
Chapter 14. Superheroes.

# Prince Manor #

The following day, Edward Ted Tonks arrived at the doorstep with a set of papers for a few signatures.

I greeted Ted Tonks at the doorstep and invited him inside. "Welcome to my humble abode, Mr. Tonks. Please come in," I said politely. As he entered, his eyes widened with surprise. Regaining his composure, he asked hesitantly, "If it is not too rude to ask, Lord Prince, are you Severus Snape by any chance?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I replied, "Yes, I was Severus Snape. But I am now the Lord of the Prince Family, going by the name Severus Prince."

Ted seemed taken aback by the revelation, but his expression quickly brightened. "I never thought you belonged to the Prince family. I am Ted—"

"Edward Ted Tonks, Hufflepuff House. Five years senior to me," I interrupted, a hint of amusement in my voice.

Recognition dawned in Ted's eyes. "Oh, I remember. I never knew I was quite known outside my house."

"Neither did I. But believe me, Mr. Tonks, you are quite a celebrity in my house," I responded, gesturing for him to follow me into the hall. As we settled on the sofa, Dobby, ever the attentive house-elf, served us tea. I thanked Dobby, and Ted appeared slightly bewildered by my gratitude towards the house-elf.

Taking a sip of tea, I observed Ted's confusion. It was no secret that Ted Tonks had been a nobody until the end of his Hogwarts years. However, his life took an unexpected turn when, in his seventh year, he fell in love with Andromeda Black, ultimately leading to her banishment from the Black Family. Despite being a Muggle-born and relatively poor, he had managed to make quite a name for himself, particularly in the field of legal assistance.

Curiosity piqued, I decided to inquire further. "Tell me, Mr. Tonks, since when did you start providing services that interlocked with both the Muggle and wizarding world?"

Ted's eyes lit up with a touch of pride. "Since my fifth year at Hogwarts. Though back then, the services were limited. I have been doing it for a considerable amount of time."

"Ah, quite a long time. I expect the services to be top-class," I remarked, genuinely interested in his accomplishments.

"You need not worry. Our services are top-notch. Every product you have ordered is of premium quality, and the services will be provided in a few days. I have already obtained permission from both the Ministry and the Muggle government for the electricity services," Ted assured me confidently.

Surprised by the swiftness of the permissions, I asked, "So soon? How do you manage to get these permissions so quickly?"

Ted leaned forward, his expression shrewd. "Please call me Ted. And it is a trade secret. One that I am willing to share with you, Mr. Prince, but for a price."

Chuckling lightly, I replied, "Oh, please call me Severus. Name your price, Ted."

A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes as he said, "What do you know about how Narcissa Black is doing?"

Startled by his unexpected question, I blinked in surprise. "What? I hope I am hearing you right."

"You must know about the scandal involving me and Andromeda. She has been trying to contact Narcissa for a long time, worried about her little sister."

Realization dawned upon me, and I nodded. "That's it? Do you want me to give her a letter?"

"No, that is enough. Andromeda wants to make amends and patch things up herself. I just want to know how she is doing so I could surprise my wife," Ted explained, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

"You are a good husband, Ted," I complimented, touched by his genuine concern.

"Thank you. And the secret to getting the permissions quickly is working SOS. I won't say more than that," he said with a knowing smile.

"Ah, that is enough. I understand," I replied, intrigued by his cryptic words.

Dobby efficiently prepared the dining table and summoned us to take our seats. He served us both with grace and took a place alongside us, a sight that seemed to astonish Ted. He couldn't hide his surprise and happiness as he remarked, "You treat your house-elf very kindly. I have never seen anyone from a pure-blood family treat them like this."

While I treated Dobby the same every day, I put up an exaggerated show exclusive for Tonks.

A sly smile curled at the corners of my lips as I responded, "I just believe that everyone should be treated with basic decency, Ted. Don't you agree?"

I observed Ted closely, allowing him to soak in the image of Severus Prince's benevolence. My mind whispered, 'Take it all in, Ted. Remember it well, for you will become the herald of my supposed kindness, spreading it throughout the Wizarding World. Publish tales of my noble nature, for I am certain it will serve me well in the future.'

