
Chapter 5 Mad Dog!

Every kid has dreamt of it once!

Wearing a cape and roaming the streets, protecting the innocents! Even if he became a deranged psychopath, who killed 99 people later. He used to be a dreamer in childhood!

I used to dream of being a hero and being loved... maybe!

I made plans for the day, I would get superpowers... Recently started it!

Sure, I gave up last year but I never threw those plans away! In my heart, I still had hope of becoming a hero..... and I think I wouldn't have thrown them away even if I didn't get these powers!

Though never did I ever think that I would be using those plans so soon!


Waiting for the night to fall, I keep shaking my legs due to anxiety.

I could always go on another date but I was a bit excited!

Kinda like when you buy a new game and run all the way home so that you can play it as soon as possible!

Soon, the night falls and I pick up a bag, containing my suit, which looked cool! According to me, at least!

Heading out of the house, I closed the door after exiting the house and slid the key under the door mat.

Looking at it for a moment, I decided there was no thief, who actually looked for the key underneath the doormat, even though it's the most common thing in movies and TV shows.

Walking away, I head towards a deserted alley with no CCTVs.

Stopping in the middle of the alleyway, I changed out of my clothes and into my outfit.

Keeping my normal clothes inside the bag, I web the bag to the wall of the alley.

It looked strange but there's no way people would touch that and it was enough!

Moving towards the secret path I found, I open the lid to the sewers and close it back.

"Yeah, I'm getting an oxygen mask next time!!"

I already knew the sewers like the back of my hand as I used to play here quite a bit!

Now, there's no need to look at me with pity! I liked the..... Yeah, you can pity me!

Opening the lid again, I stick myself to the ceiling and enter the sewers.

Navigating through the sewers, I reached a spot, I was sure there were no CCTVs

"Fuu~ Now's your chance to be a superhero, Lenard! Don't mess it up!! Fuu~"

Opening the lid to the sewers slowly, I make sure the coast is clear.

*BOOM* *Bang* *Clank* *Bang* *Boom* *Brzzt* *Dang* *Boom* *Bang*

I head back to the sewers, where I feel more secure.

Though I poke out my hand and web the lid, pulling it and closing the entrance.

"What the fuck was that?"

Saying that, I had no more energy to be a superhero tonight.

I remembered that I had school tomorrow morning so I decided to give up for tonight! Not that I was scared of what was happening above!!

Crawling all the way back, I exited the sewers when I reached the vicinity of my house.

By the time, I tried to find my bag it wasn't on the place I had webbed it.

No, it wasn't stolen. It just fell down! It looked like my webs dissolved in the air after a while.

I couldn't pay that useful information any attention as I had but one thought.

"What the fuck was that?!"

Changing my clothes, I pack my outfit in my bag and head back home.

Reaching home, I flip the doormat and throw it away.

Taking the key, I open the door and enter my home, preferably a one which would protect me.

Locking the door and all the windows of my house, I head to my room on the first floor and lie of my bed.

I covered my entire body, except face with a blanket as I stared at the blank ceiling.

Throwing away my blanket, I scream.


I had literally seen two robots or suit of metals fly around, shooting missiles at each other and destroying an empty block in their fight.

It was a good thing that there were no humans around.

Since the fight took place in an commercial district, there are less chances of meeting people, except for night guards.

That was the reason, I chose it! Cause I wanted to have it easy!

I might have been excited but I wasn't foolish enough to attack gangs directly. I wanted to gain some experience by taking out some slimes (Common thugs) first!

Those weren't slimes! They were the overlords!

The final bosses of every game!!

Ha~ Though I wonder which one won the fight!

The smaller one was having his ass kicked by the bigger robot.

It might just be a film shooting!

But I felt the wind with my face after a car blew up!

I should sleep first! I have class tomorrow morning!

Not being able to sleep the entire night, I kept moving around in my sleep.

The next morning.


Lightly tapping the clock, I turn off the alarm.

Ah! Super human reflexes! I need to add that to my powers!!

Waking up, I still feel refreshed even after sleeping for only 3 hours!

"I have good recovery powers, it seems. Can't I sleep only 2 hours a day?!"

That would give me a few more hours..... to make jokes!

Not finding anything wrong with my line of thought, I head to the washroom.

Looking in the mirror, I don't find any difference in my looks.

Removing the bandages on my face, I was sho- No, I was already suspicious yesterday since I felt no pain.

I was healed! That added one more power to the list: Super Recovery!

Changing my clothes into a normal blue shirt and jeans, I pick up my bag and head to school.

Walking on the road to school, I turn back and rush back home.

Why?! Cause I remembered something important!

Who the fuck won the robot battle?!!

Entering home, I turned on the TV and sat before it!

"News about aliens, conspiracy theory about there being people called mutants, man turns green due to an experimental failure, guy with claws excluded from his knuckles fights an army alone, guys who gained powers after surviving a cosmic storm?"

What the fuck?!

Every single channel is spreading fake news! And what happened to the robots?!

Did somebody erase that from everybody's memory? No, I wouldn't remember it then!!

What the hell? ARGH!! I want to know who won!!

The suspense is killing me! Though I'm 100% sure it was the bigger robot! It was stronger and more packed than the smaller one!

Ha~ No use thinking that!

