
The hawk is born.

The frozen wastelands shattered and split apart behind Daisy, as she strolled through. She could sense a blood lust around her, and the cold gazes of killers. Hundreds of people emerged from the frozen buildings in thick woolly coats and parkas.

"If you sided with the mutant revolt and helped the snow boy, let me know now!" Daisy announced.

They laughed and jeered, taunting Daisy with visible displays of their powers.

"Okay, good to know. You have three seconds to think of your loved ones and your final wishes!" Daisy announced holding three fingers up.

They laughed even harder, as she slowly closed her fist.

"You're completely surrounded and you expect-"

The man blew up into a messy affair; his guts splattering everywhere, quelled the laughter. They all looked at her mortified and horrified, some trying to run away and others at her, but all of them were obliterated. Daisy cracked her knuckles and continued to march deeper into the frozen wastelands, destroying the ice behind her. Ghost Rider and Spider-man exited the humvee standing a top some thick ice.

"Are you sure this is where the Sanctum is?" Spider-man asked, looking around at the frozen wasteland.

"Iunno, this where the GPS says it is." Ghost Rider shrugged.

A portal opened underneath and they fell through. The two of them landed inside the sanctum, with Dr. Strange meditating in front of them.

"Gee, haven't seen him do that in a while." Spider-man said.

"You two have finally arrived. We have much to discuss." Wong said.

"Oh no! What's wong?" Ghost Rider said chuckling with Spider-man.

Wong struck Ghost Rider across the face with a thick tome.

"There has been a breach in the multi-verse. One that crosses not only dimensions but time as well." Dr. Strange said standing behind them.

"Was it like that Spider-verse breach? I'm still not mad I wasn't invited to that."

"No, this one is a smaller scale..for now at least. I have located the breach, it's a weird one." Dr. Strange said.

Ghost Rider and Spider-man shared a concerned glance. They had seen weird, strange and even living nightmares, which didn't faze Dr. Strange. He created a portal showing the Blood Knight from above, sitting alone in the forest, sharpening his giant knight's long sword.

"Didn't Andrew kill that guy? I saw the footage." Spider-man asked.

"That guy, isn't from this universe, or same time period. From what the Scarlet Witch told me. His presence is something that has to be dealt with sooner than later."

"We've got a whole continent to save, you want us two, to go and fight some weird knight?" Ghost Rider asked.

Spider-man tapped Ghost Rider on the shoulder pointing to the portal. The Blood Knight stood tall, staring up at them.

"Can he see us?" Ghost Rider asked nervously.

"He shouldn't..."

The Blood knight carved a message into the ground. 'I will only fight the knight of Gow, do not disturb me.' The four of them took a step back as the Blood Knight leapt into the air. His helmet tearing through the portal, and he glared at them with glowing white eyes.

"I am not weird." He growled, falling through the portal.

The four of them stared wide-eyed in silence as the portal disappeared.

"Well...why don't we leave that guy alone, and go help Daisy out?" Spider-man said.

The three of them nodded in agreement. Noriko, Psylocke, Shadowcat, and Colossus, ran into Maria's room.

"We can't find Laura anywhere." Noriko said huffing and scared.

"What!? This base just got operational. Where the hell did she go!?" Maria growled.

"We don't know, but a jet is gone." Psylocke said.

Laura sat quietly in the Quinjet, looking at her claws.

"Are you sure about this Miss Hewlett?" Hawkins asked.

"I'm sure. I'm not going to be any help to them, with how weak I am."

"An Alpha level threat is something to be proud of."

"What good is that, against five damn calamity threats currently ruling over a country? Just...just drop me off above Apocalypse's last known location. And tell Noriko...tell her..."

"That you love her, and to be safe. I will pass on the message." Hawkins said.

"Sometimes, I wonder how long it took for Tony Stark to code you."

"A few hours, he made J.A.R.V.I.S first, which helped create F.R.I.D.A.Y, and those two created Ultron, which then created me."