Ted's agreement came swiftly, his words laden with a mix of admiration and newfound respect. "I agree. They should be treated as human as everyone. I was wrong about you, Severus. You are a good person."

'Ah, sing me praises, Ted. Sing them here, but remember to sing them out there as well,' I thought to myself. Aloud, I merely replied, "It is only fair, Ted. We Slytherins often suffer from an unfairly tarnished image."

At that moment, I reaffirmed my control, shaping the narrative to suit my purpose. Little did Ted know that his perception of me while true had been partially expertly molded.

My reputation would grow, no just as a result of true virtue, but with a hint of manipulation of others' perceptions. Such was the way of a Slytherin, and I played the game with finesse.

We enjoyed our meal together, and throughout lunch, I shared information about Narcissa's well-being and her academic performance, among other things.

From our conversation, I gleaned that Ted Tonks was not only an excellent attorney and legal advisor but also a caring individual. I wanted to hire him for his services, but I needed more information to properly assess him.

After lunch, Ted carefully surveyed the house, identifying the optimal locations for installing the electrical appliances. Since magical spells acted as electromagnetic pulses, electrical devices needed to be installed separately, which required precise planning.

"Hope to see you soon, Ted," I said as he prepared to leave the property.

"I will send the workers tomorrow, and they will start the process," Ted responded. "It was nice meeting you."


The workers arrived at the manor, and I entrusted Dobby with the task of closely observing them. "Dobby, I will be going to the muggle town for some time. I want you to practice the spells I gave you and look after the house while the workers are here," I instructed.

"Dobby will do as master told. Dobby will practice those spells gifted by Master Severus," Dobby affirmed dutifully.

I had given him a selection of spells focused on healing and defense. While house elves possessed innate magical abilities, these spells would introduce Dobby to a broader range of magic beyond his usual duties of cleaning and transfiguring clothes.

Leaving the manor behind, I embarked on an exploration of the nearby town.

Before delving further into its depths, however, I decided to attend to a practical matter—I needed a haircut.

Eventually, I stumbled upon a humble hair salon nestled at the end of the street. Stepping inside, I found myself amidst a waiting crowd. As I patiently bided my time, I noticed people departing from the salon, their heads adorned with vibrant rainbows.

Finally, the barber turned his attention to me and asked, "How would you like me to cut your hair?"

Considering my long locks, I hesitated to part with them entirely and requested a half-trim. "Cut off half of the length and adjust the sides," I instructed, revealing my reluctance to fully embrace a drastic change.

"Sir, I believe it would be more becoming if I were to merely shorten a bit of the length of your hair while leaving it a bit longer. Additionally, I recommend using this shampoo; it is well-suited for your hair type," the barber suggested, his professional opinion nudging me toward a more tasteful decision.

"Very well," I conceded, my eyes meeting my reflection in the mirror as the barber commenced his work.

As the minutes ticked by, it became evident that the haircut was, in fact, rather satisfactory. My hair retained a length with which I felt comfortable, appearing far from disheveled.

"There you go. It looks good on you. Be sure to visit again," the barber declared with a genial chuckle, pleased with his artistry.

Impressed by the outcome, I felt inclined to show my appreciation and paid a bit extra at the counter. With my hair now neatly framing my face, I looked sharp and no longer had to contend with bothersome strands obscuring my vision.

"Please visit again," the lady at the counter called after me as I exited the salon.

The next item on my agenda was to venture into the nearby mall, eager to peruse the various offerings.

While browsing, I came across a section that boasted exorbitantly priced clothes. Despite my inclination for leisurely spending, the exorbitant prices did not align with the quality I perceived.

Nonetheless, my wanderings led me to a section with more reasonable prices, where I found an array of appealing attire.

T-shirts, shirts, trousers, hoodies, and jeans in shades of black, grey, and white filled my shopping bags. The growing stack of purchases caught the attention of onlookers, their eyes tracing the accumulation of clothing in my possession.

Moving on to the shoe section, I discovered a diverse collection. Classic shoes and a pair suitable for exercising and workouts caught my eye, prompting me to make additional acquisitions.

