Oc- It's time for my plans or technically his plans time to come to fuition. Shit I wish things were simpler like they used to be.
Oc- Where the fuck am I.
ROB- You sure got a mouth on you dont ya.
Oc- Who said that.
ROB-Me dumbass, ima cut straight to the chase I'm an ROB and you see I was rewatching marvel and I got to falcon series and due to conversation between zemo and Sam he rememind him about the events of sokovia but that's not what interested me what did is that the country before hand was practically in a civil war due to America and after ultron their land was consumed by the surrounding countries.
And for some reason that pissed my off so I lost control of my abilities. And before you ask
it's confusing I can control my powers but at the time I didn't care and you ended up dead hence why your here and I'm going to send you to the mcu perhaps with some comic elements who knows.
Oc-Processing everything I heard I responded with a resoultely no, You must of lost you dam mind if you think I'm going to play and act as some sort of entertainment.
ROB- Hmmm very interesting but no you have no choice, why you may think because i fucking said so I'm a god youre a mortal I know you know a little bit about mythology so suck it the fuck up. However while I know im a dick im not a 100% a dick so i will bestow an abilty apon you depending on you let creativty and thought process depends how powerful it could become and on top of that. And to top it off I'll allow you to retain some form of meta knowledge with what ever good that will do you and I'll also allow you to gain more power within the multiverse any means don't care along with a photographic/edict memory.
Oc- Finally accepting my new reality I concede, well not like a had a choice. What's my mission.
ROB- Prevent the destruction of sokovia, Safeguard the interest of sokovia and lastly rule sokovia bare minimum 200 years you'll be dropped of a couple years before civil war.
Oc- Guess I'll be on my way then.
ROB- Yep also if you fuck up and permantly die there I will extract you and tourter you for a millennium and then proceed to reincarte to shity world for a thousand year then repeat said sequence till I'm bored.
Oc- That's bullshit but whatever I'm already your pseudo entertainment, Pause
ROB- I was about to say you better so no homo good on you just for that you may gain other rewards depending on how good you do.
Bye now
Oc- See you soon I guesss.
ROB- Oh and Julias.
Julias- Yh
ROB- Suck My Dick I'm A God
Julias- Son of a bi***
*Flashback End*
Julias- Yea the son of bitch had the last word but it have to formulate my plans to put me in a position of power.
I found out I was an ophan which was not bad in my opinion putting up with random people who we're supposed to be you parent yea no thanks. And the current year is 2013 so that means sheild gets taken down next year and the events of age of ultron begin the year after.
While I would have preferd to have more time of prep and build my reputation two years are better than nothing.