
The end of a god.

"Come Avengers. Show me Earth's mightiest."

Apocalypse grinned, as Wolverine, Samurai and Warg charged in, with Hawkeye taking to the skies, and Surge stepping back. Apocalypse parried and blocked each of their strikes, moving backwards. The ground shattered and rumbled underneath them with each blow. Wolverine plunged her claws into his chest, and he let out a pained grunt, before cracking her helm with a headbutt. Wolverine stumbled back with blood spraying out. Samurai sheathed her katanas by each hip and took a deep breath, readying a cross draw.

Apocalypse cocked his fist back, seizing the opportunity. Warg appeared inbetween them raising his shield up and parrying the blow. The force of Apocalypse's punch shattered the ground, and knocked Warg off balance. He looked at Samurai wide-eyed as she smirked at him.

"Shield your eyes from its brilliance. Dragon's flash!"

With a blinding flash of light, two dragons rend through his chest, and Apocalypse was sent flying back. He tumbled through the desert, and as he stood up looking at his blood, and his chest healing. A storm of frost arrows rained from the sky, each created a small icicle on impact. He raised his arm up, creating a shield from the metal vambraces. As the storm ended, a violent aura of violet lightning appeared before him. Surge grabbed his head, running streams of lightning into his head.

Apocalypse reeled back with violet lightning streaming through his eyes. His flesh became burnt and as Surge continued to pump lightning into him. A black rope wrapped around her waist and pulled her way. She looked back at Warg with Samurai and Wolverine approaching.

"What are you doing? I had him!" She exclaimed annoyed.

A maniacal and evil laugh rung out from Apocalypse's charred body. She looked back at him healing to a perfect state in a second. Hawkeye hovered above them, her bow at the ready.

"Marvellous. You four will make incredible horsemen, and you will be by side for eternity my hemet." He said pointing to them.

"He has my blood. He won't die easily." Wolverine growled.

"So what's the plan to killing him then?" Surge asked.

Warg engulfed the area in soul-fire, which expanded from his new suit of armour.

"We follow S.H.I.E.L.D's guidebook on killing those with regeneration factors. We're going to try every method, till he stays dead." Warg said.

"Cauterise removed limbs; destroy the brain, encase for eternity, send to space, or vaporise entirely." Samurai said flourishing her katanas.

Lightning whipped and lashed out of Surge.

"Fine by me, let's make sure he stays dead." She said.

Warg switched his shield to a sword, and the blade fractured.

"He's still confident and holding back on us. Let's not drag this fight out. Meet us in the air." Warg said.

He and Samurai stood side by side pulsating with black and white auras. In a flash the two of them appeared by Apocalypse's side, blowing the other three back a bit. Before he could react, they sent him into the air with a powerful upwards kick. Hawkeye flew into the air, bombarding him with a flurry of frost arrows.

"Did he just say us?" Surge asked confused.

Warg and Samurai both leapt into the air creating a black and white sonic boom. Apocalypse recovered in the air staring at them both, flying towards them. He grinned, throwing a punch, creating a concussive wave. Samurai leapt out of the way, and continued to charge towards him. The layered greaves on Warg, slid down clicking into place, and he created another black sonic boom evading the attack.

"Sonna of a bitch can fly now." Hawkeye, Wolverine and Surge said.

Apocalypse reeled back seeing his attack miss. Warg and Samurai sky walked past Apocalypse, slashing him to bits. He bounced between the two sonic booms, each time losing more flesh, with blood spraying out. Apocalypse let out an enraged roar, his muscles growing in size, and he blocked their attacks. Warg and Samurai rammed their blades through his arm and threw him towards the Earth. As he tried to stablise himself, several frost arrows embedded into his back. He cried out in anguish, continuing to plummet down.

He crashed into the ground. Apocalypse roared to life, and tried to climb out of the large crater, when Wolverine leapt down. She plunged her blades through his throat, pinning him to the ground, repeatedly stabbing him. Each thrust gored out more and more blood. Two metal tentacles wrapped around Wolverine's throat, and threw her out of the crater. Warg and Samurai crashed down, slicing off his arms, and kicked him out of the crater.

Apocalypse flew through the air with blood spraying out and was then blasted a beam of lightning. His body vaporised into smouldering ash. They tossed his limbs to the side, and gathered with the others, huffing and puffing. Andrew's helmet pulled back and Colleen sheathed her katanas by her hips. Hawkeye landed next to the others and her helmet pulled back.

"You can fly now?" Kate asked.

"Eh...its more just jumping really hard. I can't really hover." Andrew said with a thin layer of sweat on his brow.

