
Chapter 6: A Brotherhood in Shadows

Ezio Auditore found himself standing in the vast desert, the scorching sun casting long shadows across the dunes. His eyes squinted against the unfamiliar brightness. Instinctively, Ezio unsheathed his blades.

Hunter, 'Status'

[ Name: Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Origin: Assassin's Creed Universe

Title: Master Assassin


• Master of parkour and free-running.

• Exceptional hand-to-hand combatant.

• Proficient in stealth and assassination techniques.

• Skilled with a variety of weapons, including dual Hidden Blades, sword, and throwing knives.


• Disciplined and focused.

  • Strong sense of justice.

• Strategic and tactical thinker.

Unique Traits:

• Eagle Vision: An innate ability that allows Ezio to perceive the world in a heightened state, identifying targets and points of interest. ]

  [ More information will be revealed if user wins trust of summoned character]

Hunter, acknowledging the harsh situation, began, "Ezio, welcome to a different world. We need your skills to navigate the shadows of this era."

Ezio, gauged the young man speaking to him. The instincts which he finely tuned by numerous battles rang alarm bells as he spotted the white-haired man standing behind Hunter.

Hunter explained, "We face powerful enemies, Ezio. Organizations with influence and technology beyond our understanding. Your expertise in stealth and combat could be our key to victory."

Ezio, surveying the endless expanse of sand, spoke, "The world is unforgiving, much like the political landscapes I navigated in my time. But why should I lend my blade to your cause?"

Hunter, looking into Ezio's eyes, said, "Because the ideals you fought for, the pursuit of justice, still hold true. Our world needs someone who understands the shadows, and you are that someone. I am building an organization which would stay in shadows hidden to world's eyes protecting it from external dangers. And trust me when I say external, I mean gods and demigod level powerhouses."

Ezio, a glint of recognition in his eyes, sheathed his hidden blade and nodded. "Injustice transcends time. If my skills can aid in bringing balance to this new world, then consider me an ally. Besides I don't have another choice with that man backing you up"

Hunter said, "Your legacy is known to me. Together, we'll face the challenges this era throws at us."

Ezio, a hint of a smile on his face, remarked, "I may not comprehend the intricacies of this place, but the Creed remains the same. Let justice guide our blades."

Ezio, after a moment of contemplation, questioned, "This organization you speak of, Hunter, what structure does it hold? I've led my Brotherhood with autonomy and secrecy. If I am to join you, I'd prefer a similar arrangement in the organization."

Hunter, considering Ezio's request, replied, "Your skills deserve recognition and independence. I propose a special wing, operating under your command. A force that answers directly to me, the Director of this organization."

Ezio, a glint of approval in his eyes, remarked, "Independence is crucial. My Brotherhood thrived on secrecy and swift action. This special wing you offer, will it have the autonomy to operate as it sees fit?"

Hunter nodded, "Absolutely. Your expertise demands freedom. Consider it your Brotherhood within the organization, Ezio. A force that moves in shadows, answering only to its leader."

Ezio, a sense of satisfaction in his voice, agreed, "Then, Director Hunter, I accept your terms. My Brotherhood shall be a silent blade, cutting through the shadows for the cause of justice."

Hunter, extending a hand, shook Ezio's. "Welcome to the organization, Ezio. Together, we'll forge a path through the modern shadows."

Jiraiya, with a subtle intensity, inquired, "Ezio, our actions might not always align with the world's greater good. There may be times when our assassinations serve the interests of the organization rather than the world. What's your stance on such matters?"

Ezio, a shrewd look in his eyes, responded, "I've led my Brotherhood through many shades of morality. The path to justice is not always clear-cut. If our actions secure the organization's objectives, I'll tread that path, but let it not deviate too far from the principles of justice. We do not touch civilians. Stay one's blade from the flesh of the innocent; draw not attention to oneself whenever possible; and never compromise the brotherhood. This is the only creed, everything else is allowed."