"The total comes to 700 pounds, sir," the attendant at the counter tallied, presenting the bill for my extensive purchases. Without hesitation, I settled the amount, satisfied with my newfound wardrobe.

Venturing further, I found myself in the kids' section, where I perused the available clothing options, aiming to find garments suitable for Dobby's smaller stature.

Once I had made my selections, I departed from the mall, cautiously concealing my acquisitions within the depths of my shadows to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Continuing my leisurely stroll through the town, my attention was captured by a flickering news report displayed on televisions placed enticingly in store windows. Standing in front of one such store, I became engrossed in the flashing headlines.

"The famous genius billionaire, Tony Stark, reveals his secret identity as Iron Man."

"For the past two years, speculation has run rampant as to the true identity behind the iron armor that safeguarded Stark Industries during a devastating attack, leaving one of their facilities in ruins."

"Initially, official reports indicated that it was a long-serving bodyguard of Mr. Stark, and rumors gained traction when Mr. Stark openly supported the newly formed Avengers. Yet, until today, these rumors remained unconfirmed. Now, during a press conference, Mr. Stark himself confirmed that he was, indeed, the one piloting the iron armor, tirelessly working to protect people worldwide."

The reporter delved further into the life and achievements of this billionaire, his words resonating with a sense of intrigue and fascination. Standing there, captivated by the unfolding story, I yearned to learn more about these remarkable superheroes.

Driven by curiosity, I sought out an internet café, my desire for knowledge urging me forward.

In a bustling street, I chanced upon an internet café, its neon sign flickering with promises of knowledge.

My search centered around a man whose name resounded through the airwaves—Tony Stark.

As I delved into the depths of the internet, a portrait emerged of a brilliant engineering genius and the proprietor of a sprawling multi-billion-dollar empire. Stark's support for a group known as the Avengers had been steadfast since its inception. Yet, it was only recently that he unveiled his true identity as the valiant warrior piloting the iron armor, a core member of this extraordinary assemblage.

The more I delved into Stark's existence, the more I found myself captivated by the wonders of science, which danced alongside the intricate tapestry of magic.

My curiosity expanded to encompass other superheroes and mutants, and I combed the internet for information.

Alas, my searches primarily yielded reports of mutant attacks, while few shed light on attacks against mutants.

The focal point of these stories revolved around a formidable figure known as Magneto and his malevolent faction, casting a shadow of hatred across the digital landscape.

Scattered amidst the chronicles, I stumbled upon fleeting references to a group of mutants opposing Magneto, yet even they were not met with warmth and acceptance.

Redirecting my inquiries, I shifted my focus to two renowned superhero collectives—the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.

Astonishment gripped me as I witnessed the widespread adulation and acceptance these heroes garnered from the masses of the United States.

Perusing the roster of the Avengers, I discovered a diverse assemblage of individuals: a time-displaced soldier,

a self-proclaimed deity,

a billionaire armored in technological prowess,

an archer of unparalleled precision,

a colossal figure who grew in stature,

a shrinking woman with wings,

a self-proclaimed Wonder Man ( not an arrogant man at all),

a witch-like enchantress, and a speedster whose velocity defied comprehension.

My previous assumption that all individuals possessing powers were mutants was swiftly dispelled.

There existed no concrete explanation regarding the origins of these extraordinary abilities. Yet, I discerned from reports that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were indeed mutants, having once aligned themselves with Magneto's cause.

Bits and pieces of information about these superheroes had previously graced my ears in conversations with Mr. Evans, but my curiosity had remained unignited until now.

I found myself awestruck by the sheer magnitude of superhero activities in the United States, with New York City serving as the battleground for weekly clashes between these courageous champions and dastardly villains. A gold mine for my future purposes.

Turning my attention to the Fantastic Four, an assembly of heroes predating even the Avengers, I discovered a remarkable fact—they did not cloak themselves in the veils of secret identities.

According to a report, their extraordinary abilities were acquired after a fateful encounter with cosmic radiation during a space mission.

Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, in particular, intrigued me due to their profound scientific involvement.

The accomplishments of Mr. Fantastic, or Reed Richards, in a multitude of scientific disciplines, left an indelible impression upon my consciousness.