Laura removed her armour, the metal retracting into her skin, the others looked at her strangely. Her physique was slender again, and threw them off.

"So...you want to explain that?" Andrew asked.

"Hard to explain...I asked that asshole to juice me up, like he did with the others. Now I feel...different."

Samurai drew her katanas, and leapt in front of Surge, blocking Apocalypse's attack. The force of his blow blew them all way, and created a concussive explosion. Samurai quickly stood up, her arms shaking and rattled.

"How did you see me coming?" Apocalypse asked, shaking his bloodied fist.

"I can sense things in a 10meter radius. You weren't hard to detect." She said with a smile.

Andrew, Laura and Kate quickly recovered, and pulled their armour out.

"Thought we killed him!?" Hawkeye asked.

Warg lifted the ground from the crater, revealing Apocalypse's limbs to be gone.

"You gotta shitting me. Even without a brain he can regenerate." Warg said clenching his sword.

Surge was barely conscious from the last attack, and had blood trickling out from her suit. Apocalypse let out a battle cry, flexing his bulging muscles, and grew even larger in size.

"Now the warm up is done. Let us fight for real."

Samurai smirked and removed her cardigan, and used Mimicry to take her scabbards away. Her hair rose into the air, and the dragon tattoo on her arm shone white hot. A dragon coiled around each blade with a third flying around her. Warg's gorget dropped as he watched on in awe.

"An Iron Fist. You honour me with this fight." Apocalypse said bowing.

"Fear my wrath, dread my presence, and run amok in fear. DRAGON'S RAMPAGE!"

Apocalypse swallowed by the three white dragons, turned into chunks, with Hawkeye firing a flurrying of arrows at each one. Samurai turned around to admire her work, however one chunk of Apocalypse was not frozen. He sprouted out again, even larger and punched Samurai away. Warg leapt to catch her, being pushed back from the force. Apocalypse loomed over the weakened Surge, ready to crush her with his boot. Wolverine rushed in slicing at his over leg as Hawkeye swooped in flying her to safety.

"Are you okay?" Warg asked.

"We can't even leave a single chunk otherwise he'll regenerate. Do you have a plan?"

"I do, but we're gonna need to drag this fight back to the mansion."

"I'll see you there babe." Samurai said kissing Warg on his helmet.

She leapt out of his arms and charged in, with Warg following behind her. Wolverine and Apocalypse traded blows, her claws sliced through him like paper, but he continued to regenerate. Each blow she took from him cracked her armour, rattled her bone and crushed her muscles. However each one made her armour thicker and her muscles grow in size. Apocalypse found himself being pushed back. Samurai leapt into battle slicing off his head and an arm, with Warg racing past them. He found Hawkeye placing Surge down gently.

"Slow down his regeneration and bring the fight back to the mansion. We're gonna destroy the planet, before we tire him out."

Hawkeye nodded and flew away. Warg took Surge into his arms, and began sprinting towards the mansion.

"What's...the...plan...?" She asked weakly.

"Total vaporisation, you're the only who can do that." He said.

Warg found the destroyed mansion, clearing the rubble and debris in an instant. He dropped his sword into the ground and parted earth apart revealing the arc reactor sitting beneath. The giant generator pulsed a violet energy around a blue disc. He placed her next to it.

"Take your time, charge up. We'll bring the fight back here."

Warg leapt out with the ground reforming over the arc reactor. Surge weakly stood up placing her hands atop the protective glass.

"Hawkins...how many arc reactors are connected to this thing?" She asked.

"There are two arc reactors in each state, so a total of 13."

"Good, I can handle that." She said with a smug grin.

Surge broke her hands through the protective glass. A oversize wave of energy flooded her body, and she let out a scream. Blue, Red and Violet lightning streamed out of her body, with stray beams of lightning melting her surroundings. Wolverine had no doubled in size, standing toe to toe with Apocalypse. Her armour twice as thick with her claws rending his flesh apart. She and Samurai slashed Apocalypse to pieces, with Hawkeye freezing the limbs from above. Apocalypse let out a roar, his grey skin turning white hot. Samurai leapt away with Wolverine continuing to dig into his flesh. A pulse of white hot fire released from his body, turning Wolverine's armour molten. She fell back screaming in pain, with Samurai releasing a wave of Chi to part the fire. Hawkeye quickly flew towards the clouds suddenly feeling Apocalypse's hand wrapped around her leg.


She drew her ulfberht, slicing off his fingers, and flew away. He roared and flew after her. Hawkeye weaved in and out of the clouds, freezing a cloud each time Apocalypse flew through one. He shattered the frozen clouds chasing after her, as she flew towards the mansion. Samurai followed after him, with Warg running on the ground, and Wolverine mounting a copy of Mimi.

