
Chapter 31. The Eight Evils-2.

"Why did you summon me here? I have more important matters to attend to," Barty yelled, slamming his hand on the table. "You better have a good reason to deceive me, Prince."

"I, too, would like to know why you contacted me," Noelle Matthews asked, her tone filled with curiosity.

"How do you know about my household situation?" Ashton Smith questioned, quickly realizing his error. "I mean, how do you know about me?"

"Now, tell me the tale you have to share, Snape... Oh, I mean Prince?" Emmeline Vance mused, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Is it about how you transformed from a thorn of a rose into a golden crown?"

While the others still looked at me, puzzled, awaiting my words, I spoke to alleviate their curiosity.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. You don't want the entire inn to overhear us, do you?" I said, a plastic smile adorning my lips. "Allow me to introduce myself for those who may be unaware of recent developments. I am Severus Eileen Prince, Lord of the Prince House."

"Lord?" Amelia Bones asked. "But you haven't even completed your education at Hogwarts."

"Forgive me, I am unable to disclose such information. All I can reveal is that, due to certain circumstances, I have been named Lord in my mother's busy schedule," I replied. Turning my attention to my chosen scapegoat, one who is ideal to kick-start this performance, I continued, "As for why I reached out to each of you, please bear with me for a moment. I will address each of you in turn. Now, let me address Barty first."

The reason I selected Barty was simple: he can easily be manipulated.

Blinded by his disdain for his father and his lust for any powerful influential figure, he readily embraced the pure-blood ideology.

His life was not shaped by tragedy, nor was he raised in a household that fostered pure-blood beliefs. However, the strict discipline imposed by his father never aligned with his rebellious nature, leading him to adopt the very ideology his father despised.

Barty was never a good individual, nor did he concern himself with ethical conduct.

He is a spoiled little bitch with daddy issues.

Well, fucking sad for him, but a golden mine for me to exploit.

While he may not be virtuous, he could prove to be an unwaveringly loyal pawn once convinced. And his talent is undeniable.

"Barty, to be straightforward, you hate your father, do you not?" delving into his deepest emotions, I continued, "Which is why you aspire to join the Death Eaters, is it not?"

I had no intention of wasting time on trivial matters. I would ask only what was necessary.

"Yes, I want to join the Death Eaters, but it has nothing to do with my father," he sneered. Regulus' accounts suggest otherwise.

Well, I never claimed he possessed intelligence though.

Who would openly admit their desire to join the Death Eaters in an inn full of people? I expected Barty to at least attempt to divert the conversation.

Nevertheless, this is precisely why I find him intriguing.

"Tell me, why do you harbor such animosity towards Muggle-borns?" I inquired, with all eyes fixed on Barty, awaiting his response like hawks on their prey.

Of all the reasons that pure-bloods espouse, he has fallen for the most absurd propaganda peddled by the group of wannabe Death Eaters.

"Why do you ask?" he replied, a smug smile gracing his face. "Those pathetic mudbloods steal our magic. Only pure-bloods should possess magic. Our blood is pure, and it is due to those repulsive little Muggles that we are forced to live in secrecy. Always under scrutiny, having to monitor our every action, and hide our magic in their presence. It is akin to being imprisoned."

Well, propaganda always contains a kernel of truth and taps into common sentiments.

Even I, upon my arrival at Hogwarts, was subjected to such teachings and wild conspiracies by my senior peers.

Can't say I was foolish enough to believe their crap. I understood how magic operated and, more importantly, I knew basic biology.

Speaking in a deliberately pity tone, I mused, "I never thought you would be foolish enough to buy into such nonsense. This is precisely why I argue that wizards and witches should receive a basic education in biology. Magic is not stolen by anyone. Magic does not belong to you or anyone else, for that matter. Muggle-borns likely have a Squib ancestor in their family lineage, through whom the magical genes are passed down to subsequent generations."

Humiliating him was not my intention. Rather, it was to expose the absurdity of some of these conspiracies.

By making him the scapegoat, I can shed light on the common fate shared by all those present.

"On the second point, yes, that is a valid concern. If you lend an ear to what I have to say, the Wizarding world may witness significant changes in the future."

Even if I had no intention of revealing the Wizarding world to the public, the advancements in technology make it increasingly likely that ordinary Muggles will discover our existence soon enough.

Despite the assistance of the Muggle government, the truth about the Wizarding world cannot remain hidden for much longer.

Not that I, or anyone else present here, cared about such matters.

Most of them would prefer that their conversations with me remain undisclosed to others.

"I may not fully understand these genes," Barty muttered, "but I am willing to listen. For Reg's sake."

