
Marvel: Explosive Start - Wanda Maximoff's Power Amplified 100 times

Lin En traveled to the world of American comics. After opening his eyes, there is young Wanda lying beside him. At this moment, the system Awakening, changing the plot can draw a lottery. Swipe up Wanda's favorability and get a hundred times stronger. Later, I met the youngest Aunt Mei, the well-behaved Gwen, and the arrogant Lorna. Wanda: "Lin En is my true love." May: "It was he who made me experience real happiness." Gwen: "Lin En is my boyfriend." Lorna: "Hmph, tonight, I will defeat you." Unknowingly, the future is constantly being changed. Ancient One touched the Time Gem, his face was livid. What future is this? Never seen it! It is an MTL that I copied. I am not the original author.

SS_Lucifer_ · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: It's All Over, Let's Do It Again!

Marvel world.

In a house in Queens. Lin En was lying on the bed. Slowly opened his eyes. The delicate and smooth touch of his hands shocked him. He turned his gaze to the side, lying next to him. She is a beautiful woman with a curvy figure and exquisite facial features. The long dark auburn hair is soft, scattered on the white forehead. Satisfaction and attachment was hung on her sleeping face. Looking at the delicate pretty face, Lin En sighed a little. This girl who was lingering with me last night now it has become a woman.

This woman is not simple. Her name is Wanda Maximov.

That is the future famous Scarlet Witch, but she still is an ordinary person now. Lin En rubbed his head. He was still a little unwell from the hangover. He is a time traveler, and he was a policeman in his previous life. Traveled to the world of beautiful man three years ago. It's an incredible world. In addition to various high-tech.It is also full of various super abilities and magic. Fortunately, when he traveled through, he heard the sound of the system.

[System binding...]

This is the basis for him to flex his muscles in the Marvel world.


for three years, no matter how he calls there was no response from the system. This made him have to doubt,

did I hear wrong.In order to live, he had to do his job.In Queens, as a police detective,As for Wanda It was a week ago when I met at get off work.At that time, when I came home from get off work, two people fainted at the door.His clothes were ragged and his complexion was yellow.As a Dragon Country person.The justice and kindness in his heart made him help the two.After a short time together.Only Lin En knew.these two people.It was Wanda and Pietro.That's right.It's the one with the Origin Magic Power.You can travel through various cosmic planes.And single-handedly suppressed the terrifying presence of Thanos.the most important is.That's why she initially mastered Origin Magic Power.Otherwise, there is no need to fight Thanos.As the birth of the universe, the oldest mysterious force.As long as Wanda can study well.

The lowest achievement is also comparable to the five creation gods.Say it bluntly.As long as she works hard enough and adds a correct path to becoming stronger.

She can be invincible on the whole earth.And it was such a cocky person who fell asleep by himself.


Just when Lin En was looking out the window and thinking.The quilt beside him moved.

Wanda groaned softly.

Lin En smiled and turned to look over: "Are you awake? I thought you were going to sleep a little longer."

Wanda looked at the dazzling plum red on the white bed sheet.

A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Yesterday... drank too much.

in a daze...

She came to New York with her brother Pietro.It was for revenge on Tony Stark.their homes and relatives.All destroyed in weapons made by Stark Industries. pity,Dreams are beautiful, but reality is skinny.

Without money, they almost starved to death on the road.Even more unfortunate.Pietro was ill with a persistent fever.Fortunately, I got the help of Lin En.

Stayed here for a week.Pietro's illness also recovered yesterday.To celebrate.All three drank a lot of wine.next.

Then something indescribable happened.Wanda's small face was tangled.Last night, she was the one who took the initiative.

"Yesterday...we were drunk." Lin En explained.

Originally took Wanda and PietroIt's just to get a good impression and hug a thigh.result.Now put people to sleep directly,Also took a blood.Do not explain.In case Wanda treats her as a womanizer.The previous admissions were all for her body, so it would be troublesome.but.To his credit, Wanda didn't yell.

"Lin En, do you like me?"

To Lin En's surprise.Wanda not only did not blame, but asked this sentence instead.When Wanda asked this sentence.Extra nervous.For Lin En.Her heart is extremely envious in these few months.She and Pietro both.across countless cities,All I saw were cold eyes and insults.Just when she was disappointed in humanity.Lin En appeared.This is handsome and handsome, with a warm smile.The whole person is like the sun, a boy who can shine.Like a savior.appeared in her life.During this week.She re-experienced warmth and warmth.The slender eyelashes blinked.The tension and anticipation flickered in the beautiful eyes.

"I like it, definitely like it." Lin En nodded quickly.Not to mention Wanda's potential.Let's talk about appearance and figure.They are all one in a million.Especially the latter character.Although a little paranoid, but overall. Still very gentle and understanding.He had never seen such a girl in his previous life, let alone slept.

"I like you too." Wanda pursed her red lips.

Frankly and boldly expressing his feelings, his eyes were

full of joys and emotions.This sentence makes people more happy than any love words.Lin En's breathing became short of breath.No nonsense.Lin En jumped on it."One more time." Lin En said with a smile.Wanda's eyelashes fluttered and she nodded obediently.