
Chapter 249 He didn't know [Edited]

Tsunade and Hermione after Sullivan brought them with him. The two check the surroundings with keen eyes.

They knew not to underestimate their opponent, who had countless years of experience under her belt.

They knew that they were stronger than Salem in terms of pure physical and magical force, but she must have had many tricks up her sleeve that might pose threats to them.

But as they saw that she didn't have malicious intent toward Sullivan, they relaxed a little but were still on guard.

Tsunade: Do you see that? It looks like she is surprised at first but then composes herself again. Do you think it was because of his bloodline?

Tsunade asked Hermione through the chat. They had discussed many things before about Sullivan's bloodline.

In her world, bloodlines played a very important role in the village.

And Sullivan had the strongest bloodline she had ever heard of.

Hermione: Yes, I saw her expression clearly. And It might be related to his bloodline. After all, he had power over darkness and light. It shouldn't be a surprise because Ozpin was like her when he first met him.

Tsunade nodded. If compared to the old man. Salem's reaction was pretty tame.

The two let Sullivan be the one who talked to Salem while they were watching her like hawks.

Sullivan, after checking on Salem a little, went straight to the point. He didn't need to beat around the bush after facing Salem in person.

She might be an immortal, but he knew how to deal with her. He might not be able to kill her, but sealing her was within his capability.

As he had finished checking on her, he could say that she was a being of darkness and evil by nature. That means every action she took was affected by the force of darkness in this world.

Sullivan felt that the darkness that was inside Salem was calling for him. They were like hungry ghosts that wanted to consume him.

He really wanted to know if he was stronger or if the darkness inside of her was stronger.

He shook his head to let the thought go. He might also be affected by the force of darkness in this world too.

"You know that I came from another world, right?"

Sullivan asked Salem a simple question.

Salem heard his question, and she simply nodded. There's nothing to hide. He wasn't the first otherworlder to come to this world.

As for the darkness inside her, she wanted to consume him. She could only let it do whatever it wanted. It wasn't like she could control it completely.

The young god didn't seem to mind about it, so why should she?

"Yes, I know that you are not of this world. Your existence is too much for this world to handle. If not for your divine power not awakening yet, this world might face a calamity."

Salem narrowed her eyes. She was trying to pry open the secret of his being, but She felt that if she were to look too much into it, She would be punished by something that might be even more dangerous than the brother gods.

'Who is it that is behind him? Even the brother gods didn't make me feel like this.'

Salem shook her head. She knew that whatever gods stood behind this young god would be much stronger than the brother gods. She was correct in her choice to accept meeting with him.

"Divine power? You mean that I have divine power?"

Sullivan thought that his Nephalem bloodline was cool, and Ozpin misunderstood him as being a god. But he heard from Salem that he had divine power that had not awakened yet.

He thought, Wasn't that meant he might be an actual god?

'God doesn't mean omnipotent. Normal people saw someone who had supernatural powers and they thought they were gods.'

Salem saw something that made her realize

'Don't tell me that he didn't even know that he was a god?'

Salem didn't know much about how things went on Ozpin's side. She didn't know if he knew that Sullivan was a god or not.

Looked at his reaction. He might not know that he was God.

'I can use this.'

Salem's wisdom was no joke. She knew what she would gain from this encounter.

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