
Hydra's Cheap Attempt (Part 1)

Peter stood in front of the home of Tony Stark in Malibu, California. The mansion was pretty big. Too big to fit one man. His mind though, was in another place. He was thinking about the "Attack On Arasaka" Incident. That attack changed him. Physically and mentally.


(A week and a half ago)

Peter thought it would be the perfect time to visit the future hero of the universe. The finalizations of the Project 'Comfort ' had been completed and is now in production and packaging. Peter kept the project a secret to the public for now. As he wanted the other products to hit the goal of 50 million sales first which won't take to long considering how many people wanted a piece of future technology for themselves to try it out.

Peter also had a secret customer called Hydra buying the products. Of course he didn't give them a lot of their products by giving the "all sold out" excuse. Obviously Hydra didn't believe him and sent some of their troops to infiltrate Arasaka HQ at night.

Peter got hold of it hours before they even stepped foot on his property. So he put on his suit

"Nanobot noises*

" I should really act on my own now. I don't want to be SHIELD's lackey all my life. I went to Nick so that I could get some of that illegal funding. Now that I'm set. I don't need them. If I cut them off, I'll lose about 1 percent of the company's income. Yeah.... SHIELD's guys are a bunch of dickheads. Or it's just the Council. " Peter thought while he was slowly suiting up. The nanobots were prototypes and they don't move as quick like Tony's Mark LXXXV( MK 85 if you don't know how to count)

"At least I finally thought about getting out of their grasps that don't do shit to me. I'm just doing their bidding to get rid of Hydra that's on my tail. Seriously they have plasma guns and a cube that can teleport you anywhere. What else do they want? All the infinity stones? Yeah good luck getting all of them. " Peter walked around the suite. He's didn't buy the place that he was living in since he thinks renting is better than just straight up buying.

Why? Because you don't need to spend millions of dollars just to still pay the rent, water and electricity bills. He'd rather pay thousands of dollars every month then losing millions of dollars just for bricks and wallpaper.

Back to the point. Peter decided to get himself a better place since, you know, a CEO can't live in a normal apartment. (Sorry for shitting on the working class. ) And he's not one of those OP and Rich MC's who think being normal and humble is ok. Those kind of people deserve to be called a moron. (Actually). If you have the money then help yourself to some of it. No need to be humble. Be selfish when it comes to you and your loved ones.

"If they even try to take over the world I will destroy them first. But I have to get stronger to defeat them effortlessly. I know I'm 100x stronger then Captain America now with all that training but I feel that I'm not strong enough. Human greed can be both good and bad.

Good because it gives you motivation to achieve more and get more. Bad because it could corrupt your mind slowly. Is it too exaggerated? But it's facts tho.

"I have to construct a new and improved training plan that is both effective and uses even more of my powers. That sounds a lot like my old plan but I think it's time." Peter decided to hold that thought of for now as he's closing in on Arasaka HQ. He got in with his Identification Card that Wes made for The Team.

He stepped in and told Karen to activate the defense mechanism. He then sat down on one of the chairs to ponder. (Man does Peter like to think)

"Should I kill them or should I not? It's really a matter of morals. If I knock out all of them, I may get more information on the bases located here in America. No SHIELD this time, they're not going to act anytime soon. Hydra must have a base or two here in New York. Or else how could they arrive at The HQ. They can't just be like Ryan Trahan and cross across America to attack here. That would be wasteful and stupid for them. Although I would love for them to make that mistake." Peter thought about the upsides and downsides of killing and knocking them out.

In the end Peter made the choice to knock out the fodder, and kill the squad leader. But not before getting some info out of him. Every team has a leader. Whether for projects or for the military. And Peter was hoping they have a guy that knows about the base or bases in New York.

"Peter. They're here. " Karen said.

Peter got up and hid behind a pillar. He waited a while before....


A Hydra grunt kicked the door in. Then the others followed him in.

"Get doors that are impossible to penetrate. Noted." Peter thought and waited for all of the Grunts to get in. Before he saw someone ordered the Grunts.

"finde die Technik" A Captain Ordered.

"Jawohl Kapitän" A Grunt said and all of them got to work. They searched everywhere for the technology but never found anything.

"Thankfully they're not that smart. And thank Miya for not releasing the warehouse's location. " Peter thought. If they did, the Hyara infiltrators would be packing up and leaving.

Peter then went upstairs to clear out the people that are in it. He then hid behind the table. He heard some Grunt's talking.

"Where's the tech?" One Grunt that was speaking in an American Accent asked. Peter was surprised but then he was not. Hydra is a secret worldwide terrorist organization. Of course they would have different kinds of people from all over the world joining.

"Ich kenne Johannes nicht" Another Grunt that was beside him said.

"Could they have hidden it? Let's keep finding." John said and went to another place to find the tech. But just as he was about to....


A strike to the back of the head hit john and he flew down to the floor. The Grunt who was walking with turned around and met the same fate....


"Nien" The German Grunt said before closing his eyes.

"That was.... sad." Peter said to himself. He could see it in the Grunt's eyes before he fainted. The eyes of hopelessness and sadness.

"He was forced into Hydra wasn't he? Goddammit. " Peter seethed angry at the revelation. People were being forced into the terrorist group. And the man thinks Hydra is a group that can save him. Peter doesn't fully believe that theory but it might be true.

"* Sigh*😔. This is another reason why I must be Spiderman. Without me, how will the world know Ture peace." Peter said. He then walked off to clear out the other rooms.

Their pain will be released soon.


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