"Which state uses Ultron?" Laura asked confused.

"Ultron is the A.I that regulates the security controls of the Raft. He's the badass of my siblings." Hawkins said.

Laura stood at the hangar door, as it opened up. She stared above the clouds, seeing glimpses of the country below.

"So he should be right under me?" Laura asked.


Laura took a deep breath and walked off the Quinjet. The wind howling past her ears as she parted through the clouds and plummeted down to the earth. Apocalypse sat on a large golden throne, with an army of mutants standing guard, and a line of terrified people in front of him. They were marched in single file, and forced to their knees in front of Apocalypse. The woman pleaded for her life, with tears streaming down her face. Apocalypse towered over her, placing his hand over her head.

"The weak are meat; the strong do eat." He growled crushing her head.

The line of humans cried out, falling to their knees sobbing and crying. Apocalypse suddenly looked up raising his hand and caught Laura falling out of the sky. Everyone looked on shocked as she was slowly levitated down to the ground.

"An Avenger! She can save us!" one of them cried out.

Laura stood in front of Apocalypse, standing only up to his pits. He knelt down grabbing her hand and kissed the top of it.

"The woman who saved me, from my curse, I must thank you."

"I heard you can read minds. You know why I'm here."

He stood up and bowed to her, before sitting back on his throne.

"You've come here to kill me, but not before asking for a gift. You want me to charge your X-gene as I have done for the others."

"You're god damn right. Now you better get to changing me, because you owe me. I'll kill you after."

Apocalypse chortled and stood up grabbing Laura by her skull, two tentacles shot out from his shoulder blades, penetrating her sides. She cried out in agony, her metal skeleton shot out from her skin. Apocalypse pulled his hand away, as Laura became encased in a metal cocoon. He stared on mesmerised, watching the metal pulse like a heart.

"How interesting, a metamorphosis."

Kate sat in woven chair glaring at Arachne, as she weaved another tapestry. Her forehead and palm throbbing and aching.

"You are....somewhat...not...ugly?"

"Try again."

She ran her hands through her hair frustrated and angry. Kate planted her boot down.

"ALRIGHT FINE! You are god damn fugly! You are hard to look at! There is no pervert alive that would get off on your looks. Not even the internet could make you f**kable! I have nothing that could compliment you, other than the fact you make really cool shit out of threads."

The spiders parted way and Kate stood on rocky grounds, with Arachne turning into a beautiful woman. She bowed to Kate and a long winding path opened before her, and she disappeared in an instant.

"ARE KIDDING ME!?" Kate yelled out.

She quickly grabbed her bow and ran to the top of the path, running through the gateway. She froze in place seeing a titan in front of her. The titan had fifty heads and one hundred arms, each step shook the ground, throwing Kate off balance. She glanced over look at the wooden sign nearby. 'Kill the Hecatoncheires, to emerge as victor.'

"F**k me dead." Kate groaned.

The Hecatoncheires turned around glaring at Kate, lumbering towards her.

"NOT LITERALLY!" Kate shouted running away.

Matthew, Wilson and Vanessa sat around a wooden table eating a platter of fish, with Colleen and Connie bloodied and bruised, in the corner. Their katanas sheathed rested on their backs.

"There has to be way to kill that dragon..." Colleen said struggling to lift her bowl of food.

"His scales are hard enough to break through, and when we do they just grow back in an instant. How the hell did dad actually beat him?"

"Maybe he tricked him? We can help with that." Matthew said with a smug smile.

Connie stood up grabbing the back of Matthew's head and slammed it through the wooden table. Wilson jumped to his feet trying throwing a punch. She threw him over her shoulder and stomped down on his shoulder. Her foot embedded deep into the bone, and Matthew tried to get up throwing a punch before being kicked into the wall.

"You two assholes have helped enough. If you two had just left her alone, I would still have my home; I would still have my damn life, and I would still have my parents!" Connie shouted with tears welling in her eyes.

Vannessa grabbed a knife off the table holding it in front of her.