Shifting my attention to my second target, one who displayed timidity and malleability, adapting the most empathetic tone I could muster.

"Mr. Smith, do you want to escape from your father?"

While the rest preferred to keep their situations and goals concealed, Smith yearned for an escape.

His circumstances mirrored my own, but he suffered more.

Unlike me, the Slytherin House never embraced him.

"Yes," he promptly replied without hesitation, drawing the attention of the others, who were now puzzled by this sudden revelation.

Well done, Mr. Smith. Now the stage is set for my soap opera.

Taking a deep breath, I purposefully reddened my eyes and began my performance. "You see, Ashton here is a half-blood, burdened with a father who harbors an intense hatred for all things magical." Pausing for dramatic effect, I continued, "Throughout his life, he has endured shame and abuse simply for being born a wizard. He had hoped that Hogwarts would offer an escape, but instead, it has become his personal hell. Now, he finds himself trapped in a perpetual cycle of abuse and torment, returning to the very same nightmare each summer. Powerless to even defend himself due to the restrictions imposed upon him."

A single tear delicately rolled down my left cheek, and I noticed a few others in the room shedding tears as well.

Bones attempted to console Smith, while a mix of anger and concern flickered across the faces of those present.

I must say, I am quite the actor.

Such a heartfelt reaction from my audience deserves an award.

Wiping away the tear, I pressed on. "But this plight is not limited to half-bloods alone. Muggle-borns also suffer abuse at the hands of their own families." Turning my gaze to Matthews, I spoke in a caring tone, "Noelle, there, is a muggle-born whose parents detest her magical abilities and subject her to abuse during every summer visit. They hide behind a facade of benevolence, concealing their true disdain for magic from the world. Seeking glory."

Barty's shoulders slouched, deeply intrigued by the topic of abuse faced by Muggle-borns and half-bloods. It struck a chord within him. While Barty's own father may not have been abusive, his absence led him into the company of junior Death Eaters.

Ashton and Noelle appeared uncomfortable and visibly disturbed, their faces flushed with anger.

Ah, I have exposed their deepest secrets.

"Why did you --?"

"How dare you -"

Before Ashton and Noelle could voice their complaints, employing my third scapegoat, myself, I confessed, "I, too, suffered abuse at the hands of my father. He despised magic and was a complete failure. Only after the passing of my grandparents did my mother and I manage to escape to the Prince family." Pausing momentarily, I continued in an apologetic tone, "I did not share your situations to mock you, but rather to shed light on the hardships we face in the Muggle world. I wanted others to understand the realities we endure."

By revealing my own past, I aimed to make them feel as though I could relate to their struggles and that I was not simply exploiting their situations, which I am.

"That is why we should kill all the muggles." Barty interrupted.

"Must you constantly mention killing Muggles in every sentence, Crouch? It's becoming quite tiresome," Amelia interjected, her annoyance palpable.

Barty, however, refused to back down. "Watch your words, Bones. I wouldn't mind hexing you," he threatened, reaching for his wand.

Amelia, undeterred, drew her own wand, ready to face the challenge.

The tension in the room was escalating, creating the perfect backdrop for my final presentation—a conflicting scenario that would leave them confused and vulnerable, ripe for my propaganda.

I mean, my proposal, not propaganda.

"Enough, both of you. Let me finish, Barty. As I was saying, there is more to Muggles than just their animosity towards magic. Take Emmeline Vance and Benjy Fenwick, for instance. They are both half-bloods, adored by their parents. Then there's Dorcas Meadowes, a Muggle-born whose parents embrace her magical abilities. Not everyone despises magic," I stated, leaning back in my seat, allowing the information to settle in their minds.

"Alright, we understand your point, but why did you call us here?" Konner Travers inquired, one of the three important guests I had invited. A crucial piece in my grand scheme.

Leaning in, I adopted a serious tone. "I want to establish an organization that will aid students like myself, Ashton, and Noelle. The Death Eaters are expanding their attacks on Muggle towns, making their presence increasingly conspicuous. The wizarding world is not prepared to be exposed to Muggles just yet. I aim to create a safe haven for all those in need of refuge."

While I spoke the truth, there was more to my plan than a mere sanctuary.

"Why should we help you?" Barty questioned.

"You would stand to benefit, Barty. Tell me, what is it that you desire? This place is not solely for half-bloods and Muggle-borns; it will also welcome those seeking to escape their pure-blood families," I replied, my knowledge of Barty's life since his time in Slytherin House and his friendship with Regulus enabling me to tailor my words to his desires.

