
Chapter 8

"I really don't understand why you go to so much trouble, humans are insignificant and worthless, if it were up to me I would cleanse the world of those pests" Emma said as she looked at Richard.

"Looking down on someone could be a big mistake, you never know who you might know, and that kind of mindset could make you die," Richard replied.

Emma snorted, although Richard was right, those words couldn't be used in this situation.

Emma is quite respectful of intelligence, and although she discovered that Richard was a complete genius, for some strange reason she refused to acknowledge him.

So Emma could only continue her plans while still evaluating him.

At this time Richard had a large underground laboratory built in his new building, and not to mention that the information on this place was highly classified, but the reason Emma spoke of was because the first task Richard gave him was to find to traitors among the finals of his father's subordinates.

And it wasn't a surprise to find several spies from other gangs, but that wasn't worth it, Richard just kept listening until Emma found someone who worked at the Hand.

Richard's mind was pretty damaged after all the torture he went through, the last thing on his list was to become a hero who would have to fight the same villains over and over again, but for his plans to work, he needed a lot of things, like influence, power, money and subordinates who are ready to give their lives for him.

Emma could brainwash many people, but this was not 100 percent safe, because if the other person met another psychic or managed to break free of that mind control, then things could get out of control.

So Richard decided to use a friendlier method, but he would have to kill all the spies first, since the last thing Richard wanted was for his organization to be infected like SHIELD.

But Richard would have to be subtle, so he began to modify his father's mind to send those people on near-suicide missions.

The incorporation of Emma Frost brought Richard too many facilities, and although it could be dangerous, the dangers were worth it completely, since Kingpin did everything Richard wanted, obviously using Emma's powers, but not without being too extreme.

So now Richard is the secret leader of one of New York's biggest mafias.

But now Richard was discussing some things with Emma, ​​while a soda came flying into his hand, since now he could use his powers a little.

"I can't believe we went from a mass execution to these damn tasks, I think I already made it clear to you that I am a genius, and this doesn't make sense" Richard claimed after seeing the mountains of books that Emma brought.

"Remember that I am your teacher, and I will never allow one of my students to be a conformist, I will not let you waste your time, so start reading" Emma said with an angry tone.

Richard also wanted to continue learning more, but at least he wanted to take a few years off, since he didn't have a vacation in a long time, but remembering the diamond-coated fist, which he received when he refused to do his homework, Richard could only take the first book before altering Emma more.


Richard breathed a sigh of relief when it was over, it was a very long week, at this point Richard realized that Emma was taking revenge for all the jokes he had done to her.

But having a hot teacher was something that morally helped Richard, but now he was free, so Richard wanted to relax, so Richard called Sue to pay a visit to his good friend Johnny, but it turned out that they were on vacation, so it was impossible.

So Richard decided to go for a walk in the city.


The streets of New York could be dangerous, but Richard wasn't too bothered by it, this week he spent most of his time training his powers, and although he had a rather slow start, now Richard could eliminate or increase the gravity of any object that was in contact, provided it is not too large, as well as repelling and attracting medium-sized objects.

Also Richard if he concentrated, he could feel the force that expanded the universe, but this gave a biblical level headache to Richard, so he put it aside for the moment, because he almost died the first time he tried.

For now Richard only had a medium control of gravity, but theoretically, if he could access the dark energy that controlled the entire expansion of the universe, then time and space were on the list of powers that Richard could control in the future. , but in summary, any thief would have a hard time if he ran into Richard

And as for his physical condition, they would have to be quite a gang if he wanted to tire Richard, but security still has to wait for his laboratory to be finished, since the last thing Richard wanted was for someone to have access to his blood, and that included Emma.

Although he gave Emma quite a few freedoms, Richard was still in complete control, and if she turned against him, then Richard wouldn't have lost too much.

But while he was walking, Richard decided to forget about all the problems in his head for the moment, but at that moment he saw a red head.


MJ was out for a walk with her mother, but Mrs. Watson got a call, so she had to go back to work, but MJ wanted to go eat ice cream, and somehow Richard was dragged into all of this, so in the end Mrs. Watson let Richard carry, and since the ice cream parlor was close enough it didn't matter much, and for some strange reason Richard didn't say a word until there were only the two boys left.

"This is the most delicious ice cream I've ever had," said MJ with his mouth full.

But while MJ ate her ice cream, Richard accompanied her over coffee, sweets were never Richard's favorite, but he had more coffee out of habit.

"You are weird, once I had my father's coffee and it tasted extremely bitter, I don't think it should be something that a child should drink" exclaimed MJ while continuing to eat.

"That's not something someone should say after eating their fourth serving of ice cream, if you keep on getting fat," Richard replied as he moved the spoon with his powers, obviously without MJ noticing.