"So why the hell is Mimi this big now, and how are you using soul-fire without dying?"

"We need to buy more time for Nori!"

Hawkeye flew down towards the ground, narrowly avoiding Apocalypse's grip. Samurai followed after him, plunging her katanas through his back. He did not care and continued to chase after Hawkeye. Warg tackled Samurai out of the way, as another copy of Apocalypse appeared, trying to grab her. The three of them stood back to back, watch as an army of Apocalypses approached them.

"You gotta be f**king joking." Samurai said.

"A LITTLE HELP!" Hawkeye yelled flying past them, with Apocalypse flying after her.

Warg summoned a black rope around Wolverine's waist, and handed it to Samurai.

"Help her, I'll deal with these assholes. No more cutting, a single drop of blood and he can resurrect himself, by the looks of it."

Wolverine retracted her claws, and Samurai sheathed her katanas. She leapt into the air dragging, Wolverine behind her. Warg switched to his stick. The sight of Mimicry's base form, made him chuckle. He filled the stick with chi turning it into a bo staff, flourishing it behind his back.

"You stand surrounded by a thousand copies of me. You could barely last against one of me." The army said in unison.

"I am a literally f**king army."

A black magic circle appeared over Warg, and duplicated a copy for each Apocalypse. He took a step back shocked at Warg's ability. Chaos and carnage ensued as each flaming copy of Warg, engaged with copy. Black sonic booms rang out, with bodies flying into the air, and bodies being blown away. Samurai and Wolverine chased after Hawkeye nimbly avoiding Apocalypse's grasp. She hurled Wolverine at Apocalypse. Wolverine clutched to his leg, and quickly mounted his back, choking him. He froze in the air trying to shake her off, when Samurai grabbed his leg and started to swing him around. He let out a roar as he was thrown towards the ground. Wolverine kept her grip tightly around him, as the two of them crashed into the ground. Warg leapt out of the chaos, pulling Wolverine out of the crater, and dispelling his clone spell.

"RUN!" He ordered to Samurai and Hawkeye.

Maria watched on from a satellite feed, with M.O.D.O.K, Psylocke, Shadowcat and Colossus beside her.

"Hawkins, what's the power reading of the arc reactors in Australia right now?" Maria asked.

"0%." Hawkins said, with a smug grin spreading across Maria's face.

The ground beneath the army of Apocalypses went white hot. They all looked down in sync, and were then vaporised in a blast of white lightning. The four of them looked down from the sky, with Samurai holding both Wolverine and Warg, and Hawkeye flying beside them.

"Holy shit..." They all said.

Surge levitated out of the smouldering crater, like a violet sun made of lightning. The ground melted in a radius of her. The remaining copies of Apocaylpse charged at her, being reduced to nothing in a second by blast of her lighting. Warg smiled down at her.

"There's my super sayian." He thought filled with pride.

The four of them landed down next to her, cautiously keeping their distance.

"I think we got him." Hawkeye said.

The ground in the distance exploded, a titan sized Apocalypse emerged. His head clearing past the clouds.

"YOU WILL JOIN ME OR DIE!" He bellowed staring down at them.

The four of them glared at Hawkeye.

"You just had to..."


Surge released a beam of violet lightning vaporising a hole out of his chest. He stumbled back, shaking the ground beneath them.

"YOU HAVE CHOSEN DEATH!" He roared cocking his fist back, ready to strike the ground.

Warg summoned Mimi, placing a magic circle onto his back. Mimi grew to the same size and tackled Apocalypse down. The two titans brawled down, shaking the area violently.

"What's the plan now!? He just went full power ranger on us!" Hawkeye yelled.

"Help me sweetie." Warg said grabbing Wolverine's arm.

Samurai did the same on the other side.

"Cut him in half, we'll handle the other halves."

They hurled Wolverine into the sky, creating a double sonic boom, and she flew past the clouds.

"I can't vaporise something that big! I don't have the energy to do that!" Surge exclaimed.

"You're only doing half. Kate will do the other half. " Warg said standing behind her.

Samurai followed his lead and stood behind Kate. His armour enveloped Surge, and her violet lightning went matte black. She felt a different kind of energy radiating inside her body now.

"I'll be right behind you. Don't hold back and we'll kill this asshole once and for all." Andrew said.

Hawkeye drew her bow, when Samurai rotated it to the side.

"If this thing was made by the same people who made Mimicry, then this should work."

