
Chapter 7: Worry and Heritage


(SIKEEE, GOTCHA. There was no explosion)

I tilted my head in confusion.

I stared blankly in the air as I waited for something to happen.

"Did I just get punked?" I said out loud. 


There was nothing in the corner of my eyes anymore. 

I barely had an hour till the academy orientation. I might as well just walk back. I took a step towards the exit.



What happened after??? I don't know, I dropped dead on the floor. My legs just gave out and I was practically paralyzed

My thoughts?? 'I hate my life sometimes…'

World Engine.. Initializing… 10%.. 30% …60% …80%...100%

Location? Marvel Cosmology

User is in a state of reality-fiction-transcendence!

Demote the user down to the physical reality he is in?? Negative..non-beneficial to the user. Granting Sequence 0 skill: A###ni##at#r of S#uls??? Negative… user will be attacked by The Golden Multiversal Law and Beyonders immediately without proper advancement of such an ability…

Remaining energy shall disappear after skill merger is complete…

Soul merger complete???


Soul merger complete… No residual traces of soul manipulation remain after one year of settling…

Celestial and Demonic energies remain in balance and shall begin independent production beyond maintaining balance…

2 sequences to be downloaded…. World engine shutdown imminent after task completion…

Duration of merger: 18 hours…

Mutagenesis Pathway…hypothesizing if evolution to Boundless is possible….affirmative… Soul Space ⅕ filled….

Sequence 9: Zygote… initial progress before disruption: 0 %. Starting integration… 10%..30%…60%..80%…100% complete.

Admin Pathway…hypothesizing if evolution to Boundless is possible….affirmative… Soul Space ⅖ filled….

Sequence 9: Specter…initial progress before disruption: 0 %. Starting integration… 10%..30%…60%..80%…100% complete.

Sequences complete.

Skill bestowal shall commence…

Ultimate Skill: Talent of the Zenith…

Demotion from Ultimate to Unique Skill: Grand Potential?

Permission denied. Bestowing Ultimate…initial progress before disruption: 0 %. Starting integration… 10%..30%…60%..80%…100% complete..Soul Space ⅗ filled.

Proceeding to the next skill…

Unique skill: Cosmic Harmony…initial progress before disruption: 0 %. Starting integration… 10%..30%…60%..80%…100% complete..Soul Space ⅘ filled.

Proceeding to final skill..

Unique Skill: Schema…initial progress before disruption: 0 %. Starting integration… 10%..30%…60%..80%…100% complete.

Soul Space is full.

World Engine shutting down… Good luck…Daniel…

Daniel…was it…..might as well take initiative then…being Ethan was nice…Daniel will be nicer…

That was complicated…hold up… I don't feel so good…..

All of a sudden, I just fell down to my knees, my heart… it was beating so fast... I felt warm…too warm… it was stuffy. I tried to run to the water, maybe it would cool me down… I barely got two steps in before my body gave out… I passed out.

After Daniel passed out, his heart slowed its beat…maybe five beats per minute..but each beat was like a gigantic war drum being smashed with a sledgehammer .. it was as if one beat was pumping enough blood to the whole body…

From the outside, Daniel's skin had a deep crimson glow that pulsed with each heartbeat…

Nearly 15 miles away…

In the peaceful solitude of a distant peak in K'unlun, Lei Kung the Thunderer sat in deep meditation. The tranquility of the moment was a stark contrast to the intense training he often imparted to his disciples. But this calm was abruptly disturbed by an unusual sound, a resonance that echoed through the mountains and valleys of the mystical land.

His unique senses not allowing him to ignore this strange stimulus.

Lei Kung's brow furrowed as he sensed the anomaly. It was a beat, but not just any beat. This was deep and powerful, like a war drum being struck with immense force. Each beat seemed to reverberate through the air. 

At first, he believed it was a new innovation of a musician. That was rejected as soon as he thought it.

Lei Kung listened closer… This beat… it was so familiar..

A pair of stormy black eyes shot open in realization.

"A heartbeat?" Lei Kung questioned out loud.

 He turned his head towards the source of this disturbance, his expression one of concern and curiosity.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lei Kung rose from his meditative stance. His movements, usually measured and deliberate, took on an urgency. He became a blur, a shadow racing across the landscape with astonishing speed. Each leap he took covered thousands of feet, propelling him over towering trees and the ancient, ornate structures of K'unlun.

As Lei Kung traversed the terrain, his figure appeared as a mere afterimage to any onlooker, a testament to his mastery of both chi and the physical realm. His destination was clear in his mind – the side of the river where the disturbance originated.

Arriving at the riverbank, Lei Kung's eyes were immediately drawn to a pulsating red glow emanating from a secluded spot. The glow was intense, casting an eerie light on the surrounding area. He approached cautiously, aware that what lay before him was no ordinary occurrence.

