

The mission was going pretty easy. We landed on Leviathan. Retrieved "important" intel on the Militia and all was Skittles and rainbows until half the team decided to go exploring I thought to myself as I rethink my life choices of becoming an Apex Predator.

"We're pinned" Viper bluntly says as we shoot at Militia grunts and take cover behind the walls of a house. I pause looking as if in deep thought at the sight of squads of grunts rushing towards us before I nod and agree. The laughter of around half the group rings out through my helmet. As the laughs finally fade away, I decide it's time someone in the group does something useful.

"Kane where are you?" I calmly ask the most unpredictable of us all. As I finish asking that, I hear the screams of Militia grunts to which gives me my answer. Leaning my back against one of the walls in the house me and Viper are in, I slide down and close my eyes. Listening to the mechanical movement of a Titan annihilating the grunts around us as the roaring laughter sounds out in my and Viper's helmet.

Hearing the bashing of a door, I lazily open my eyes as I nod at Viper. The grunts seem to decide on taking their chances with us in the house. I feel the excitement slowly bubbling up inside me. Silently creeping up to the corner of a wall near the almost bashed down door, I patiently wait for them to come through.

The door comes down as three grunts come rushing in. I glide to the one closest to me as I snap their neck smoothly. Following that up with a organ smashing kick to the stomach to the next grunt as his body flies to the last grunt knocking him down. I brush my hands off as I look at the last grunt struggling to get up.

As he finally tosses the dead body of his fellow soldier aside, he tries to raise his gun at me to only freeze with a knife to his throat. "I hope you didn't forget about me" Viper says coldly as he cuts the grunts throat so deep he nearly cuts the whole head off. I sigh out loud in disappointment. Fighting grunts are so boring and I didn't think there would be so few left.

Shaking my head at the thought, I step outside to see the land scorched by fire marks and burned bodies. I see Kane's Titan approach us as he exits the Titan. "Woo! Now that, was fun!" Kane shouts as he bursts out laughing. Me and Viper look at each other before shrugging.

(Time skip one year)

I painfully breathe in and out as I feel plenty of cuts and bruises on my body after days of fighting. Sitting on top of the tallest building in a ruined city, I wonder where the calvary is. "One more pilot is all they need they said" I mutter to myself. "It'll be fun they said"

I shake my head as I recall how the rest of the IMC forces I was with were swiftly killed by the Militia due to arrogance and lack of care. I try contacting the team after a quick glance at the approaching Militia Titans and Militia grunts.

"Bandit" I hear Kuben Blisk, my leader speak to me finally. Hearing his solemn tone, I realize the situation is more hopeless than I thought. Chuckling through the com link, I speak out after silence comes over the both of us. "So is this it?" I ask out loud.

"The calvary isn't enough to face off what seems like an army of those Militia fucks. Upper command ordered them to withdraw" Kuben says with venom in his voice when mentioning the IMC command. "Oh leader I never knew you cared so much for me" I jokingly tease him as I check the rest of my ammunition.

Silence comes over the both of us before he surprises me with a quick agreement. Silence comes over the com link once again. "Hey Kuben?" I softly call out. "Yeah Alex?" Kuben responds with my real name throwing aside code names and command. "If you ever meet someone like me in the future, offer them a spot on the team" I say as I stare at the incoming hostile Titans.

"They'll be strong if they're like you so sure but why?" he says with a confused tone. "Despite how batshit insane and awful everyone in the group is, this group.."

"This group?" he questions as he tries to lure more out of me. I scoff and laugh as I shake my head at how stupid I must be sounding. "This group felt like home ya know?" I say softly as he chuckles. "Yeah only the most crazy of the bunch would think they belong with other crazies" he says as we both burst out laughing.

Sighing out loud, I stand up slowly. "Requesting Titan fall" I speak out with a tone only a man who's come to terms with his soon to be death could sound. "Request granted!" Kuben says with a proud and strong tone as I break out into a sprint. Leaping off the building, the crash of Juliett on the ground alerts the army of hostiles. With her hands stretched out, she catches me. "Ready to give them hell?" A nod from her is all I see and need before I'm engulfed into the cockpit of my Titan.

I quickly control Juliett to set up a sniping position to take out as many as I can. Taking shots at the Militia on and off, I slowly sink deeper into the ruined city as I use guerrilla warfare. On the ninth attempt of a hit and run, a Titan sniper shot to the leg disabled Juliett the ability of running. Having Juliett lean against a building, I exit the cockpit as I throw aside my own Longbow-DMR sniper rifle and equip my dual RE-45 Auto pistols.

I continue to take cover and exchange shots with the incoming hostile forces. I peek out to exchange shots once again before I get nailed by a sniper in the arm. "Protocol 2. Protect the pilot" Juliett says hurriedly as she returns fire for me.

I nearly collapse in exhaustion and pain as I hold my other good arm to try and slow the bleeding. "Juliett" I say as she understands my intentions through the neural link we have. Taking me into the cockpit, I have a coughing fit before I regain my composure.

The hostile forces notice the sudden stop of fire as they quickly advance towards us. Juliett raises her sniper but I shake my head. She slowly lowers her sniper. "Juliett-Whiskey Nine-Nine-One-Seven" I call out. "Yes pilot?" Juliett says with a sad tone already knowing what I plan on doing.

"Activate Plan Supernova. Password Phrase: The beautiful Juliett" I say with a pained smile on my bloody lips. "Pilot...you do know being attracted to a robot is concerning right?" Juliett says in rare humor to which I chuckle as I hear the also pleased hum all around me in the cockpit.

Silence descends on us as the countdown in front of us counts down by the second. Plan Supernova? It's nothing much. But when you're a money loaded mercenary who spends all their money on their Titan, it can be concerning just how big a self destruct can be.

"It was a good run Juliett" I say as the countdown reaches 5. "Indeed it was Alex...indeed it was" Juliett says as we close our eyes.

i literally had to search up everything. from the short few words Kane said to seeing if Kuden actually cares about his predators which in fact he does. in his own weird way. i’m so clueless about marvel and titanfall lmao. please comment and review to see what i can improve on

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