, recognizing the newcomer: Tony Stark.

The moment Tony Stark appeared, Caleb's angry expression instantly morphed into a beaming smile. He quickly got to his feet, and the crowd's attention shifted from Indra to Stark. Even the women who had been fawning over Indra now flocked to Stark.

Tony Stark's reputation was well-known throughout America. He was an inventor, adventurer, billionaire, playboy, and a madman. Ordinary people wouldn't dare to cross him, as there was nothing he feared.

"Yes, yes, a million dollars is nothing," Caleb said, laughing nervously. He then turned to Indra, his demeanor suddenly friendly. "Had I known you were a friend of Tony Stark's, this misunderstanding wouldn't have happened."

"Misunderstanding?" Indra replied calmly. "I'm not his friend."

The crowd fell silent, stunned by Indra's words. Caleb was taken aback. Everyone wanted to cozy up to Tony Stark, yet this man claimed not to know him? Was he crazy?

Tony Stark glanced at Indra, showing no interest in addressing him directly. Instead, he smiled at the crowd and said, "There's a party later, and you're all invited."

Raising his glass, Stark drew everyone's attention back to himself. The chatter resumed.

"Tony, do you know about the recent explosions in New York? Will you catch the bad guys?"

"We can't wait to see you bring them to justice!"

"Yes, we're all on edge. We're eagerly awaiting Iron Man's return!"

Amid the clamor, Indra felt his fun at the casino had run its course. He had his winnings and was ready to leave. As he turned to go, Tony Stark's voice rang out, "Hey."

The room fell silent again, all eyes on Indra. Stark approached, holding his champagne glass, and said, "I feel like I've seen you before, but I can't quite place it. Would you be interested in coming to my party?"

Indra smiled and shook his head. "I'm not interested," he said, turning to leave the hotel.

Tony Stark frowned, taking another sip of his champagne. He spoke to JARVIS, "JARVIS, pull up all the information you can on that man."

"Sir, retrieving relevant data... Data retrieval complete. The man's identity is unknown; there are no records of him."

"Using memory footage... Retrieval successful. He's the guy who beat up Captain America."

Tony Stark chuckled and said to JARVIS, "JARVIS, you can't use the term 'beat up.' You know the Captain is very sensitive about his reputation."

Stark downed his champagne and raised his glass, shouting, "Hey, tonight's party will be led by Happy! Let's have a blast!"

Ignoring the surprised looks from Happy and the crowd, Stark dashed out of the room.


Indra had just stepped into the elevator when Tony Stark joined him. "You know, the party could be fun," Stark said.


If you want? You get to read the next chapters before anyone else! Just go to pateron get chapters in advance : patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498