The heartbeat continued to pound, each beat echoing like a call to arms, reverberating with a power that was unsettling. Lei Kung prepared himself for what he might find, his years of experience as a warrior and teacher in K'unlun guiding him. The situation was mysterious, but Lei Kung the Thunderer was no stranger to mysteries and wonders, he would get his answer no matter what.

Inside the secluded spot, illuminated by the pulsating red glow, lay Daniel, unconscious and emanating an energy that was both powerful and enigmatic. Lei Kung, upon entering, was initially taken aback by the scene. 

The sight of Daniel, with his skin glowing a deep crimson that throbbed in time with his heartbeats, was something even Lei Kung, with all his experience and knowledge, found perplexing.

Approaching cautiously, Lei Kung extended a hand and gently touched Daniel, testing for any immediate danger or malevolent energy. Finding none, and sensing that Daniel was in no immediate harm, Lei Kung carefully lifted him.

 With a sense of urgency, he began to run back to his palace in K'unlun, his speed and agility undiminished even as he carried Daniel.

Upon reaching his residence, Lei Kung immediately summoned the Chi healers of K'unlun. While he himself was a proficient healer, particularly in regenerating his own chi and treating wounds and poisons in others, the situation with Daniel was beyond his usual scope of healing. 

The nature of Daniel's condition – the slow, powerful heartbeats and the glowing skin – suggested a deep and complex interaction with chi that required specialized attention.

The Chi healers of K'unlun were renowned for their deep understanding of life energy and its myriad manifestations. They approached healing not just as a physical process but as a holistic restoration of balance, often involving intricate manipulation of chi.

As Lei Kung awaited their arrival, he watched over Daniel with a mixture of concern and curiosity, a deeper sense of awareness unfolded within him. Beyond the skills and knowledge he had acquired over his long life, his mastery of chi had granted him a unique sensitivity to the more subtle and profound aspects of existence.

He could sense that with each slow, thunderous beat of Daniel's heart, there was a palpable elevation in his chi – not just in power, but in essence. It was as if Daniel's very significance to the world was being etched more profoundly with every passing moment. 

Significance, in the context of K'unlun's ancient wisdom, was a concept that extended beyond mere physical presence. It was the weight and impact of a soul, an individual's imprint on the fabric of the world. It manifested as an almost tangible aura, perceptible to those attuned to the deeper vibrations of existence.

Such a profound increase in significance usually stemmed from decades of diverse experiences or the accumulation of immense power. It was a gradual process, akin to the slow but relentless growth of a mountain. Yet, here was Daniel, a mere embryo in the grand scheme of things, undergoing this transformation at an astonishing rate.

Lei Kung's senses, honed by centuries of living and a deep communion with chi, allowed him to perceive these shifts. His immortality was not merely a prolongation of life; it was a gateway to understanding the mysteries that lay at the heart of existence.

It was then, the Chi healers hurried into the room, their expressions were a mix of concern and determination. Lei Kung, standing tall and embodying the stern, honorable presence he was known for, greeted them with a nod. His usual composed demeanor was tinged with a hint of worry, a rare sight for the Thunderer.

"Master Lei Kung," one of the healers began, bowing respectfully.

"Thank you for coming quickly," Lei Kung said, his voice firm. "This is Daniel Rand, something has happened to him, something beyond my understanding."

The healers approached Daniel, observing his slow, powerful heartbeat and the unusual crimson glow of his skin. They exchanged glances, recognizing the complexity of the situation.

"We have never seen anything quite like this," admitted one healer, her voice reflecting her intrigue.

Lei Kung watched them closely, his concern for Daniel evident in his furrowed brow. "He is a child of K'unlun. Whatever this is, find a way to help him. I trust in your skills and knowledge."

The healers nodded, understanding the weight of the responsibility placed upon them. "We will do everything within our power, Master Lei Kung," replied another healer, a sense of resolve in his tone.

Lei Kung stepped back, allowing them space to work. "Keep me informed of your progress," he instructed. "If there is any change, no matter how minor, I must be notified immediately."

"Of course, Master Lei Kung," they chorused, already beginning to assess Daniel's condition with a series of intricate chi-based diagnostic techniques. As Lei Kung left the room, his stride was steady, but the slight tension in his shoulders spoke of his concern for Daniel. Each child of K'unlun was precious. However, Daniel was even more so.

He was basically the grandson of The Lord. Wendall Rand wasn't just a dear friend, he was also the adoptive son of the August Personage. 

If anything happened to Daniel, especially in K'unlun…

A CRRKKKKKK sound rang as cracks appeared on the jade floor under Lei Kung. 

Lei Kung shook his head and looked down at his hand, the hand that was currently enveloped in a deep turquoise aura that flowed wildly like a flame.