Intrigued and fascinated, I painstakingly downloaded numerous documents, perusing Reed Richards' published papers.

Even my mother had broached the topic of these superheroes on a few occasions. "With the technology these heroes possess," I ruminated, "they must surely possess some inkling of the Wizarding world."

Yet, realizing the limits of my current capacity, I resolved to set aside thoughts of superheroes for the time being.

Instead, I directed my attention toward books encompassing the realms of genetics, engineering, biochemistry, and more.

Compiling a comprehensive list, I promptly printed it, along with the downloaded documents, before bidding farewell to the internet café.

It would require considerable effort and dedication to study the intricate genes that coursed within me, bestowing upon me my extraordinary powers. Yet, I was determined to delve into these mysteries, for understanding oneself was the first step toward unveiling my gene's true potential.

In the quiet solitude of a darkened corner, I swiftly apparated back to the comforts of my grand manor. Hurrying through the familiar hallways, I made my way to my room, where I summoned all the clothes and shoes I had acquired during my excursion.

"Dobby!" I called out, and with a small pop, the loyal house elf appeared before me.

I handed him the garments I had purchased for him, watching as tears welled up in his large, expressive eyes.

"Is this for Dobby?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

I nodded, a gentle smile gracing my lips, and Dobby threw himself at me in a tight embrace. Though caught off guard, I awkwardly patted his back, eventually extricating myself from his fervent grasp.

"Do you like them?" I inquired.

"Dobby likes them, they are my precious," Dobby replied, his voice filled with gratitude and tears threatening to spill anew. The mention of the word "precious" brought to mind the haunting character of Gollum from the pages of Lily's beloved Lord of the Rings books. Shivers coursed down my spine as I recalled the eerie tales she had insisted I read alongside her.

"Let us not call them 'precious,' Dobby," I gently admonished, my fingers deftly conjuring the crest of the Prince's family upon the vest. "Henceforth, you shall be the House-elf of the Prince family."

"Master is the kindest! Master gives Dobby clothes, Master gives Dobby a room. Dobby will always serve Master," Dobby praised me, his devotion unwavering. Though initially flattered, the continued accolades quickly grew tiresome and wearisome.

"Cease with the flattery, Dobby," I interjected, my tone firm but not unkind. "Tell me, have you practiced the spell I taught you?" I inquired, eager to gauge Dobby's progress.

"Yes, Master. Dobby can cast the healing spell. Dobby learned diligently throughout the day," he responded, his voice filled with pride and accomplishment.

"Excellent. Now, go and prepare dinner for us," I instructed, knowing that Dobby would carry out his duties with unwavering dedication.

With that matter settled, I made my way to my potion lab, my thoughts consumed by a desire to improve the potency of the Mopsus potion.

This elixir was said to grant the consumer seer-like abilities and the power to manipulate objects through telekinesis.

However, reports suggested its effectiveness was lacking and its effects short-lived. While I harbored doubts about its ability to confer true seer powers, I was convinced it could grant temporary telekinetic abilities.

Through meticulous experimentation, I sought to enhance the potion's longevity, extending its effects beyond what had been previously reported. My improved process aimed to bestow telekinetic powers for at least ten hours—a significant improvement indeed.

As I surveyed the concoction that filled the flask before me, a foul stench wafted into the air, threatening to turn my stomach. Though repulsed, I steeled myself, aware that I needed to consume the potion to gauge its efficacy. Pouring the viscous liquid into a small flask, I wasted no time in raising it to my lips and swallowing its contents in a single gulp.

No sooner had the last drop passed my lips than an excruciating pain seared through my skull.

Clutching my head in my hands, I unleashed a pained cry that echoed throughout the room. My vision blurred, perspiration forming on my brow, and my blood felt as though it boiled within me. It was as if my very mind was being torn asunder.

"This was not supposed to happen," I thought in panic, a surge of regret flooding through me.

While I had anticipated the concentrated nature of the potion and the elements of borderline alchemy I had employed, this outcome was far from the planned result.

The intensity of the headache threatened to rend my consciousness apart, leaving me vulnerable and helpless on the cold stone floor.

[Severus's Image After hair cut]

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