

I woke up with a girl on top of me, I got out of bed without making a sound and got ready to go to the base and try out the new gadgets that Howard had made.

I arrived at the base looking for howard and I met steve who was also looking for him

legion: "hi steve, did you have fun last night dancing with agent carter? (mocking smile)" I greeted him

steve: "leo, we had a good time" he said embarrassed but also a little proud

legion: "I hope you let her rest, since we have a lot of work for today" she kept mocking me while we talked until carter arrived

carter: "steve, leo" I greet us

Carter: "We are ready to do the tests, follow me, I'll take you to Mr. Stark" he told us and turned to guide us to the place of tests

as we followed carter i noticed he was walking a little strange

legion: "it seems that you were very rude, steve" I told him

Steve: "I think I'm excited" he said embarrassed as he put his hand on his head "

Carter: "Leo, it's better if you don't talk about things not related to work" he said as he stopped and turned to look me in the eye, they were nervous because of the look he was giving me so I shut up, noticing that I was quiet, Carter led us again

We arrived at a workshop and I saw howard working on some artifacts similar to shields, being next to him he began to explain the artifacts that he had prepared for the team that Steve was forming

He showed us suits made of carbon fiber, long distance radios, night vision goggles and other useful artifacts for the missions, when he finished showing us things he took us to another table where Steve's broken shield was

Howard: "I heard you're fond of this"

steve: "it's more useful than he thinks"

howard: "I took the liberty of creating more options" he said as he presented some shields with different abilities that he had on the table

while howard was explaining the different abilities of the shields, i noticed something shiny under the table, when i took it out i noticed that it was the legendary shield of captain america

legion: "steve, what do you think of this one?" I said as he tossed it to him

howard: "no, no, it's a prototype"

steve: "what is it made of" he said while checking the shield

howard: "vibranium, much stronger than steel and weighs a third"

howard: "it totally absorbs the vibrations" he said with an arrogant face trying to surprise us

steve: "why isn't it always used?"

howard: "it's the rarest metal on earth, what's in the shield is the only thing i could find" he said even more arrogant

While Steve and I were testing the shield, Agent Carter arrived.

Carter: "Are you done, Mr. Stark? We still have to agree on what plans we will use when we attack the Hydra bases"

Steve put the shield on the table and went to talk to Agent Carter.

legion: "what do you think of the new shield of captain america?" I asked carter while he posed with the shield

When Carter turned around and saw me posing with the shield, he grabbed a pistol from the table and fired 1 time, I quickly covered myself with the shield although it was not necessary since I could have dodged the shot, I also saw the trajectory of the shot and it was not deadly

but still I was surprised why he would shoot me

legion: "are you crazy?" I asked surprised

carter: "maybe that way you'll learn not to make fun of a woman" he said and turned away

Even though I know that she really didn't want to hurt me since we were friends, I was still surprised that she was still angry because of what I said to Steve.

legion: "steve, go calm down your wife before she kills someone" I said while the 3 of us still looked towards where carter went

before going to carter steve gave howard a piece of paper with a design and some ideas of what he wanted his suit to look like

howard: "as you want friend" said howard

I stayed with Howard talking about how he wanted my suit to be

I told him that I wanted it to be black with a design on the back of a circle with a spiral inside and around some stars forming a circle

(if you have a better idea for the legion logo, please leave an image in the comments)

after arguing with howard about how i want my suit, i told him if he found out anything about the batteries and weapons we brought from the hydra base

legion: "and that you managed to find out about the things we brought from the hydra base"

howard: "it is very advanced technology that should not exist in this era" he said thoughtfully

howard: "but the most impressive thing is the power source, the energy that drives the batteries and the weapons they brought is simply inconceivable within the next million years, it has characteristics that should be impossible"

howard: "and worst of all, it's the size of a grain of rice" he said confused and at the same time excited to be able to investigate this new energy, for the first time arrogance was not heard while speaking

So we were talking about the new energy and other things until there was half an hour left for the meeting where we would have to agree on the plan to attack the Hydra bases.

while I was going with the colonel on the way I found steve and carter talking very affectionately and about to kiss each other

legion: "guys, leave the flirting for later, we have to go with the colonel to agree on the plan" I said, surprising them

When they heard me, they were stiff and nervous, Carter got angry again when he saw that it was me and he yelled at me.

carter: "I read, it seems you don't learn"


Hello friends, here is chapter 14

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Sorry for posting after so many days, I got an eye infection and I had to go to the hospital

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