Jiraiya, acknowledging the complexity, remarked, "Balance is crucial, Ezio. We aim to navigate the shadows, not lose ourselves within them. You cooperation in maintaining that equilibrium will be invaluable."

Ezio, with a nod, stated, "I've lived in the grey areas of morality. As long as our actions serve a just cause, I'll lend my blade to this organization. But remember, stray too far into darkness, and even the shadows won't hide the stains on our souls."

As the evening settled in, Hunter approached Jiraiya and gestured towards Ezio, who was taking in the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Hunter: "Jiraiya, we need to get Ezio up to speed. Fill him in with the necessary information. But I do wonder why some of the characters gain my partial memory, while some don't, and then there is you who has all of my memories."

Jiraiya, nodded in agreement and did not speak. He began detailing the situation to Ezio, explaining the existence of various organizations, the nature of their enemies, and the ongoing mystery they were trying to unravel.

Jiraiya: "So, Ezio, my man, we've got Hydra, Ten Rings, and the enigmatic Madripoor in the mix. Each one playing its own game in the shadows. And we," he pointed dramatically to himself, Hunter, and Ezio, "are the unexpected team-up dealing with this mess."

Ezio, listening attentively, nodded in understanding. However, as Jiraiya continued to elaborate on the complexities of their situation, he couldn't help but notice the glint of mischief in Jiraiya's eyes.

Jiraiya, with a sly grin, leaned in and started a line of conversation that Ezio hadn't quite expected.

Jiraiya: "Now, Ezio, my friend, as we navigate through the twists of fate, there's one thing you must know. In our world, the ninja way involves not just stealth and combat, but also a profound appreciation for the beauty of—"

Ezio, raising an eyebrow, interrupted, "Beauty? What are you talking about?"

Jiraiya, undeterred, continued with a wink, "Ah, Ezio, you see, the art of a true ninja includes the delicate dance of romance, the allure of the opposite sex. It's a crucial part of our... training."

Ezio, now looking more wary than puzzeled, questioned, "Training? In romance?"

Jiraiya, with an unapologetic grin, replied, "Indeed! I'll be your sensei in this as well. The art of being a pervert—ahem, I mean, a charmer, if you will."

Ezio, now fully aware of the eccentricities of his new companions, sighed but couldn't help but smile. In the bizarre blend of worlds and skills, a camaraderie was forming, and Ezio found himself caught between the seriousness of their mission and the quirks of his newfound allies.




Next morning, Hunter, his expression serious, handed a piece of paper to Ezio. "These coordinates will lead you to our temporary base. Aizawa, Hiroshi, and Q are waiting there. Familiarize yourself with our team and assess the strengths we bring to the table."

Ezio, studying the coordinates, raised an eyebrow. "An interesting choice."

Hunter explained, "It's a secure location, away from prying eyes. We value discretion and strategic positioning. Your skills will be a valuable addition to our growing team."

Ezio, with a confident smirk, pocketed the paper. "I'll meet your associates and evaluate how our skills align. But remember, Hunter, trust is earned, not given freely."

Hunter, nodding, replied, "Trust is something we aim to build. Take the time to understand our approach, and I believe you'll see the potential we hold in the shadows."

Two weeks later, Temporary base,

Ezio stepped into the base located in the city of Narthex, blending seamlessly with the shadows that surrounded the discreet entrance. The interior was dimly lit, revealing a carefully organized workspace where Aizawa, Hiroshi, and Q were engaged in discussions and preparations.

Aizawa, the stern leader, acknowledged Ezio's arrival with a nod. "Welcome, Ezio. We've been expecting you a bit early"

Ezio, with a courteous bow, replied, "A pleasure to be here. Hunter has spoken highly of your capabilities. As for you question, I was occupied with something."

Aizawa narrowed his eyes.

Hiroshi, busy organizing gathered intelligence, chimed in, "We're in the process of establishing a solid foundation. Your expertise in stealth and precision will undoubtedly strengthen our endeavors."