He had grown up amidst luxury and was well-versed in Dark Arts, but the absence of his father left a void within him. He believed that his father valued his job more than him.

"Like an orphanage," Noelle mused.

"Yes, but there is a catch. This organization will locate all the wizards and witches suffering within their own homes and provide them with a place to stay. Here, these students will be trained and sent to navigate both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds."

Raising an entire army without utilizing them would be a wasted opportunity.

While not all of them would prove useful, there would certainly be individuals who could be valuable to me.

"Soldiers and spies?" Smith questioned, a look of disgust on his face.

Choosing my words carefully, I responded, "No, not soldiers or spies, but assets. They will band together with others like themselves, effecting reforms in this stagnant world. And how many of you are familiar with mutants and superhero groups?"

Half of them raised their hands.

"I am familiar with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, although my knowledge of mutants is limited," Noelle contributed.

"Allow me to enlighten you. The majority of Muggles harbor a deep animosity towards mutants, primarily due to their possession of powers and a few unfortunate incidents involving some mutants. Now, imagine if Voldemort's attacks were to gain the attention of the general public. If they were made aware of the secrets held by certain world governments, the concealment of these assaults on Muggle towns ?" I elaborated.

Whispers spread through the room as the gravity of the situation sank in.

They contemplated the potential outcomes of a war between Muggles and the Wizarding World.

"It would undoubtedly escalate into a devastating conflict," Travers whispered, his voice filled with apprehension.

"Then we would just win," Barty said arrogantly.

Ignoring barty I explained "Not just a conflict, a war precisely, Travers. The war would result in immense losses for both sides. While we possess a handful of powerful wizards capable of countering Muggle weaponry, the sheer number of Muggles would overwhelm us. They possess long-range weapons capable of killing within seconds, and their combat training is tailored to confront mutants who may possess powers akin to our own. Moreover, only a select few wizards and witches possess the ability to repel the advanced weaponry employed by Muggles. On top of that, they have these so-called superheroes, capable of inflicting far greater damage than any conventional Muggle army. Lastly, they possess a deity, a god, who has the potential to unleash devastating havoc upon us."

The outcome of such a conflict would depend on various factors, such as the strategies employed and the number of soldiers engaged.

As much as I may wish to believe that the Wizarding world would emerge victorious, the truth remains uncertain.

Even in the event of a Wizarding victory, the losses sustained would be catastrophic. This is a mere hypothetical scenario, but numerous variables would come into play, ultimately determining the outcome.

I am intrigued by how information regarding the Death Eaters' raids is concealed from the general public, despite the significant damage inflicted.

Witnessing the power of the internet and its ability to disseminate news and articles regarding the sightings of witches and wizards, I am well aware of its potential.

"I concur. I have personally seen the deity that Prince refers to. Whether he is a god or an alien remains a mystery, but his attire aligns with Norse mythology. Additionally, my father, an ex-soldier who served the country before retiring due to an injury, has shown me the rigorous combat training undergone by soldiers in preparation for a potential war with the Wizarding World. It is a brutal and highly effective regimen. They possess the means to eliminate a wizard while they are comfortably seated in their office, far removed from any battlefield. The wizard would be vanquished before comprehending the threat. While wizards may possess the ability to Apparate or shield themselves, or even eliminate the Muggle threat, they would be confronted not by individuals but an invisible force relentlessly pursuing them until exhaustion ensues, ultimately killing them," Benjy Fenwick chimed in, lending further support to my arguments.

Ah, there you have it. He finally comprehends. So, then this is your role, your trade. So be it.

You are my most prized piece, the one I desire above all others. My golden goose.

And as Fenwick aptly stated, Muggle weaponry does not lag behind magic. Some of the inventions wielded by these superheroes rival magic itself.

It is one of the many reasons why I have resumed my study of Muggle subjects, as I encountered a certain individual in an armored suit during my exploration of the internet.

Witnessing the devastating impact of a tiny bullet or missile discharged from that suit, akin to a potent Bombarda spell, solidified the understanding that Muggle technology possesses considerable destructive potential.

"My father is employed at SOS, an organization that works along with muggles and their dangerous technology. He often discusses the risks associated with such advancements and has mentioned a mysterious organization that operates in the shadows to protect Muggles," Bones revealed, her tone serious and her words captivating my interest.

She was the third most significant guest, as her connection to SOS held immense interest to me.

Directing my undivided attention to the group of eight, who were engaged in their own discussions, I spoke with an air of authority, "I pose a question to all of you: What is it that you truly desire? What do you believe to be the right path? Ponder this carefully, as through our organization, we can attain influence over crucial governing bodies in both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds. We can finally start progress in this stagnant realm, preventing its potential extinction. So, I ask, do you yearn for a war or a peaceful haven?"

