
2 Plague

"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."



Eyes. So many eyes.

Their eldritch gazes littered the interior of this purgatory, staining every crevice of this prison and allowing their one and only prisoner to bare witness to their unholy wretched sight

The echoes of their contortions and churns as they peered all over and twisted in an amalgamation of vile curiosity, drove madness into the mind and shiver to arise in any that heard

Until suddenly without warning or signal, their phantasmal sounds laced and imbued with an aura that forced one to feel nauseous - ceased.

Their irises revolved around the room before finally resting on the Gods' First Prisoner who seemed to be... waking?!

The songs of death rang in the ears of many, the choir that heralded doom to all began to sing and finally... sonorous clang of chains colliding against one another reverberated around the sickening dimension cut off from the world itself bringing the world to pure unbridled silence

With only the rhythmic, restless inhales and exhales of breath could be heard from the far middle of the cell until even this was disrupted by the creature's awakening.


--??? POV--

My eyes opened slowly, reluctancy and fatigue grasping my soul but still I saw the world. From my slumber I arose like a new born baby just emerging gloriously from the womb.

And similar to a new-born, I also felt the incessant need to return to the once silent realm of dreams, it was if a hand chained my neck and still begged for myself to be brought back to see darkness, know darkness and be one with darkness once again

Though the icy chill that clawed at my legs that were left dangling onto the floor surely woke me up from my subconscious state.

I jolted slightly from the sudden exposure making the chains above clang together like well oiled cogs in a factory

'Chains?' I attempted to coordinate to move my arms in a futile try to escape but what I found shocked me, 'Arms...Four of them...and not just that, four eyes as well.' My eyes blinked simultaneously in repulsive fashion that simply screamed nightmarish to any foreign viewer I presumed... and to me as well

I moved them once more but more proactively but all I was dealt with, was numbing, agonising pain.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed out until my throat grew arid and my lungs grew empty. I groaned and huffed, still taunted by my previous pain as I felt some large trickles of a liquid descend down my body, 'wet.' I stated obviously, gritting my teeth to mitigate the pain I was feeling

6 - no 7 bladed objects pierced my body and tore through my flesh and bone with ease that shocked me to my core as if 'my' body was just a mere delicate ceramic artwork that could be shattered in an instant.

The all to familiar metallic taste of blood submerged my tongue and bathed my mouth as it threatened to erupt from my features and stain the the already sickening ground.

I closed my eyes once more allowing my mind to sink into the depths of thoughts but before I could come to the desired calmness, the scarlet fluid that ebbed and flowed through my body met good on it's warning and burst from my mouth in an unsavoury timing

The thick musky stench that already permeated around the room intensified and forcing my gaze to wander until they finally grew enough clarity to see them

Fear bore its way into my brain so much so that I couldn't think as these eyes pierced my soul and analysed every fibre of my being

"What kind of fucked up situation have I found myself now," I sighed, though I froze once I heard my voice, 'This…isn't my own as well.'

"I-I remember that I was currently in the middle of... eating or was I taking out the trash? 8:30 train I had catch... flavours so overwhelming, what happened?!," I scavenged through my memories searching for a clue or a bone to be given to know where I was and…and who I was.

Glimpses.. fragments of memories not my own and memories that I felt too close to be estranged, "WHO THE HELL AM I?!" I screamed out in aggravation.

It was terrifying to me, that I who had experienced what must have been decades of life, to have that all vanish in a matter of seconds

I upturned every single memory, idea, thought, anything…but I couldn't find anything of us even the shards of life that i did obtain only displayed carnage and destruction no human could commit

I needed the true essence of them to make me feel whole but it was as if someone was keeping, withdrawing these memories away from, fastening them to a stick and keeping them just out of reach before my eyes

That was until the stability and calmness that kept me together and restrained severed and I broke out into pandemonium at this gnawing feeling that ripped into me that something was being withheld from - something that was rightfully mine.

And if was in that moment, my subconscious felt the malevolent of something too evil to be humab as if dragged my mind and soul to world forgotten by all that is good

For what stood on the other side of where I lay, shrouded in an unholy veil was a demonic shrine - you may believe that 'how can a shrine be personified as 'demonic' and to that I will erupt in uproarious laughter for those who believe a shrine to be sacred have clearly not befell witness to this malignant spawn of hell.

What lay ahead before my very eyes was a Buddhist shrine that has been disfigured to the point that just gazing upon I believed that my soul had been defiled with sin.

The shrine has horns on the roof, skulls hanging at each of the corners of its summit mouths coming out of each side of it, and is surrounded with bull-shaped skulls.

My being shook with fear and anxiety though what seemed to be strange was that I felt an emotion akin to.. familiarity.

'…Sickening,' at least that was what one 'side' me believed, that to feel a sense of closeness to 'this' irked to me to no avail. However, another seemed to relish in the appearance of the shrine and controlled me to move forward once more.

And with each step I took, the shrine's own gravitational pull drew me in further until finally I stood before its skeleton framed mouth.

It's sweet temptatious whispers calling from the abyss within promising me riches, power and my…memories.

"You cannot swim to new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of shore" I subconsciously quoted words that mean nothing to the current.

Why ,when and how it came to my mind to be expunged by mouth I could not tell you - all I know was that this 'shrine' was a key to make me whole and complete so I shall take it's hand and dance the thread between life and death

I plunged my body into the skull and it closed rapidly- gouging into my body like a gourmet steak.

Though even through my body's pain at it's skin, flesh and being shredded apart inch by inch, devoured until there was nothing left all I could do was release a heartfelt laugh from the tip of my lungs as I.. began to remember EVERYTHING.

And a symphony of laughter of followed and then that's when I saw all the possibilities of this entanglement and it all led to freedom


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