
Chapter 3

/I'm flattered by the good comments, I will continue this. but I'm pretty ass at writing fighting scenes so tell me if this was garbage./

The Abomination snorts at Sub-zero and wildly charges at him, only to hit the concrete as Sub-zero disappears with a boom.

"I'm feeling generous today, I'll spare you if you apologize to me, Baldy." Sub-zero chuckles while sitting on his outstretched arm.

The Abomination didn't appreciate the rat's attitude. He was fuming from anger.

"ENOUGH!" He roars and tries to smack Sub-zero away from his arm, only to hit air.

"Fine. Your funeral." Sub-zero speaks, his voice lacking the humor from before.

The air around them rapidly cools as Sub-zero's body turns to ice. The Abomination looks on in shock as Sub-zero holds up his arm, the climate around Harlem changing into something much colder, a blizzard even started.

Sub-Zero's azure eyes narrowed as he assessed his foe, towering over him with raw power and menace. The Abomination's grotesque form loomed large, muscles bulging and skin rippling with veins, a testament to its sheer physical might. Yet, Sub-Zero stood undaunted, his resolve as unyielding as the frozen tundra beneath his feet.

With a roar, the Abomination charged forward, earth trembling beneath each thunderous step. Sub-Zero reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, summoning, and aiming giant spikes of ice at the Abomination. The air crackled with anticipation as the two forces collided in a clash of titans.

The Abomination smashed through the spikes and kept coming at Sub-zero. He danced like a wraith, his movements fluid and precise as he weaved the Abomination's mighty blows.

The Abomination swung its massive fists like wrecking balls, each impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Sub-Zero somersaulted through the onslaught, his movements a blur of practiced ease. With a swift kick, he sent a wave of frost cascading across the ground, encasing the Abomination's feet in a prison of solid frost.

But the Abomination was not so easily restrained. With a primal roar, it shattered its frozen shackles, fury burning in its eyes like twin infernos. It charged forward once more, its momentum unstoppable as it crashed into Sub-Zero with the force of a charging bull.

Sub-Zero staggered, the breath knocked from his lungs as he felt the full brunt of the Abomination's assault. Yet, even as pain lanced through his body, he refused to yield.

"Look at what my life became, fighting giant fictional monsters... Come on then!" Sub-zero shouted at the Abomination, beckoning him to charge again... he obliged. Though the Abomination was surprised that his fist connected on his first swing...

But he had been tricked, as Sub-zero had created an Ice-clone and teleported away at the last moment. Sub-zero skillfully moved his hands, morphing the blizzard to his whims, compressing it, and turning it into a solid cover as he charged a truly magnificent attack.

'Goodbye.' Sub-zero subconsciously thought as he used 1 meter of power to super-charge the Ice ball in between his palms.

"Wow... I never expected I would be able to create something like this... I truly am, Sub-zero!" as Bi-han gazed at the magnificent attack, he assured himself, and removed any doubts about partaking in this journey.

*BOOM* Sub-zero released the attack at the Abomination as it froze the very air in the entirety of Harlem.

After looking at the attack for a couple moments, the explosion subsided, leaving a frozen city and in the middle of it a screaming Abomination, it's body crumbling. Only it's mid-section was left not thoroughly frozen.

As Sub-zero inched closer, the Abomination felt like prey for the first time since it's rebirth. It found the strength to squirm in it's shackles. But that only made it worse as its appendages broke off and shattered on the concrete.

It still had hope... determination... as it used it's chin to try and escape from it's predator.

But in the end, in the face of power it was all meaningless...

Sub-zero lifted the Abomination's head, it's body continuing to crumble. "What did I tell you, Emil Blonsky. Your. Funeral."

"Fuck off! *Spits*" but still, he faced Death like a warrior.

"Sigh, good fight Blonsky." Sub-zero cleaned the spit off his mask and crushed his head.

Bi-han dropped the leftover body and teleported to the warehouse where Sterns was.

He had won.

But in the shadows, trouble stirred. Now mutant groups, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D wanted him and would get him by any means necessary... or so they thought at least.

Who would be first?



Bi-han and Samuel were now in the warehouse, they had spent the previous week getting the machinery ready and looking out for any threats.

They were safe… for now.

"Doctor, would it be possible for me to get Blonsky's strength without turning into a 15 feet tall freak?" Bi-han asked with a small grin, his mood was great because of their great success.

"HAHAHA! You're joking right? We're talking about Banner's blood and Gamma radiation?" Samuel laughed as if he had heard the funniest thing in months.

"…" Bi-han looked at him seriously.

"My friend, that's impossible. At best I could lessen the mutations. But the mutations are what gives them their strength, you can't change that." Samuel realized he wasn't joking and made it clear.

Bi-han frowned, 'Guess Banner's super soldier serum is out, I'll ask for the original.'

Samuel noticed Bi-han's frown, he grinned and walked over to the freezer, opening it, and taking a vile with a reddish liquid.

Before Bi-han could confirm his suspicions, Samuel spoke with a proud grin on his face. "Tadaa!"

"What exactly am I looking at Doctor?"

"This, my friend, is a bit of Blonsky's blood before I administered Dr. Banner's blood to him. I didn't know what he had already put inside himself, so I managed to get a blood sample from him. Now I can finally figure out what had already enhanced him and then give it to you as well!"

At that Bi-han straightens in relief and happiness, clearly taking Samuel off guard. He seemed to have completely forgotten about the mad scientist, only staring at the innocent looking vial in awe.

"The super-soldier serum…" Bi-han whispers, though clearly Samuel hears him since he now looks at the vial in a mix of awe and excitement as well.

"Really? Oh, I had hoped it would be something exiting, but this… Erskine is said to have been a genius unmatched even by our generation… This is going to be incredible!" Samuel laughs and Bi-han isn't able to help himself, he starts chuckling alongside him.

"Well done doctor. Let's see what mysteries we can uncover, shall we?"

And with that, they both committed themselves to the task of unravelling Emil Blonsky's blood.

/PS: I also made him a Mutant/

Next chapter