While this was one of the objectives, the organization's purpose extended far beyond the mere preservation of peace.

I unveiled only the initial phase of my intricate plan, well aware that each individual held their own desires, but they could only find common ground through this path.

The suspense hung in the air as I patiently awaited their response, ready to obliviate any dissenting voices if necessary.

After what felt like an eternity, one of them finally broke the silence.

At last!

"I am in. My sole desire is to ensure that no witch or wizard suffers as I did," Noelle declared, her determination shining through her words.

"I am in as well," Ashton stated firmly, joining the cause.

"I'm in, I wish to put an end to Voldemort's atrocities against Muggle towns," Dorcas Meadowes chimed in, her voice resolute.

Countering with her own affirmation, Emmeline Vance mused, "I'm in. I had a relatively peaceful upbringing, but I understand the fear my parents harbored regarding the discovery of their magical abilities. I yearn for an epic tale, and it seems I have found one.

Konner Travers, ever the diplomat and politician, leaned in and inquired, "I am in as well, but I seek further insight into your plan and how it will unfold. If it involves financial resources, I am ready to lend my support. However, influence plays a crucial role in this endeavor, one that is currently held by most pureblood families. They will not easily relinquish their hold on power."

He is heir to two pureblood families, one in England and the other in France. He would be my way into the French wizarding community.

Reassuringly, I responded, "I have already devised a solution for that obstacle. It will take time. And as for influence, you need not concern yourself with that. It will naturally increase as we emerge victorious in the war against Voldemort."

I was sure in one to two years; I will be able to match Voldemort if my plans go fluidly.

And My identity as the Half-blood Prince has gained mass popularity due to the book being a hit.

Benjy Fenwick, with skepticism lingering in his voice, expressed his willingness to join the cause, but not the war itself, "I am in, but do you truly believe we can win this war? You are delusional if you think victory is within reach. However, I am committed to the organization and aiding fellow students."

Well, you lie all you want Fenwick, I know your true thoughts.

Amelia, displaying both resolve and a readiness to engage in combat, stated, "I am in. I am drawn to the idea of assisting other students, and I am unafraid to fight in the war."

Barty, fueled by his own doubts and insecurities, launched into a tirade, questioning my credibility and threatening to expose our plans, "What if I were to inform other aspiring Death Eaters about your intentions? Why should I believe in you when you so carelessly divulged our entire plan in the middle of this pub? Are you even more powerful than us? What evidence do you possess to support your claims? You lack the backing of a family or influential connections to ensure success."

I should deal with his daddy issues as soon as I can.

Even though he is talented, Barty can be a bit of a whiny bitch sometimes.

Nonchalantly extending my hand towards the jug of butterbeer, I calmly addressed Barty, "Could you pass me the butterbeer, Barty? As for others overhearing our conversation, they cannot. I have cast a spell that cancels out any sound emitted from within our meeting since the moment you all arrived. No one outside can hear a thing. And if I suspect any betrayal, I have the means to obliviate you," With a smile, I continued, "Now why don't you pass me the jug, Barty?"

Panic laced his voice as he shouted, "What have you done to me? Why am I unable to move? Release me, now!"

Barty continues to shout, trying to get up but he didn't move an inch from his chair.

Despite his struggles, he remained firmly fixed in place, my telekinesis rendering him helpless.

The remaining members of the group turned their wide-eyed gaze towards me, their astonishment evident.

It was comical to see them, their eyes seemingly on the verge of popping from their sockets.

"There you have it. If you wish to witness more, why don't we proceed to a bigger and open location where we can engage in a duel?" I proposed, releasing Barty from his binding.

"Agreed. Let us go. We shall see how that smile of yours holds up after you taste defeat," Barty retorted, rising from his seat and striding away confidently.

Settling the bill with the inn's owner, we followed Barty's lead

Once we arrived at the secluded area, Barty wasted no time in initiating the duel, brandishing his wand with confidence.

"Now raise your wand, let's duel,"

I, on the other hand, remained nonchalant, lazily observing his actions.

His hex came forth, and effortlessly I evaded it with a casual bend.

"Meh, not good enough,"

Undeterred, Barty attempted a non-verbal spell this time, hoping to catch me off guard. However, it proved futile as I effortlessly sidestepped the incoming attack.

"Impressive, but still not good,"

Growing frustrated, Barty cried out, "Stop evading and defending! Why don't you fight back?" His impatience seeped through his words.

"As you wish,"

Instead of raising my wand, I raised my other hand, wielding wandless magic.

