
Chapter 14: Urgent labor shortage

"It seems I need to find someone to help me." After rubbing his eyebrows, Killian couldn't help but think about it.

With the launch of Baymax, the technologies it will unlock in the future will increase exponentially, and it will be impossible for him to operate them all by himself, hence the need for skilled talents arises.

For a moment, Killian couldn't help but start thinking about which celebrities from the Marvel Universe he could use.

Moreover, it has to be biological, and the experiments with the T-virus are definitely very bloody, so people with high capabilities and no moral obsessions need to be sought.

If these characteristics are added, Killian's options will be much fewer in an instant.

After thinking for a long time, the next moment, a character appeared in Killian's mind, Samuel Stern, the creator of Abomination, a mad scientist who was both a genius and a madman.

He dedicated his life to research that could lead to new groundbreaking discoveries, but unfortunately, he had no opportunity.

This is also why in the Canon, when Hulk found him, he helped Banner unconditionally at all costs, because he wanted to become famous at once with the help of the Hulk serum.

But after Abomination pushed him down and he had a head wound, the diluted Hulk serum dripped into it, and then he became a superhuman head and was imprisoned by SHIELD.

This person is not bad by nature, has low outcomes, lacks so-called moral quirks, and just wants to become famous.

And most importantly, he is a genius, if all this adds up, for Killian he is the candidate to be a good tool guy.

So, after making a decision, Killian drove to the company with a portable model containing the Sunflower.

After arriving at the company, Killian first carefully sealed the Sunflower in the research room at the bottom of the basement and then locked the door.

Killian immediately summoned all the researchers to the research room, after hearing the order.

The researchers who were still studying the next update of the Baymax component also left what they were doing.

Then, with a happy smile, they all arrived at the conference room.

After all, for them, they had already seen the high-profile debut of the boss at Times Square yesterday, so they all felt that today they must talk about bonuses.

With that mood, in a short time, the underground conference room was filled with more than 20 researchers, both big and small.

Killian looked at the people in front of him, this was his entire team so far.

Although the number of people is small, he believes that sooner or later it will expand to establish branches by regions.

"Okay, the reason I informed everyone to attend today's meeting is mainly for two things."

"First of all, I think everyone should know that the launch of Baymax achieved successful results yesterday.

That day more than a dozen units were sold, with sales of over 10 million."

"And, of course, none of this would be possible without everyone's effort."

"So I decided to reward everyone, yesterday's sales, regardless of costs, will be used as project bonuses for everyone, starting today, each year after that, 1% of the annual sales volume will be used as an additional bonus for everyone present."

And everyone present, after hearing Killian's words, everyone's face turned red and clapped vigorously.

You should know that yesterday's sales were over 10 million in one day.

There are just under 30 people, and each of them has an average of 300,000 US dollars.

And the scariest thing is that the boss promised to pay them 1% of the annual profits after this.

You should know that the pure manufacturing cost of Baymax, if calculated, might not even be a tenth, and even according to yesterday's calculation, the profit of one day equals 10 million.

So one year… 10 million times 365 days.

My God, everyone couldn't believe that there would be a bonus of 1.2 million for a single project each year.

At this moment, not to mention that some companies have contacted them privately, even if they haven't contacted them, they won't have any idea of being kidnapped.

Thanks to Killian's actions, the researchers of the entire project department simply achieved an unprecedented level of unity.

Suddenly, the entire conference room cheered up.

"Okay, let's announce the second piece of news later."

"I still have a big project on hand, but this is the current top-secret project of our company, a lifelong confidentiality agreement will be signed, after this meeting, each one can choose whether to participate according to their own desires."

"What I want to say here is that this project is several times, even tens or hundreds of times bigger than the Baymax project."

"I will invest a lot of money and, if the project is successful, you will also receive inexhaustible money."

"But.. this is a highly confidential project, as

long as you choose to participate, you will have no contact with the outside world, including your family, for at least ten years, the only communication you can have is through company letters."

"Of course, the money will be transferred to your own card and, on this basis, if you are willing to join this project, each person will receive a settlement allowance of one million US dollars, as for whether you choose to give it to your family or keep it for yourself, it doesn't matter."

"Of course, even if you don't sign, it doesn't matter, the company will continue to reuse you. After all, the Baymax project also needs someone to take care of it, and I can't need so many people."

After finishing his words, Killian looked at everyone present calmly.

And as expected, basically everyone was looking at him with red eyes at that moment.

Immediately under the blow of Killian's monetary nuclear bomb, basically everyone at the scene signed up directly.

For Killian, he can officially start the research and development of the T-Virus by choosing and examining it himself.

But before that, he still needs to finish the laboratory.

The early development of the T-Virus can be carried out here, but the subsequent biological experiments are absolutely impossible to conduct here.

He must have his own laboratory.

So Killian returned to his office with the list.

Next chapter