"Get away from him!"

Wilson grabbed Connie's leg, trying to hold her down.

"Run my love!"

Connie grabbed Wilson by his face and hurled him into Vanessa. His large body crushed her flat against the stone wall. She glared down at him, as he coughed blood trying to turn around for Vanessa. She kicked him into the wall again, planting her foot into his chest, as he raged on.

"You are the daughter, of one of the most evil organisations ever. You complain about missing your servants?" Matthew said with a smirk.

"You ruined my life, you ruined her life. She has had a terrible life, because of my damn existence, and you made it even worse. What I want more than anything in this world, is to make things right. I am the Dragon's daughter, but I am not my father."

She grabbed Wilson by the scruff of his neck and grabbed Matthew, marching them out of the house. Colleen weakly followed after her, exhausted and haggard. Connie dragged them to the portal, and tossed them out. Shao Lao watched from above looming over them. Connie ripped the katana off her back and tossed it to Colleen. Colleen watched on silent and in shock, seeing the tears stream down Connie's face.

"That belongs to you. You are the stronger one and deserve to have Shao Lao's power. I know I ruined your life...I tried to steal your lover...I know I'm evil. But do you think that...do you think we could still be family? I don't care if you hate me...I don't want to be-"

Colleen rushed over hugging Connie tightly.

"You're not alone...you're family, whether I like you or not. And out of our crazy family...you're probably the least craziest and evil." Colleen said chuckling.

Connie hugged her back tightly. Shao Lao levitated down to their level.

"Your father never beat me, he did indeed trick me. The Iron Fist is nothing something achieved by killing me, but by a bond. You both had a right to the bond, however I can only bond with one person. So I ask you Daughter of the Phoenix and Dragon. Do you yield your power for your sister?"

Connie nodded. Shao Lao placed his claws onto Colleen's forehead, her arm branded by the serpent with wings tattoo. A gigantic spire of white flames shot out from her, the coiling white dragon soaring above her. Connie watched on mesmerised, as Shao Lao smiled down at them, picking Connie up with his tail. He quickly placed her at the last remaining pagoda, and flying back down to Colleen.

"It is time to train properly. Are you ready?"

Colleen flourished both katanas, releasing a wave of Chi, which sliced through the earth. She smiled at Shao Lao filled with vigour and new confidence.

"Bring it on." She yelled leaping at Shao Lao.

Andrew sat at a table connecting black plates of metal together, hearing the children laugh as they played with Mimi. The tranquil sound of the forest calmed him, as the Shaman sat down next to him.

"Is there a purpose to you sitting next to me Shaman? I would you call by a name, but everyone here just calls you shaman, and you apparently have no gender." Andrew said connecting the pieces together.

The shaman grabbed Andrew's hand, it was soft and delicate, and then caressed his face. He perked an eyebrow up at the shaman feeling awkward and confused.

"Whaaaat are you doing?"

"This life, do you wish it?" The shaman said with a hollow voice.

Andrew couldn't discern the shaman's gender, nor could he tell under the feathery cloak.

"A quiet life with a family? Yeah who doesn't? But I have powers, and a duty to help those in need, especially those in my home."

"Home...you spent a long time searching for the pieces. Now you have the pieces, what will you do with them Andrew? Put them aside for duty and honour?"

Andrew slammed his fist into the wooden table.

"Listen man...woman...whatever the hell you are. I can't sleep well at night, knowing I could have done something to stop an evil in front of me."

"You are not the only hero the world has. You were not the first, nor will you be the last. You will however join the ranks of the dead, if you continue your path." The shaman said leaving.

Andrew sat back his body still aching and bruised, looking at his purple and yellow skin. He looked around at the tranquil forest, seeing the happy children playing fetch with Mimi, the food on the table beside him. He smiled and chuckled to himself, before slipping his hand into a matte black gauntlet, of layered plate metal. Andrew furled and unfurled his fingers with ease, smiling to himself, before looking at the other pieces glumly.