Casting a blasting curse, I purposefully missed Barty Jr.'s head by the narrowest of margins, causing the spell to strike the tree behind him with devastating force.

The tree was obliterated, leaving Barty Jr. in a state of shock, his wand slipping from his grasp. It was as if his very soul had momentarily departed his body.

His whispered words revealed his awe, "So... powerful."

This demonstration of power was not only to deepened their trust in the cause but also instilled a touch of fear within them.

They now understood the magnitude of my abilities and the potential consequences should they cross me.

Sensing their mixed emotions, I addressed them directly, asking, "Is this display sufficient for all of you?"

Their vigorous nods affirmed their approval.


Utilizing my telekinesis, I levitated them toward me, eliciting a mixture of surprise and panic in some of them.

I halted their movement a mere two feet away, allowing them to catch their breath.

"I hope you don't do that again," Dorcas expressed, her voice still tinged with the residual shock from the abrupt movement.

Turning the focus of our discussion, I inquired, "How many among you are familiar with Occlumency?" Four of them raised their hands in response.

"Meet me at the seventh-floor corridor after dinner each day. There, I shall train you in dueling, wandless magic, and Occlumency. It will allow me to outline each of your roles."

Gaining insight into their thoughts, I ascertained their commitment to this cause, mixed with a healthy dose of fear.

Their excitement and curiosity shone through upon learning about the upcoming training sessions.

Reading their minds once more, I found no intentions of betraying our secret. They understood the gravity of the situation and the repercussions that awaited should they betray my trust.

"Let me be clear: for the time being, you must not breathe a word of this to anyone. The consequences would be severe. I promise to guide you toward power and influence, but in return, I expect you to respect the boundaries I establish. Should you dare to cross them, the fate that befell the tree will pale in comparison to what awaits you. Understood?"

At this stage, undying loyalty may be premature, but instilling a healthy fear and trust is crucial.

Over time, their loyalty shall grow, but for now, a measure of fear is necessary. It will ensure they remain compliant and hesitant to test my boundaries.

Indeed, a hint of fear is healthy in the long term.

"We understand, we shall maintain utmost secrecy regarding what transpired here," they assured me, their curiosity evident in their eyes to learn.

"Barty and Ashton, your task will be to identify purebloods who are unwilling to join the Death Eaters, as well as half-bloods facing issues within the Slytherin House.

Noelle and Benjy, you shall undertake a similar mission within Hufflepuff House, but also be on the lookout for individuals willing to fight and extend assistance to others. Exercise discretion in your approaches.

Emmeline and Traver, I assign you the task of accomplishing the same objectives within Ravenclaw House.

Dorcas and Amelia, you both will operate within Gryffindor House. While I am certain you shall encounter numerous students willing to fight, I need those who possess both caution and remarkable talent.

I expect to receive the list of these individuals by the conclusion of this month, and I want you to gather them under your leadership by the end of this school year. Some of you are in your seventh year, and time is of the essence." They nodded in agreement.

Elaborating on the task at hand would be redundant, as each of them possessed the necessary skills to recruit and form cohesive groups. They were adept at seeking out like-minded individuals and forging alliances.

Each member had been selected with a specific purpose in mind. They were all individuals of exceptional ability, embodying different evils they had faced throughout their lives.

Eight evils that defined their misfortune, will now help embark on this path.

Furthermore, each person held influence or possessed connections within specific sectors that would prove invaluable in spreading the reach of our organization, both within the wizarding and muggle worlds.

The establishment of this organization was not intended to instigate a war between the wizarding and muggle worlds. Both worlds could be effectively governed without resorting to violence.

All that was required was the strategic placement of certain individuals in key positions.

This initial group would serve as the foundation, but I knew there were further individuals to recruit.

A visit to Knockturn Alley would yield more prospects.

Many wizards and witches found themselves unemployed, yearning for opportunities to arise. However, the lack of a proper employment structure within the wizarding world had left them adrift.

"Remember, meet me after dinner on Monday," I concluded.

In this manner, the next week, I continued to weave my intricate web, drawing the other 16 individuals into my cause through the cards, and positioning them strategically in Hogwarts.

For they will be my backup and foot soldiers who would help the Eigh Evils from the shadows.


Support me:- at p@treon.com/supes.

You can interact with me at my Instagram Id:- https://www.instagram.com/supes_____/, here I will post chapter-related pics and gifs, have fun.

*A/N:- Leave a review of the story, an actual review.

This was such a long chapter to write, hope you like it.

*AN:- And can you guess which student is which evil here? And can you guess from where I took this concept?

And don't forget to give me MY STONES

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