Sighing, I get up and head to school, only to return back home after reaching the midpoint and pick up my bag!


Man, I can't help but laugh at myself! Does that make me optimistic or a psychopath?!

Reaching the school, I sigh again.


Yep, I forgot to pack my books, my bag contained the outfit!

Running back home..... again, I flipped the doormat.... again and entered the house for the third time today!

I finally reached school.

Sure, I missed the first two periods but I made it!

Walking in, I raise my hand to greet a familiar person.

"Yo, sunglasses."

... Ignored, huh?

Shaking my head, I walked towards my class.

Entering the physics class, I remembered I didn't do my damn homework.

"Let's bunk this one!"

Nodding to myself, I try to leave only to be pulled back.


Turning towards the attacker, I smile brightly.

"Felicia! It wasn't a prank, I take it!"

Yeah, I still thought that she failed a punishment game and had to spend the day with me!

"What are you talking about? Whatever, why did you miss the first two periods?"

"It's a funny story actually but I don't have time need to escape befo-"

"Sit down, kids!"

"-re the teacher comes! Argh!"

Gritting my teeth, I head back to the last row seat while Felicia smiles looking at me and heads to her group.

Taking a seat, I think about all the excuses I can make.

"Grandpa died? I don't have one!

Dog ate it? Again, I don't have one!

I ate it?.....

My dad died? Nope, he is still alive and kicking, though someplace far away!

Aliens took it? 'I ate it' was more plausible!"

As I keep whispering to myself, I feel a gaze on me.

Looking up, I search for the person staring at me.

I first thought that it was Felicia but she was actually paying attention in class!

Turning around, I scan all the students and feel a headache.

Grabbing my head, I pinpoint the location of the 'attacker'.

Turning to my right, I see a girl with red hair staring at me.

She doesn't look away even after I find her out so I decide to look away myself.

Turning my attention back to class, I feel my headache stopping.

Ha~ That was so scary! What is she?!

And I noticed this before but aren't there a hella lot of people with colorful hair?

I mean is that natural or dyed?

Sorry, wrong topic!

I want to know what she was trying to do but..... I would rather not talk with her!

I heard that sunglasses, I mean Scott Summers is her boyfriend and is really possessive!

As for why I'm scared, just think about it! I don't know the names of most of the people in my class yet I know Scott Summers.

He's a mad dog, I heard he beats men just for talking to her!

That's hella scary! I would rather not fight him, even if I have super powers now!

And I can't actually- *Crack* What was that?

Looking at my right hand, I find it to be dislocated and aiming my wrist at the girl with red hair.

Woah! No! Don't, you will get me killed!!

Seemingly understanding my thoughts, the right hand went back to it's place.

Ha~ Sometimes, I wonder if there really is another person inside me but....

Whatever! I'm bored!

Thinking that, I concentrate on the teacher.

What the hell would you use trajectory for?..... Web shots!

Man, I'm a genius! I can use my web as an attack!

I'm sure nobody ever thought of using webs as an attack!

Though I need to check it's durability and force!

Opening my book, I write down everything I need to do!

'Superhero Patrol.

Web Analysis.

Stay away from Mad Dog and Red hair.

Make more friends.

Get famous.'

And lastly..... 'Find out who won among the robots!'

Sighing, I close my book.

"Mr. Green, did you do the homework?"

Standing up, I walk to the professor and raise my hand towards him.

"Just give me the detention slip!"

Smiling at me happily, he does give me a detention.

I didn't know that this guy hated me!

Well, it might be because he was the teacher with us when we were touring Oscorp.

I probably pissed him along with that Oscorp researcher!

Walking out the class, I try to walk towards Felicia but see her with her group.

"Ha~ I shouldn't disturb her!"

I mean it would be awkward if I just barged in their group.

I usually don't read the mood but when I do, I make sure not to ruin it!

Walking down the hallway alone, I feel someone tap on my back.

"Hey there, Lenard. Why the sad face?"

Turning around, I smile.

"Hey, Gwen! It was just the detention I got! Did you think I would be sad at anything emotional?"

Raising my eyebrows at her, I ask her.

"No, you don't seem like the person, who would let a fall or two get to you!"

"So~ Where you headed?"



Walking, I get a glimpse of a paper in Gwen's hand.

"What's that?"

Pointing at the paper with my eyes, I ask Gwen.

Showing me the poster in her hands, she smiles energetically.

"I'm headed for the music audition in the school drama! My internship is about to end in a month or two!!"

She had an internship, huh?

"Music? You like music, huh?"

Looking closely at her hand, I find some callouses on her fingers.

"A guitar?"

"How did you know?!"

Surprised at my guess, she asks me.

"Just a guess. It was either that or a piano?"

"Well, you aren't entirely correct. I play drums and guitar, guitar is my main instrument!"

"No piano?"

"No piano!"

Nodding my head at this new found information, I walk ahead with Gwen following me.

I feel another gaze at me, causing me to turn around and see some people walking around glancing at me.

Hmm, something's strange!

Did I get famous?

A smile blooms on my face!

I mean sure somebody leaking my naked photos could get the same reaction but why think so negatively.

The problem is, it is a bit uncomfortable!

Pulling my shirt away from the neck, I try to breath as I feel a heavy atmosphere descend on me.

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