
Chapter 4

With the siblings following me, I decided to continue going to the traditional restaurant like what I intend to do before the thieving incidents.

After we arrived at the restaurant, I order my food and look at the siblings who just sit still.

"What are you doing? Go order your food." I said and they woke up from their frozen position and start to order a dish.

"You know for a sibling, you two look so different. What with the different hair color, especially with unusual color with Pink and Silver." I told them bluntly.

"Say the one who has purple hair color." says Hayato who pout at my comment.

"Hahaha, you're right! But what with you and Italian with Japanese name? Are the two of really you siblings?" I asked them.

"Yeah, half-sibling! Our mother is a Prostitute and incidentally, Hayato sperm donor is Japanese. So, that how he got his name." answers Bianchi carelessly seeming not to care about it while Hayato frown at the mention of their mother.

"I see, this become a quite uncomfortable discussion. Let's change the topic!" I said and Hayato nodded at my suggestion.

"So, what are going to hire us for?" he inquired curiously.

"Your work? For now, your work is to survive my training until I deem you competent where you will start real work." I say with a smile. " Also, you two will work in my restaurant part-time. Be it as a Chef or Waiter." I continue.

"Leave sis out of Kitchen. We don't want to poison the customers after all." said Hayato who was glared at by Bianchi.

"Hoo, I heard you talking just now. Us her cooking that bad?" I asked curiously.

"Not just bad, it is a disaster. I don't know how as when we cook, we use the same ingredients the same cooking method and I also watch over her cook and there is no problem. But, the result always ends with the food being poisonous and looks disgusting. But, she always eats it without a problem and says that it is delicious." said Hayato ranting about Bianchi's problem.

"Ahh, I know what happens. From what you tell and I see of her power, she got a rare Constitution that makes all things she touches become poison, and what she does is Poison Cooking. Quite a skill for an Assassin but a curse for girls who want to get married and cook for her husband." I said and Bianchi got depressed over it.

"Am I going to be single for life?" she asked sadly.

"Uhh, well. Why don't fight poison with poison? You just have to search for someone with the same conditions as you and he might be immune to poison as he also got the same Constitution." I answer her and she starts to think over it.

Our food arrived and we stop our conversation and start to eat.

"Now that I think about it, becoming a waitress also impossible for you Bianchi. As any food you touch will become poison." I said as I finish the fifth serving of my food and Hayato look green from seeing me eat.

"You don't have to worry about that. As long as she didn't touch it for more than ten minutes it is safe. We already confirm it." said Hayato as he finishes his food.

"I see, that's good. What about you Hayato? Can you cook?" I asked him.

"Yeah, since Bianchi is like this. All cooking duty is my job, so I am quite good for an amateur." he answers honestly.

"Well, as long as you got basic. We can work on it and you are still ten and got so much to learn." I said with a smile.

After we eat, I bring them to go shopping for their clothes and bring them to my Hotel room to take a batch and change their clothes.

By 2:30 we check out and go to Palermo Airport to wait for our ride.

"Why is it only us boarding this plane?" asked Hayato as we board Stark exclusive Jet.

"It was mine so we don't have to board it with other people." I said and both brother and sister stood shocked at the revelation.

"What do we get ourselves into sis?" asked Hayato in trepidation.

"Uhh, well with this we know that she will pay us high." she said while inwardly feeling nervous.


We arrived at LA at 7 p.m. and a Limo is already waiting for us beside the plane with Happy waiting beside the car.

"Hey happy! How are you?" I greeted him.

"I am good Ms. Carina." he said with a smile while opening the door for me and I got in with Bianchi and Hayato follow after me.

"So, what is Tony doing? He looks like in a rush when I call him." I asked him.

"Mr. Start is having a board meeting about the newest Fighter Jet that will be sold to the Military." he says.

"Wait a minute! Are you saying you are a Stark?" said Hayato who showing fanboyism.

"Yeah, my full name is Carina Bianchi Start. We got the same name, Bianchi." I told them while smiling. "By the way, why are you so shocked Hayato?" I asked him.

"He is a nerd and quite a genius one at that and Tony Stark is his idol." answer Bianchi.

"Heee, then you will be happy when I show you my and Tony Lab huh?" I said.

"Wait, you have your own lab?" he asked shocked.

"Of course, I am a Stark and science is in our blood." I answer him and he goes crazy from this.

"Wow, can I visit it? It must be quite advanced with the Stark family fund. What have you been creating there?" he starts to talk nonstop from there which was funny.

"Calm down Hayato. I am sure Ms. Carina will show them to you later!" said Bianchi appeasing Hayato from his tirade.

"Haha, it is good that he is excited. Now, we can just let him become Tony's assistance when not training with me." I said and he faints from the overload of happiness.

"Uhh, he is so embarrassing when like this." said Bianchi blushing.

"Let him be, it is not often to meet your idol." I told her.

Half an hour later we arrived at the Malibu Mansion and get off the car. Hayato is already awakened five minutes after he fainted.

"JARVIS, show these two into the guest room!" I said as we walk into the Mansion.

<Affirmitive Ms. Stark! Ms. Bianchi and Mr. Hayato, please follow me!> answer JARVIS as he shows up in Hologram which looks like Stark's family butler Jarvis.

"YOU HAVE AN A.I!" shouted Hayato who was in awe.

<Nice to meet you Mr. Hayato. You can call me JARVIS. You can call me whenever you got a question about the Mansion.> answer JARVIS to which Hayato just nodded because his brain shut down.

"Please show the way!" says Bianchi as she drags Hayato with her.

After seeing them leave, I went into my Lab to create something to help we with my journey around the world. I am going to build Pyon Pyon Warp Kun. Which is the creation of Lala Satalin Deviluke which Tearju Lunatique got to study once since they are close as Yuuki Rito Harem member.


[AN. I've been told that using Antarctic Vibranium is a no go. So, she is not using it to build her body but to create a Weapon which is a Ninjato.]

BTW, Carina is looking like this right now.

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