"Fuark!" He reeled back groaning.

Kate frantically ran through the open field of crushed warriors, as the Hecatoncheires lumbered after her. Each hand now wielding a weapon, its fifty heads roared at her, the ground cracked beneath each step.

"F**k! F**k! F**k!" Kate yelled, firing her last arrow into the monster.

The arrow pierced through the skin annoying the beast. Kate continued to run, slapping her pauldrons.

"Come on you stupid thing, activate! Fly! Levitate! Flap flap! COME ON JUST FLY!"

The Hecatoncheires brought a club down and the ground shattered into pieces, and launched Kate into the air. She let out a scream feeling herself start to fall, when the wings sprouted, and she stared at the ground from the sky.


She was swatted out of the air into ground, her body bouncing off the broken ground. She coughed out blood, and rolled over groaning.

"Well at least this armour works...."

She looked up at the broken war bow, and dropped her head in defeat.

"For f**k's sake...Come on Kate...Andrew survived this crap when he was fat and weak. You can definitely do better."

A shadow loomed over her and her wings fluttered flying her into the sky. She flew into the dark sky catching her breath. Kate looked at her wings beating and let out an overjoyed laugh.

"Holy shit...I can fly now...This is...definitely new."

The Hecatoncheires jumped up and down trying to grab Kate. She stared down at him panting and scanned the battlefield. Kate spotted a Xiphos jutting out from the ground. She flew higher into the air, getting use to her new ability, and smiled down at the Hecatoncheires.

"You are so f**ked now asshole."

She swooped down at breakneck speeds, grabbing the Xiphos. Kate flew past the Hecatoncheires in a blinding blur of blood and guts. She hacked and slashed, flying around the monster letting out a thrilled battle cry. The beast cried out in pain and fell to its knees, and Kate flew into its mouth, plunging the xiphos into its throat. She flew deep into monsters gut and then flew out of its stomach, showering the area in purple blood and guts. She landed onto the ground, panting and huffing holding a broken blade. A door appeared in front of her and she smiled. Kate stumbled through the door, falling into an open coliseum. She looked up to see Zeus and the Olympians scowling down at her. The Ennead and Jade kingdom were also scowling at her. Kate was suddenly flung atop Thor's shoulder.

"WE WIN LOSERS! WE WIN! WE WIN! WE WIN!" The Asgardians cheered in the Coliseum with her

Kate fell unconscious as the Asgardians strutted out of the Coliseum, into a rainbow portal. Thor turned around to Zues, throwing two fingers up.

"In the words of our former champion. Get f**ked c**t." Thor said with a smug smile, before disappearing.

Kate shot awake in her bed, with Loki lying beside her. She patted her body down feeling no clothes only the cloth of the blanket touching her skin. Kate went red like a tomato seeing Loki shirtless next to her. She fell out of the bed, wrapping herself in the blanket, turning away see Loki not wearing any clothes.

"AH! WHAT HAPPENED!? DID WE? DID YOU? No...That's not possible you're twice my size. I would be in two pieces. What...why....how..."

"Relax girl, the Valkyries put you to bed, and no we did not sleep together...yet. I was here to offer my services to our champion." Loki said with a perverted smile, gesturing to his loins.

The door burst open and Loki reeled back, screaming in terror.

"It's not what it looks like Sigrun. She seduced me I swear."

Sigrun was the most beautiful woman Kate had ever seen. Taller than Thor, fair and perfect skin like Sarah, striking grey blue eyes with long grey plaited hair. She wore heavy thick leather armour, ardorned with gold, and a long flowing black cape. Sigrun grabbed the foetal shaped Loki and hurled him out of the castle with an angry roar. Kate watched on shocked as Loki's scream filled the golden castle.

"Is...is he going to be okay?"

"No. No, he will not." Sigrun growled.

She bowed to Kate, filling her with confusion and unease.

"Thank you champion, you did us a great service. We have waited a long time to make the other pantheons pay, for what they did to us."