Q, engrossed in analyzing data on a high-tech console, offered a quick wave of acknowledgment. His eyes, however, lingered on Ezio, assessing the newcomer's aura.

Aizawa, folding his arms, got straight to business. "Hunter has informed us about your proposal for a special wing. We're open to collaboration, but we need to understand your intentions."

Ezio, maintaining a composed demeanor, explained, "I seek autonomy for the tasks I undertake. This special wing would operate independently, ensuring swift and efficient responses to critical situations. It's a structure that allows flexibility while contributing to the overall goals of the organization."

Aizawa, known for his no-nonsense approach, considered Ezio's words. "Autonomy is earned. Show us your commitment and loyalty, and we can discuss the specifics of your proposed wing."

Ezio, with a subtle smile, responded, "Actions speak louder than words."

Within the confines of the Narthex base, Aizawa gathered the quartet around a makeshift table, a convergence of old and new minds, each contributing a unique perspective to the burgeoning organization.

Aizawa, began the discussion. "We need to address immediate needs. Hiroshi, what's the financial situation like? We can't operate without resources."

Hiroshi, equipped with meticulous notes, reported, "Our current funds are limited. Q cannot pull up large amount of funds as it would be noticed by MI6. We can sustain basic operations, but for anything substantial, we need an influx of resources. It's time to explore avenues for income generation. Also, one thing I want to point out is our servers are not secure, they can fend off the attack from normal hacker but, if we consider superior body like SHIELD then we might have a problem."

Ezio, sensing the modern constraints, suggested, "I have made some contacts in various underground networks in the past few days. They might be interested in our services. Assassinations, infiltrations—there's always a demand for skilled operatives."

Q, interfacing with advanced technology, added, "I can enhance our security systems and create tools that align with our objectives. It's an investment in our capabilities."

Aizawa, acknowledging the immediate challenges, outlined their priorities. "First, we establish income streams. Second, strengthen our technological infrastructure. And third, expand our network of allies."

Ezio, leaning back, shared his insights. "In my time, influence was as crucial as skill. We need connections, alliances. Hiroshi, gather intel on influential figures willing to collaborate."

Hiroshi, jotting down notes, affirmed, "Understood. I'll work on identifying potential allies and resources."

As the quartet delved into the intricacies of their organizational needs, the blending of ancient wisdom, modern technology, and strategic planning painted a picture of an organization poised to navigate the complexities of the Marvel Universe. The base in Narthex was becoming a hub for their operations, a clandestine force ready to carve its path in the shadows.

Months passed, and the name of Ezio Auditore resonated through the underworld like a haunting melody. The Assassin, known for his lethal precision and enigmatic presence, seamlessly merged into the fabric of the covert world. On his journey, he not only fulfilled assassination contracts but also scouted for potential operatives who could contribute to the growing organization.

The tales of Ezio's exploits echoed in the shadows, drawing the attention of skilled individuals seeking purpose beyond the mundane. Some, enticed by the promise of a new order, willingly joined his cause. Others, impressed by Ezio's skills, pledged their allegiance to the enigmatic Assassin.

In the dimly lit corners of the underworld, whispers of Ezio's recruiting prowess spread. His ability to assemble a diverse team of operatives showcased not only his prowess in combat but also his knack for understanding the strengths of others. Each new recruit brought a unique set of skills, enriching the organization's capabilities. This news even reached to a certain Bald and bulk businessman in New York who was interested in this newplayer.

As Ezio returned to the Narthex base, he carried with him the silent footsteps of those who had chosen to follow. The roster of operatives expanded, each member contributing to the mosaic of the organization. The Assassin, now a de facto recruiter, had not only fulfilled contracts but had woven a network of skilled individuals ready to leave their mark on the Marvel Universe.

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Also I have completed the draft of next chapter just editing and proof reading remains so you can expect more chapters tomorrow. May be.

Red_DragonEmperorcreators' thoughts
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