
Ch 4: Really Big Spider

An hour or so after Jeremy left the factory dozens of men with construction equipment comes. A leading figure among them said: "Now quickly start to prefer for the ceremony. We need to know how deep we need to dig to reach the bones."

"Yes sir." Everyone nods their head and heads toward the factory without knowing what's awaiting them inside it. When they all get into the factory they are greeted with silence. It seems like no one was here for a while.

"You five go to the underground floor and place the talismans. You five start drawing the blood circle. Rest prefer for the ceremony. We need to do this quickly." The leader said while tooling out the factory's schematics. Because the whole dragon bone is under New York City, its chi energy is scattered very wide range. So because of these small bones that weren't sealed underground New York has become hard to find.

So the only thing they could do is go from place to place and check if there is really a dragon bone or just its scattered chi. And here in the factory, they found a few bones buried. That's the reason they wanted to buy this land so much.

Of course after hundreds of years of research on finding dragon bones Hand also created a few unique tricks of their own to find dragon bones. Hearing the order of their leader five guys who are supposed to go underground floor nods their head and quickly run towards to underground floor.

But who knows it was their biggest mistake. After they come down they greet with a dark underground floor. It looks like this place is used as a storage floor. It's dark here and also the air is a little wet.

"Let's separate. I will go to the north area, you go east, you go west, you go south and you will take care core area." Hearing this nobody had objections so they all heads toward their agreed locations. It's just they didn't notice something was crawling in darkness a little away from them.

In the east area of the underground floor Hand's member is placing the talismans created by Hand's experts. It was a yellow talisman with some unknown red symbols on it. You know sometimes he envies these talisman makers.

They just need to sit somewhere safe while writing whatever symbols on paper and gain numerous benefits while he needs to go everywhere to gain just a little benefit from Hand.

Suddenly he noticed he was surrounded by smoke. It was a little hard to breathe and the area visible to him reduced significantly. Then suddenly someone points a light at him.

"W-what? Who is the-" his questioning ended abruptly with sudden pain that appears in his chest. He looked down and saw something like a spider leg thing was piercing through his chest.

He looked at where the light come from again and saw the most horrifying thing he ever saw. It was some kind of giant spider with a man-like face not to be exact it's more cartoonish. Devilish smiling mouth filled with razor-sharp fangs and pure white eyes that are looking at him greedily. In fear, he couldn't even let out a scream.

The monster's smiling mouth opens widely and bites his head off. Then it bites off its arms, legs, and lastly rest of the body. After it ate it its body start to grow. From one half meter height just now to two meters height. Then it starts to search for its next prey.

While this is happening on the upper floor five-man is drawing a giant blood circle with cow blood. while others put many things in the middle of the circle, a such box full of lizard tails, a jar with an unknown liquid, and so on. While this is happening their leader is wearing some kind of shaman clothes. While holding what seems ancient compass-like thing.

"Is blood circle ready?" Leader asked.

"It is almost ready." One of his subordinates answers him.

"What about talismans?"

"I'm sure they will do soon."

"It's better to be." The leader stands in the core of an incomplete blood circle and starts reading strange chanting.

Hearing this everyone speeds up their jobs. After all, if they don't they will be punished and Hand's punishments aren't so pleasant thing. While this is happening five guys who were supposed to place the talisman is killed by giant train spider monster one by one. Now the train spider is tall as four meters and almost reaching the ceiling of the underground floor and it also brought it little trouble and that is it couldn't go to the next floor. The door was too small for it. So it decided to wait for the arrival of more food.

After a while leader of the Hand group finishes chanting. The whole blood circle starts glowing and he cuts open his palm and red blood starts dripping on the ancient compass. Seeing this others also cut open their palms and their blood also starts dripping on the blood circulation. But suddenly the circle stopped glowing and the leader start vomiting blood.

Seeing this everyone knows something has gone wrong. Just as they were wondering big red spike-like thing comes out from the ground and pierces the leader's chest. Then it pulled its leader into the underground with itself.

Seeing this everyone was horrified they wanted to get up but suddenly they saw from underground a horrifying creature crawling out. It was a giant train with a terrifying cartoon face with spider-like legs. Its legs are black with glowing red crack-like lines and it has a terrifying smile on its face while revealing razor-sharp fangs.

The monstrous spider train then looked at Hand's members and then licks its lips. Everyone who saw this was even more horrified then they start running for their life but they were still a step slower than the spider train.

Spider train rushes towards one of the running guys and bites his whole upper half off. Then stabs another one with its leg then puts it inside its mouth. And every time it ate its body started growing.

Meanwhile little far away from the abandoned factory Jeremy seeing the whole thing with binoculars while eating a sandwich. Not gonna lie he was pretty impressed by Hand. You know in his calculation it will at least take a month for to spider train to grow to this level but with help of Hand's group it grows to this level just the day it is born.

And the reason for this? Of course, the Hand is the ceremony to find dragon bones. Dragon bone with human blood can create an elixir that can resurrect humans. But the truth is this elixir resurrected humans because making it Hand used human blood. But if they used pig's blood then the elixir will revive pigs, not humans. It's that simple.

Dragon bones are pretty sensitive to blood aka the life force contained in the blood. If the life energy originated from a human then when it becomes an elixir it will revive humans if it's another creature then it will revive that creature.

Anyway if you explain a simple way then the way Hand finds it is by using the life force of this group of guys to search for it. And because the huge amount of life force they put into underground dragon bone will show a reaction which will directly give a signal to that ancient compass. And the use of talismans is to direct life force to the underground use it won't leak or scatter.

But sadly this time right under then it happens spider train and the life energy they send is directly absorbed by the spider train and made it evolve. So this is the result of it. With the help of the spider train and Jeremy grows stronger while they are getting eaten by the spider train.

"Man, I need to thank Hand after all without them I don't know how much time will I spend to become this strong." The ability Jeremy gained from the system is a little similar to Yhwach from Bleach World.

How it works is every creature that comes out from the system is directly connected with him and because of this, they are completely loyal to him. Also using this connection he can use their power too. If they grow strong then he will grow stronger. Not only that it's their strongest form so even if they become weaker afterward Jeremy will still have the power of their most powerful state it doesn't matter how weak they become afterward or if they are still alive or not. Their power will become his own. So by strengthening the spider train Hand also strengthened him.

"Hehehe, Hand I really wanna thank you very much. And I know just what to do." with that Jeremy disappears from where he was standing.

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