"YOU" that was a pretty strong blow for MJ, especially since her biggest dream right now is to grow up and be able to wear the most beautiful dresses.

"You don't really have delicacy, you never have to say to a lady like me, if you continue like this you will never get a girlfriend" MJ replied to Richard.

Hearing those words Richard realized that MJ was quite precocious for his age, but his words did not match his condition.

"Wise words, a pity they came out of a brat with a face full of ice cream" (Richard)

MJ's face warmed, as she immediately picked up a napkin to wipe her face.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to powder my nose" with those words MJ went to the bathroom.

Only when MJ left did Richard laugh out loud.

(Yes that girl says funny things) Richard thought while his mood was pretty good.

It was a good quiet time, but luck was really bad, Richard's face froze when he saw an old man with white hair enter, wearing a raincoat and a brown hat.

That old man looked in Richard's direction while smiling.

(Bad time to meet that bastard) Richard had just seen someone who was definitely in his top of people to avoid.

Richard didn't stand much chance, and counting MJ, then Richard could only hope for a good opportunity or a miracle, but as a passifist he could only hope that things don't get complicated.

"Hello young man, my man is Eric Lehnsherr, and I came to talk to you because I think you are very special" said that, Eric began to move the spoon in Richard's cup.

It was quite hackneyed and monotonous for Richard's taste, but Magneto was supposed to be talking to a child, so that was an interesting trick.

But if Richard did not want to become a mere servant, then he should be direct.

"Pretty impressive, sir, but it seems that you have much more to say, so let me leave my friend, so I can have a good chat" (Richard)

Richard's answer was new, usually it was a resounding no, or a resounding yes, but a child who reacted so calmly was an interesting thing, it meant that this child was not as simple as he appeared.

"Okay, I'm really in no rush" (Eric)


MJ pouted, since the little trip ended too soon, but Richard convinced her by saying they would come back another day, and this time she could eat as much as she wanted, no matter how fat she got.

Richard received an angry look, but could still feel MJ's anticipation.

With everything ready, he returned to the old man who followed him closely.

"When we're done talking, I'm sure you don't want to relate to that human again," Eric whispered in Richard's ear with contempt.

Richard was upset by Magneto's words, but since he had no way of explaining to Magneto that when MJ grows up she will be quite a beauty, so Richard kept his words inside of him.

"As an old man, let's find a place to talk, if my teacher finds out that I'm very late then you will gain a new enemy," exclaimed Richard.

Eric took it as childish nonsense, and just took Richard to a park.

While they were walking, Richard managed to sharpen some rocks, so Richard could try to catch Eric by surprise, but Richard didn't think it would be simple to finish off one of the most powerful villains in the world, so he kept his plans to himself.

"Pretty mature young man, if you had tried something then I would have changed my focus, and would only take you by force," said Eric, as he continued to walk ahead, not looking at Richard.

Richard reflected a bit, and realized that his powers could distort the magnetic fields a little, and that also answered because Magneto had found him.

But Richard couldn't think any more about that, since the two of them had reached the center of the whole park.

"Sit young, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, and I can say that I'm more than happy to answer all your questions," said Eric like a sympathetic grandfather.

This would be a good time for Professor Xavier to make his grand entry, ...... .. A few seconds passed but nothing happened.

Richard snorted, Magneto was very different than Emma, ​​beginning that Emma was quite a beauty, and that Richard didn't mind pretending a little submission.

But Magneto was very different, he was too inflexible a man, who will only learn his lesson when he sees the world become hell, so Richard could not put him on his side.

"Go to the point old man, what do you want from me?" (Richard)

Eric's first impression was that Richard was an impatient child, but in his experience Richard seemed to be someone who had much more knowledge than he showed.

But that didn't change the matter, so Eric cleared his throat when it started.

"Little one, you are part of a new race, which is destined to control the world, and I came to take you where there are more people like you. I can see that your powers are still very immature, so when you come with me, I will teach you to that you can reach your full potential "Eric had already done this many times, filling the head with power normally encouraged young people.

After that Eric continued his anti-human speech, and much more, but Richard had already lost interest at this point, so he cut Eric off.

"Really inspiring words, but I refuse" (Richard)

Magneto's face grew cold with Richard's words.

"As a mutant partner I can try to have a chat with you, and try to understand your concerns, but if I am rejecting my offer to stay close to humans, then my duty as a mutant brother is to indoctrinate you so that you understand your position in the world" Eric exclaimed with a fairly dominant voice.

It was supposed to be two chapters, but it would be very short, so I put them together, I don't know if I will open a chapter tomorrow, so some bribery power stones for motivation. TY

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