
Chapter 64: Wanda

Wanda had only just run a short distance when the meteorite crashed fiercely onto the spot where she had been standing moments ago. The impact created a large pit with a radius of three meters and a depth of over two meters.

She would have been the one hit if she had been even slightly slower. Nevertheless, the force of the impact sent Wanda flying, but luckily she landed in a pile of fallen leaves and was only slightly startled.

"I need to get out of here!" Wanda panted, quickly getting up from the ground. She was about to turn and leave when her curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to know what had nearly hit her.

Her instincts told her to run, as the commotion would attract attention, and the area would soon be surrounded. But... she was too curious about what was in the crater.

During the critical moment earlier, she caught a glimpse of one edge of the falling object, and she desperately wanted to know what it was.

"That shouldn't be... a meteorite," she thought.

Wanda cautiously approached the edge of the large pit, taking small steps forward.

As a precaution, she threw a rock into the pit. The clear sound of metal clashing made Wanda even more curious. With intense curiosity, Wanda got down on all fours and peeked into the bottom of the pit.

"Oh my god!"

Seeing what was at the bottom of the pit, Wanda covered her mouth in surprise, afraid she might accidentally shout out loud.

It was a small cylindrical object, about the size of a coffin and resembling a torpedo, with inscriptions on top and a highly futuristic design that made Wanda realize it was not something from Earth.

It couldn't be.

She quickly stood up from the ground and turned to run. Whatever it was, it had nothing to do with her as a little girl.

However, after much hesitation and thinking, Wanda turned around and marched down the pit. She was determined to see what it was. Could it really be a UFO? Or is it some new type of missile developed by Stark?

As she approached the strange "missile," Wanda carefully examined it, ruling out the possibility of it being a missile since she had never seen one like this before. It looked more like a coffin, but not quite.

Wanda was a bit puzzled for a moment, wondering what this thing could possibly be used for.

Just then, the coffin in front of her suddenly shook, startling Wanda. She instinctively wanted to leave, but the coffin's surface moved to the side the next moment, revealing what was inside.

"Is this... a person?"

In front of Wanda was a physically fit adult man wearing a tight-fitting suit.

Specifically, he was a handsome sleeping guy with an attractive face.

Looking at the man's sharply defined facial features, Wanda suddenly felt her heart rate increase, and an astonishing heat burst throughout her body, making her face instantly turn red.

"What...what's going on?"

Wanda touched her own face, feeling the alarming heat. She found the reason when she looked at the handsome guy in the coffin.

He's so handsome! And his body is so perfect.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

Suddenly, in the distance, there were faint barks of dogs that pulled Wanda out of her daydreams.

"No! We have to leave quickly!"

Wanda's face changed, and she stood up to leave, but she looked back at Jack and made a decision.

An hour later, a group of black-clad individuals arrived, led by a middle-aged man with a stern expression and a cold demeanor.

He walked to the edge of the pit and looked inside, taking in the empty escape pod without any change in his icy demeanor. He then pulled out his phone and made a call to his superior.

The call was quickly answered, and the person on the other end spoke first before he could speak.

"Garrett, you're a little slow. What's the situation over there?"

"Sorry, I'm late. I was attacked on the way here," Garrett said over the phone. "We have arrived at the crash site of the unidentified object. It's here, but it seems like something has escaped."

"Good, bring it back to headquarters. The boss wants to have firsthand information. Also, mobilize personnel to investigate the surroundings and see if any clues can be found." the voice on the other end said.

"Understood," Garrett hung up the phone and pulled out a smaller, more delicate communicator from another pocket.

"Sir, I have found something that may be related to 084."

On the other side of the forest, Wanda was struggling to carry a much larger man on her back as they walked.

Wanda's body was much smaller and thinner than her peers, but she was surprisingly strong.

Wanda didn't know why she had to save this stranger, maybe it was out of sympathy, or perhaps it was out of pity for him. But she knew that if he was found by other people, his luck would definitely not be good.

Maybe it was just her pure kindness.

"I don't know why, but I ended up saving someone I've never met before!"

"Maybe Pietro would scold me, but I don't care. I can't just leave you there alone."

"By the way, you're pretty heavy. You must eat a lot normally."

Wanda was murmuring to herself as she quickly moved through the forest, thinking the man on her back couldn't hear her, but in reality, he could hear everything clearly.

Meanwhile, Jack was in a lot of pain. He had underestimated the damage caused by the final blow from the Supergiant. Although it didn't harm his brain, it had damaged his nervous system to the point where he was conscious but completely paralyzed, like a living dead person.

To make matters worse, he couldn't recover quickly, even though his self-healing abilities surpassed those of an ordinary person. Nervous system damage like this was not easy to heal, and he estimated that it would take at least half a month for him to regain his strength.

This was all thanks to the nourishment of the energy from the Infinity Stones.

However, the good news was that he was safe for now. Thanos wouldn't dare to come to Earth to wreak havoc, and considering the few months he had been gone, the current time on Earth was probably during World War II.

With his current abilities, no one could harm him, even if he couldn't move. He just needed to lie quietly and wait for the day when he could move again.

However, fate seems to be playing a joke on him. The current Earth is not in the World War II era but in 2005


Please try to read the novel i am translating DC: RIsing from Darkness


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