She knelt under the bow, engulfing the weapon in a raging white fire. The bow grew and grew, becoming twice the size of a ballista. Hawkeye gripped the string, pulling it back by taking a few steps back. The arrow materialised as a long arctic blue dragon, with cold clouds emanating from its body. Andrew and Surge looked over at the Frost Dragon growing in size.

"We're not gonna lose to that." Surge said.

The Black lightning aura swelled and whipped violently, starting to take the shape of a giant black wolf. The Black wolf grew in size with the black and violet lightning crackling around its body. Apocalypse punched his hand through Mimi's skull. Mimi's body went limp and suddenly changed into a rope shooting to the sky and latched itself to Wolverine. He looked up seeing a ball of fire re-entering into the atmosphere. Wolverine plummeted down with her armour and claws white hot. Apocalypse could not react in time, and Wolverine ripped into his skull, slicing from head to belly.

His body split in half and slowly started to reform, with Wolverine hacking and slashing in his insides. Hawkeye released the bowstring, and the Samurai was thrown forward from the force. Surge let out a defiant scream and released the charge, and Andrew was blown backwards. The Black lightning wolf and the Frost Dragon roared towards Apocalypse. He raised his hand to stop it. One half was completely vaporised, leaving a blackened trail of destruction and ash. The Frost Dragon left a rising mountain of ice, completely freezing the half of Apocalypse in an instant. Surge and Hawkeye looked at each other.

"Mine looked cooler." Surge said, falling onto her knees.

"I had a literally f**king dragon. You shot out a furry."

Wolverine pulled herself free from the frozen carcass. She looked at the half, and how its insides were completely black and dead. Her size had tripled since she absorbed apart of those attacks. She lumbered her way to the others. Andrew and Colleen were asleep, Noriko and Kate were resting back to back. Her size shrunk down and she took a seat in front of Noriko.

"I'm sorry that I..."

Noriko pulled her in close, kissing her, and then slapped her across the face. Laura looked at her shocked and speechless.

"The next time you go looking for a god damn power up. Try drugs first, and not the crazy god mutant."

Laura laughed and embraced Noriko tightly.

"I'm sorry." She said with tears welling in her eyes.

M.O.D.O.K and the others celebrated in front of the screen with Maria smiling at the screen. She left the celebration and took out her phone, finding a quiet corner.

"Ultron, new threat assessment." She ordered.

Ultron spoke with a calm yet sinister demeanour.

"Kate Hawkeye Bishop previous threat level Alpha. New threat level. Potential Omega Threat. Laura Wolverine Hewlett, previous threat level Alpha. New threat level. Potential Omega Threat. Noriko Surge Ashida, previous threat level Calamity. New threat level. Potential Omega Threat. Colleen Samurai Wing, previous threat level Calamity. New Threat level. Omega level. Andrew Warg Wing, previous threat level, Potential Omega threat. New threat level. Omega threat. Unwise to keep all five together, best to split them up and safe keep more areas."

Maria chuckled and tucked her phone away.

"Thank you Ultron. That won't be necessary. They're the strongest team we have on Earth."

The sun began to set, and a Quinjet docked next to the five of them sleeping, back to back. Yue and Ryu rushed out, with tears streaming down their faces, waking them up. They tackled Andrew and Colleen to the ground, hugging them tightly, kissing them frantically.

"You stupid kids, giving us a heart attack! You don't call us or write when you disappear!" Yue said hugging them tightly.

Maria walked off the Quinjet gazing at the mountain of ice still emanating cold smoke. The five of them looked up at Maria with a big weak grin.

"Andrew, Noriko, Colleen, Kate, Laura." She said bowing to them.

"Rest up, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

The seven of them glared up at Maria, with anger and disbelief.

"You're wedding needs to be boss as hell. Which means we have a lot of planning to do." She said smiling at them.

Ryu and Yue helped Andrew and Colleen aboard, with Noriko leaning on Wolverine, and Kate strolled onto the quinjet. Andrew and Colleen leaned on each other, holding hands. Andrew tossed a black shard to Noriko.

"What's this for?" She asked weakly.

"You're my best man."

Noriko leapt to her feet, filled with new energy and vigour.


Kate and Laura looked at each other, before looking at Colleen.

"I'll decide later, but it'll be one of you two, I can promise that." Colleen said nuzzling onto Andrew.

"Oh come on! It's obviously me. I've known you the longest!" Laura said.

"Bullshit! IT was my bow that killed the other half of Apocalypse!"

Maria chuckled in the cockpit hearing the spat get louder in the back. The door closed behind her, and she felt a wave of relief. A feeling that she thought, she would never have again. The Quinjet flew into the sunset.

Next chapter