His agitation wasn't in fear of Yu-Ti. It was in recognition that if anything happened to Daniel, he would be just as emotionally compromised.

In a different part of K'unlun, away from the urgency surrounding Daniel's condition, Gelong-ma Dolma stood before a group of young children, the future aspirants of the Warrior Monk Academy. Her presence commanded a gentle yet profound respect, her demeanor embodying the wisdom and compassion that had made her a revered figure in the community.

The children, sitting cross-legged on the floor, gazed up at her with a mixture of anticipation and awe. Gelong-ma Dolma began her speech, her voice soft but clear, carrying in it the weight of her experience and knowledge.

"Dear children," she started, her eyes sweeping across the young faces, "Today marks the beginning of your journey in the Warrior Monk Academy. Here, you will learn not just the art of combat, but the ancient wisdom of our Sanskrit writings. Remember, the path of a warrior monk is not just about physical strength or martial prowess; it is about achieving a balance between the spiritual and the physical."

She paused, letting her words sink in. "As you train your bodies, so too must you nurture your minds and spirits. The martial conditioning will teach you discipline, resilience, and courage. The Sanskrit writings will guide you in wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Together, they form the essence of what it means to be a warrior monk of K'unlun."

Gelong-ma Dolma's speech was more than instructional; it was inspirational. She spoke of the legends of K'unlun, of warriors who had achieved great feats not just through their physical abilities but through their spiritual enlightenment as well. 

As she continued, the children listened, captivated. They were young, but the seriousness of her message was not lost on them. They understood that they were about to embark on a journey that would shape not just their abilities, but their very character.

Gelong-ma Dolma concluded her speech with a nod of satisfaction, pleased to see the spark of determination and curiosity in the children's eyes. Her presence had instilled in them a sense of purpose and a deep respect for the path they were about to take. 

As she stepped back, allowing the children to disperse and ponder her words, there was a sense of hope and promise in the air – a new generation of warrior monks was beginning their journey, guided by the wisdom and teachings of one of K'unlun's most esteemed figures.

Throughout her speech, Gelong-ma Dolma maintained a composed and serene demeanor, but underneath, there was a growing concern. She had expected Daniel to be present for her address to the young initiates, a role model for the children as they embarked on their journey in the Warrior Monk Academy. His absence was unusual and noticeable.

As she wrapped up her speech, her eyes subtly scanned the gathering, hoping to catch a glimpse of Daniel among the crowd. But he was nowhere to be seen. Her frown deepened, a rare display of worry crossing her usually calm face.

 Daniel's presence was not just symbolic; it was also an inspiration to the young ones, a living example of what a newly initiate monk was like. With the conclusion of her speech and the children starting to disperse, Gelong-ma Dolma turned to one of her helpers. "Please," she said, her voice laced with concern, " Find out where Daniel is. It's unlike him to miss such an occasion. Ensure that he is well."

Her helper nodded, understanding the urgency in her request, and quickly departed to inquire about Daniel's whereabouts. Gelong-ma Dolma watched them go, her worry evident. Daniel's well being was important to her, not just because of his heritage but also because of the bond they had formed since his arrival in K'unlun.

As she waited for news, Gelong-ma Dolma hoped for the best as she started pacing, her thoughts filled with concern for Daniel, who had become a member of their community.

Stopping her pacing, Gelong-ma Dolma hurriedly made her way to Daniel's room, her steps quick with a mix of worry and determination. Upon entering, she found it empty, a clear sign that something was amiss. The room, usually filled with Daniel's presence, felt unusually still and quiet.

Closing her eyes, Gelong-ma Dolma focused on sensing Daniel's chi. She had become familiar with his unique energy signature – a distinctive bluish hue with subtle red undertones, a reflection of his identity. She extended her senses, reaching out for that specific chi pattern in the area surrounding her.

Despite not being a warrior, Gelong-ma Dolma possessed a certain level of proficiency in sensing chi, a skill she had honed over the years. However, her range was limited; barely a mile, and the effort quickly took its toll on her. After a few minutes of intense concentration, she found no trace of Daniel's chi within a mile radius. He was nowhere near, a realization that deepened her frown of concern.

Resigned that her efforts alone were not enough, Gelong-ma Dolma decided to seek help. She began to traverse the town, asking residents and fellow monks if they had seen Daniel. With each negative response, her worry grew. Daniel's sudden disappearance was out of character, especially given his character and the bond he had formed with the people of K'unlun.

As Gelong-ma Dolma moved through the bustling streets of K'unlun, she approached several familiar faces in her quest to find Daniel. Each person she spoke with added to the growing tapestry of concern within the community.

