
Friends of Humanity

"I was informed that I should infiltrate a hate group that was gaining strength in the United States, targeting metahumans. They called themselves 'Friends of Humanity.' Due to the speed at which the group was gaining momentum and their actions becoming more extreme, they began to attract the attention of the Earth Federation, so they called in the intelligence agency to investigate." said Logan.

Coulson understood that for a hate group that gains strength, it's only a matter of time before they start attacking people and becoming terrorists. Daisy was starting to feel uncomfortable, realizing that now her abilities could make her a target for these types of groups.

"The group started with a church pastor from a small town claiming that metahumans were demons that should be purified with divine fire. But somehow, things took a turn for the worse very quickly. Suddenly, in less than a month, they had several headquarters spread across the country. They spread hate campaigns online and continued to grow. The church said they didn't condone the pastor and excommunicated him, but he founded his own church, calling it the Church of Humanity. Soon, the church's influence increased, and they even had their own television channel." Logan said.

Coulson was puzzled by the group's rapid development and was almost certain that there was something behind the scenes guiding the group.

"When I infiltrated the group, it had already spread throughout the country, but most were just a bunch of idiots talking nonsense on the internet. Then the group started to do more than just talk. The problem started in the church; the pastors conducted a kind of brainwashing, like a cult. They distorted passages from the Bible to justify why metahumans were inferior, an affront to nature, abominations, and servants of the devil. They spread conspiracy theories, all of them speaking ill of metahumans, such as how they control people's minds, they obtain their power from sacrificing children, they devour human flesh, that their plan was to prepare the world for Satan's return, they were emissaries of aliens, they were spies, and all sorts of imaginable madness." Logan said.

Everyone except Lady Sif remembered some similar groups spread across the planet.

"The problem was that the more this hate speech was propagated, the more those who agreed felt entitled to persecute metahumans. Soon, there were reports of metahumans being followed to their homes, with houses vandalized, academic pursuits, public humiliations, moral harassment, receiving threatening calls in the middle of the night, police violence, and anything was used as an excuse to persecute metahumans." Logan said.

Coulson felt that things were going to get much worse while Daisy was afraid; it was as if the persecution Logan described was her future.

"When news of assaults and public lynchings of metahumans began to emerge, I finally had a clue about who was acting in the shadows, sponsoring and guiding the hate group. As I delved deeper into the group, I found out about a church that was used almost as a military base, and I realized that I would find answers there. So I had to quickly rise within the hierarchy of the group. A few days later, I received a notice that the church was recruiting volunteers to hunt down a metahuman who had escaped. I realized that it was an opportunity. If I could find that metahuman before the rest of the team, my commitment to the cause would be undeniable, and my promotion to the inner circle guaranteed." said Logan.

"You were going to hunt down a metahuman?" Daisy asked indignantly.

"Yes, I would hunt her down. It's quite simple: the life of one or the lives of many. The lives of many are usually the right choice, and I had a mission to accomplish. This was just one metahuman, but what was happening to her was happening across the country. If I did my job right and found out who was behind the group, the entire group could be stopped." Logan said.

Everyone in the room felt a bitter taste in their mouths, but it hit Agent May especially hard because she had already been in the position of sacrificing one person for the good of others and had to make the choice.

"When I arrived in the city from where the metahuman had escaped, they gave me her characteristics. She was a girl under fifteen with the ability to turn into a wolf. They gave me a weapon and handcuffs that suppressed metahuman powers and told me that 'arrested is good, but dead is better.'" Logan said.

When May heard that the metahuman Logan was going to hunt down was a girl under fifteen, she felt a lump in her throat and had a flashback of what she had to do; it was as if she were reliving the moment.

"You killed a child?" Daisy asked, fearing the answer.

"Fortunately, I didn't have to. When they told me she could turn into a wolf, I had an idea. But I could only confirm that it was viable when they said they had cornered her in a forest. But the location was large, and they couldn't pinpoint the exact location on the forest." Logan said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that they didn't have to hear about a dead child.

"I contacted the intelligence agency and urgently requested a female wolf corpse in the city where I was and said I needed to hide a metahuman girl. They told me there was a private zoo in the neighboring city with a female wolf and it would take two hours to deliver. So I lied, saying I received the news while finishing guard duty and couldn't sleep on the way, pretended I was tired, and said I would just take a two-hour nap and then join the search." Logan said.

Everyone understood that Logan would use the wolf's corpse and say it was the girl's, but it wasn't clear how he would do it.

"When I received the notice that the wolf's corpse had arrived, I told them to wait at the city's exit as I would go to pick it up. I took a pickup truck provided by the local followers and said I would join the search. I was the only one who stopped to rest, so I went alone, picked up the wolf's corpse, and went to the forest with the other agent. I stopped about two kilometers from the forest and we hid the cars behind some trees. As it was dark, no one passing on the road would see." Logan said.

The people began to theorize about Logan's plan, but it didn't last long as he explained his plan shortly afterward.

"My plan was quite simple: just get the girl out of the forest, hand her over to the intelligence agency, hide her, and use the wolf's corpse as if I had killed her when I found her on the way to the forest. But the conditions for it to work were quite favorable. First, the people who started the search started in the wrong place. They started in a plain with a stream passing through. They probably only hunted deer or other herbivorous animals in their lives, never a predator because a cornered predator doesn't run to an open field; it goes to a place where it can defend itself more easily. So the girl was probably near the base of the cliff deeper in the forest." Logan said.

Sif, who was used to hunting, understood that someone accustomed to hunting only animals for food could easily make this mistake when hunting a predator.

"Secondly, I had the perfect ability to enter and exit the forest without anyone recognizing me. Thirdly, it was night, and fourthly, the forest watchers could only see with lanterns, and there were about twenty-five meters between them. All I had to do was wait for someone to announce they were going to urinate, then knock him out, and I could come and go freely." said Logan.

Coulson admired Logan's tactical thinking, and how he quickly analyzed the situation and devised a viable plan.

"So, I asked the agent that as soon as I handed over the girl, he would return to the agency immediately and not stop for anything. Then I started the plan: I took off my clothes and remained in my underwear to not risk anyone recognizing the clothes, transformed into a demon, and approached slowly, sneaking through the tall bushes in the area. When I heard someone saying they were going to pee, I knew it was time to act. I ran towards the guy, and before he could scream, I knocked him out. I then reverted to my human form and proceeded through the forest until I found the girl." Logan said.

Logan recounted how the first part of the plan succeeded and sighed a bit before continuing.

"When I saw her, I approached slowly. She was transformed into a wolf and growling at me. I showed her that I was unarmed and told her I could get her out of there and take her to a safe place, but we had to hurry. She analyzed me and approached slowly. At that moment, I realized a problem: the girl didn't trust me, and she had no reason to. But if she didn't trust me, she definitely wouldn't trust the agent to whom I would hand her over, and she would probably try to escape at the first opportunity. So I realized what I had to do." Logan said.

The people listening became afraid that Logan would actually kill the girl.

"As she approached, still in wolf form, I put her in a sleeper hold. As soon as she returned to human form and I confirmed she was unconscious, I released her. I carried her out of the forest and then to the agent's car, where I put her in the trunk so she wouldn't escape. Then the agent left." Logan said.

Everyone there disagreed with knocking out a child, and Daisy was the first to react.

"You knocked out a child?" Daisy asked indignantly, not believing what she had heard.

"I didn't have time to gain her trust. There was a lot going on, and a lot depended on this plan succeeding. It was better for her to pass out and go to a safe place than to risk her ruining everything and possibly getting killed." Logan said.

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