"I...uh...you're welcome...why am I naked?" Kate asked flushed.

Sigrun arose.

"I apologise for the rude awakening, but we had to bathe you. You were covered in the Hecatoncheires blood."

"How long have I been out? I have to go and help my friends."

"5 days."

"5 DAYS!? Oh my god it's too late...I failed them." Kate said slumping down.

Sigrun looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"The time dilation. It's probably been close to a year back on Earth, and I've been up here."

Sigrun pursed her lips, biting her tongue and carried Kate against her will to the throne room. She dropped Kate down, as she desperately tried to cover herself, from the gazing Asgardians.

"I think someone has been feeding her some bad information. She believes there is a time dilation between Asgard and Earth." Sigrun said.

"Who would tell her that?" Odin asked.

"Andrew did! He said he was asleep for one night and six months had passed on earth."

"Weeeeellll....You see what happened was..."

The Asgardians went into great detail of what happened the night of Andrew's victory.


"Yeah guess 10,000 year old fermented beer, does that to humans." Thor said.

"Why didn't any of you just sober him up? Or send him home?"

"We...we all thought it was kind of funny. I mean he's super fun to be around when he's drunk. He sings and dances..." Thor said.

"I'm sorry he does what?" Kate asked shaking her head in disbelief.

"He dances and sings."

"That son of a bitch! That's why he never gets drunk around us." Kate growled.

"Wait, if he was here for six months partying with you all, why did you send him to New York with nothing? You had to have known where he lived."

"He kept saying he wasn't going to find true love in his home. So he wanted a fresh start in New York City. Then he proceeded to sing about making bacon pancakes in New York, before passing out." Freya said.

"So there's no time dilation...and only five days have passed on Earth."

"No, and before you rush home, Andrew left a message for you. Using his pet. It said wait three months before attacking." Odin said.

"He wants us train...Andrew hasn't ever wanted us train for a threat before. Three months...I need a place to train."

Brokkr entered into the room holding a large chest, straining to bring it in. He placed it down in front of Kate, taking a breath of relief.

"We learnt from our last lesson with Andrew, to not get lazy. So we did all the work ourselves." Brokkr said.

Kate opened the chest, seeing the leather armour, now a lilac colour. A top the leather armour sat a long ulfberht. She could see her own reflection on the fuller. She lifted the ulfberht with ease, feeling barely any weight in the blade. She flourished the blade feeling it slice through the air. Eitri walked in carrying a smaller chest and placed it down.

"I told you I needed more time, why would you come in first and make me look bad?" he said annoyed at Brokkr.

"Two chests? This is more than enough." Kate said.

"You are an archer at heart. We had to commission a weapon fit for your skills." Freya said.

Kate opened the chest seeing a metal bow, etched with several runes. The limbs of the bow shaped like a blade edge, and an arctic blue bowstring, and the grip had a large spiked guard. Freya stood in front of Kate, and said an enchantment. The lilac leather armour appeared over Kate. The cuirass was adorned with the symbol of a hawk; her feather pauldrons flared out, the skirt was now leather tassets. The ulfbert rested by her hip, and she padded her leather vambraces and greaves. Kate grabbed held her new bow up, wondering where the quiver was.

"It took me a while to get the pieces to meld together. But in that bow lies the ice from Niflheim. Please try it out." Eitri said proudly.

"I don't have any arrows."

"Pull the string back." Brokkr said with a smile.

Kate pulled the string back and an arrow manifested itself between her fingers. She smiled at everyone with tears streaming down her face.

"I...I have powers..now."

"We will need to find her a training partner." Sigrun said.

Loki barged in wearing his green robes, dusting himself off.

"Father, you will not believe what Sigrun did."

He looked up and froze seeing Sigrun glaring at him.

"Never mind, found one." She said with a sly smile.

Sorry about the frequency, I've been pretty exhausted from work and training. I'll try my best next week and release the chapters, that are going to get into the big battle that's upcoming.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695creators' thoughts
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