Her first stop was the local chef, a portly man known for his hearty meals and warm demeanor. He was busy in the market, selecting fresh ingredients. "Have you seen Daniel today, Pema?" Gelong-ma Dolma asked, her voice tinged with worry. The chef, wiping his hands on his apron, shook his head. "No, Gelong-ma, I haven't seen him. Is everything alright?" he asked, his brow furrowing in concern upon hearing that Daniel was missing.

Next, she approached the local gardener, tending to the vibrant flora that adorned the town. The gardener, a woman with an intrinsic connection to the natural world of K'unlun, paused her work and stood up, brushing dirt from her hands. "Daniel? No, I haven't seen him. He usually stops by to enjoy the gardens in the morning. It's unlike him to vanish like this." Her expression mirrored the chef's - a blend of confusion and concern.

Gelong-ma Dolma continued her inquiries, speaking with shopkeepers, monks, and students – anyone who might have crossed paths with Daniel. Each conversation painted a similar picture: no one had seen him since the previous day, and his absence was both noted and troubling.

As the news of Daniel's disappearance spread, the initial ripples of concern grew into waves of communal worry. Daniel had become a familiar, cherished presence in K'unLun, his journey from an outsider to a respected member of their society endearing him to many.

The local blacksmith; Tashi, who often discussed weapons and martial arts with Daniel, expressed his concern with a solemn nod. A group of students, whom Daniel occasionally helped with training, gathered, their young faces etched with worry.

The blacksmith; Tashi, frowned in worry. The reaction of the community was something he mirrored.

While Daniel was a child and a valued member of the community, there is a reason that everyone was so worried. After all, they were in K'unlun, what would even happen to the boy in the city? There was no way he could have wandered into the forests, eliminating the possibility of him facing the only real danger in K'unlun.

No, the main reason everyone was worried was because they were worried for the reaction of The Lord.

The day, Daniel was recovered and Wendall's body was found. The entirety of K'unlun shook as HE vented his sorrows. 

It rained every day until Daniel woke up.

For seven days and seven nights, the entirety of K'unlun's streets were flooded, despite The Lord trying his best to quell his sadness. Even those overgrown plants knew better than to try anything in those days.

Being The August Personage came with a variety of benefits. One of them being that The Lord IS K'unlun and K'unlun IS The Lord.

Not that anyone raised any objections.

Wendall Rand was a beloved son of K'unlun that treated every resident with the utmost respect and care, despite being given the cold shoulder at first for being an outsider. He earned our respect.

With a gaze as fierce as molten steel, Pema stared at the sky in determination.

"If anything deceitful happens to that boy… or anyone… then we will slaughter them."

The atmosphere in K'unlun, thick with concern and a growing sense of unease, shifted abruptly when a group of monks approached the crowd that had gathered in the search for Daniel. These monks, recognizable by their disciplined demeanor and the respect they commanded, brought with them news that instantly altered the mood of the gathering.

Addressing the crowd, one of the monks spoke with a calm assurance, "Everyone, there is no need for further worry. Daniel is at the palace of Lei Kung the Thunderer. They are in discussion, and everything is alright."

Relief washed over the crowd like a wave. Murmurs of reassurance and nods of understanding rippled through the group as the tension that had been building began to dissipate. Gelong-ma Dolma, upon hearing this, let out a sigh of relief, her posture relaxing slightly. The news that Daniel was with Lei Kung, and that he was safe, eased the worry that had been etched on her face.

Tashi, who had been part of the search, expressed his relief openly. "Ah, that's good to hear. I knew the boy wouldn't just wander off without a reason," he said with a chuckle, the steel in his eyes replaced by a glint of amusement.

The gardener, who had joined the search, smiled softly. "It's like a cloud has been lifted," she commented, her connection with nature making her particularly sensitive to the shifts in the communal mood.

The students, who looked up to Daniel, shared relieved glances among themselves, their earlier anxiety giving way to smiles and light-hearted chatter. "I guess Master Lei Kung needed him for something important," one student speculated.

Gelong-ma Dolma, thanking the monks for their information, turned to address the crowd. "Thank you, everyone, for your concern and efforts. It's heartening to see how much Daniel means to our community. Let's all return to our duties, knowing that he is in safe hands."

As the crowd began to disperse, a sense of normalcy returned to K'unlun. With the assurance that he was safe and in the company of Lei Kung the Thunderer, the people of K'unlun resumed their daily routines, their hearts lighter and their minds at ease.


(I really wanted to expand on everyone else in this chapter. I was beginning to notice a lack of development in every other character except the main character. Also, I really wanted to model this whole chapter based on how Naruto should have been treated if Minato was still alive or even if he died. Like for a village that is considered to be the strongest shinobi village, I would think they would know the difference between a kunai and the scroll its sealed in. So I tried to make Wendall Rand a famous/respected figure in the community that was loved, which he is in the comics. I don't why it wasn't expanded on though? Oh well, let me know how you like it.)

Next chapter