

"Bring it on, Mephisto's lost dog! I will make you feel the difference between me and a mortal like you. I am Hauras! Tell to Mephisto that I killed you when you go down to hell." Hauras said before disaplering from his place and appearing mid air infront of the Phantom Rider while holding an Axe ready to split his enemy.

In a flash, Carter slade conjured a shotgun and fired straight to the head of the Fallen Angel Hauras. Since Hauras was already in the air, he was unable to evade so he blown back to the outside of the hospital.

While that was happening, Johny Blaze immediately left the room with Roxanne. He percieved danger from Hauras so he immediately bolted out of the room to take Roxanne into safety.

As for Umbra, he was already following Hauras in his full battle attire. He cocked back his Halberd and used it similar to a baseball bat straight into the unprepared Hauras.

This sudden attack was so strong that the Fallen Angel was flung like a ragdoll straight to the outskirts of the city. Which shows how much physical strength Umbra have in his normal frame.

"Hop in! Let's kill that fucking Fallen Angel!" The Phantom Rider shouted as he summoned a Hell Horse.

The Hero of Olympus have no time to appreciate the badass horse that Carter Slade summoned and instead stood on the back of the gorse before pulling out a bow and a sword that was made in the same metal of Johny Blaze's new Chain.

He held the sword up like an arrow, pulled the string back before transmuting the sword to be shaped like a drill arrow using [FORGE]. He balance on the back of the fast moving horse with the help of his armor, Sylvie.

"Apollo God of Sun and Archery bless this arrow that it may vanquish my foe! Bless my Bow that it may send my enemies straight to their demise!" Umbra chanted as the Bow and Arrow start to glow in a color simmilar to the sun

[SUN STRIKE!] Umbra shouted as he let go of the arrow.

Just like a comet, the arrow flew in the air leaving a trail. With its blazing glory, it headed straight to Hauras. The Fallen Angel saw the attack and deployed his wings mid air and stood his ground by making a shield out of Lightning. He sapped all the electricity in the city to empower his shield to withstand the arrow which caused a major blackout.

[BOOOOOOMMM!] An extremely loud sound resounded upon the impact of the two magical contruct.

The arrow was unable to pierce the shield because the Fallen Angel had the environmental advantage as he was in an area where Electricity is abundant and easy to access.

However if it was in the middle of the day, the arrow would've tear the shield like paper and incinerated Hauras into dust. But Umbra's attack was not for naught since the impact between the arrow and the barrier generated impact that sent the Fallen Angel straight to the desert instead of landing on the outskirts of the city.

"GAHAHAHA! Nice shot Umbra!" The Phantom Rider laughed as he saw the spectale

"If I used the blessing of Artemis, it would've done more damage. However what I needed was the impact so I chose to us the blessing of Apollo." Umbra explained to Carter as he sat properly behind him.

"You really are experience with dealing with enemies where there are many civilians. If I would to do that, I might've incinerated a couple of buildings to ashes with my Hellfire." Carter stated with an impressed voice as he wouldn't have thought of using an impact based attack to send Hauras further away from the civilians.

"I had no choice but to learn. That was one of the first major lesson that I learned when I arrived in Earth. I had greater power than your average human so I had numerous friendly fires with my allies back in the days." Umbra said with a reminiscent tone. "I hurt some of my allies with my Halberd back in the days since my swings was too strong, so I learned how to take my battles away from those that could not withstand my power."

"I also have my own share of friendly fire in my younger days. I regret those times." Carter said with a regretful tone as he also remembered the times when he rampaged without any care as long as he fulfills Mephisto's order

The Phantom Rider decided that it's not the time for talking. He made his Hell Horse run faster and finally caught up to Hauras.

"You bastards! That fucking hurts!" Hauras shouted with rage as he was hoverin in the air while conjuring a wide area magic [Lightning Roar]

A rain of lightning rained down to Umbra amd Carter. The phantom maneuvered his Hell Horse expertly but some Lightning Bolts still hit him. As for Umbra, he jumped down and stood his ground. He used his Halberd to redirect the shower of Lightning Bolts since his weapon was forged in a unique metal with magic nullification.

"You know, what comes up. Must come down. So come down here you Fallen Scum." The Phantom Rider uttered as he conjured a lasso out of Hell Fire and caught the leg of Hauras. He then pulled down the lass hard, slaming Hauras to the ground.

Unlike Abigor who was disoriented when he was pulled down by the Ghost Rider, Hauras was able to maneuvere skillfully and immediately use the lasso to his own advantage.

The Fallen Angel pulled himself towards Carter Slade and used the opportunity to conjure a Lightning Mace. He hit the Phantom Rider straight to the head sending his enemy out of his Hell Horse cracking Carter's Skull head in the process.

"GAHAH----" Hauras laughed at his achievement but his clebration was cut short by a thrown Halberd

Hauras leaned slightly and looked at the charging Umbra before sending an attack of his own in the form of a kick. He clad his leg with lightning before he proceeded to send a kick straight to Umbra's head.

As an expert in hand to hand combat, Umbra was able to stop his charge to defend his head by raising his left arm. His arm was numbed a little by the lightning but he proceeded to use his other hand to send a punch to the midsection of Hauras.

Hauras expected such punch as a counter attack but he failed to realize that Umbra's leg swiped before he threw the punch. So the Fallen Angel fell to the ground and Umbra took advantage of that fall. He begin unleashing a barrage of punches to the face of Hauras.

It took a minute before the Fallen Angel recovered and guarded against the punches. After he regained his bearings, he started gathering Lightning and discharged all of it from his body.

Umbra had no choice but to leap off from Hauras. He then called forth his Halberd which flew straight to his open palm.

"Come at me Hauras." The Hero of Olympus goaded to the Fallen Angel as he took his battle stance.

Next chapter