

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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V3 Chapter 23 - Boss Aura

I sat in his training room with a battery in front of him that I pulled out of one of my cars as I contemplated my latest discovery about my powers.

I came to know that not only I could control and channel lightning through my body to enhance my strength and chi, but I could also eat(?) it!

No, 'eat' is not the right word, let's say absorb it and my body slowly digested the absorbed electricity to enhance my chi capacity by a small amount.

I wondered how it was possible or what was the reason behind it.

'When I asked old man Lei Kung what chi was he introduced it as bio-electricity, maybe that was the reason?'

I thought but I soon overturned this conjecture as when Baghraj told me about elemental affinity, it somewhat contradicted the old man's statement.

'Whatever, I will just ask Baghraj when I meet him next time, for now, I will take it for what it is and use it to strengthen myself.'

After some experiments, I came to know that at my current capacity, I could about eat half a car battery's worth of electricity in one meal.

That is about 72,000,000 joules of energy and it takes me about at most a day, sometimes even less to digest it completely, though I still don't know what affects my digestion capacity.

Does that sound like a lot of energy?

Well, I could light up a 100-watt bulb for 200 hours with that, but a person who performs high-intensity sports routines on a daily basis, his body can produce the same amount of energy daily.

How about I give you something else to compare with, lets see, the Arc reactor that Tony Stark will build in a cave sometime in the future will have an energy output of 3 GigaJoules/second meaning 3,000,000,000 Joules per second.

That means if I am charged by his Arc Reactor for a second it will take me about 40 days to digest that.

Now it doesn't seem like much does it? Now I know why Hank McCoy looked at me weirdly when he came to know about my power capacity in the future.

As I tested my limits and powers further, time passed and two months later I received a call from Matt Murdock who informed me of the address of his new law firm called 'Nelson and Murdock'.

'Really that's the best name he could come up with?'

When I asked him the reason why he invited me over, the reason was surprising, his teacher who had disappeared for over six months just came back for a visit and after talking with Matt the man wanted to meet me.

'I guess that's good news?'

So now with nothing else on my hands, I picked up the battery and put it back in the car, put on my sneakers and jogged towards the address Matt gave.

'What? You thought I would drive there? No man, I am 10 years old, I don't have a licence.'

I also ask the readers to only drive with their licences, maintain road safety be careful of accidents and please do not play with your phones on the road.

(AN - Sorry, Wade Wilson just possessed him, I had Constantine perform the exorcism to keep him away, hope it works.)

It took me about 20 minutes to reach the address Matt gave, and when I reached the address I spotted a name plate that said 'Nelson and Murdock Attorneys at Law' and I immediately knew where to go.

I went up to his office and as soon as I entered I saw a slightly chubby blond guy sitting inside an empty office, hearing the sound of the door opening he turned to look at me and spoke in a cheerful voice before he could turn around fully

"Welcome to Nelson and Murdock, what would you like help.... with?"

We both looked at each other for a moment as the office fell silent before I asked

"Did you ever work at McDonalds?"

"Yeah, worked there for the last two years. How did you know?" (Blonde Dude)

'I knew it!'

"Well you still sound like you take breakfast orders instead of being a lawyer, you should definitely work on that." 

I said as I confidently pointed out the reason for my question.

He fell silent for a moment upon hearing me, thought about my words said after a moment with a less cheerful voice and more serious voice

"Welcome to Nelson and Murdock Law Firm, my name is Franklin, how may I be of service?" (Franklin)

"Is that better?" (Franklin)

"Much better,"

I said.

"Great! Wait, who are you and why am I listening to you!?"

Said Franklin his voice returning to his previous cheerful tone.

"Hi, the name's Ryan Angelo and I am looking for Matt Murdock."

I said as I introduced myself.

"Oh, he's out to get lunch, he will be here in a few minutes, you can sit down and wait here." 

said, Franklin.


I said as I sat down on the sofa.

"How do you know Matt and why are you looking for him?"

He asked as he saw me take a seat.

"I am his previous Boss, he called me here because someone he knows wanted to meet me."

I answered.

"I see, I got it!" he exclaimed suddenly

"Got what?" I asked surprised at his sudden outburst.

"I got why I followed your words, must be because of your Boss Aura."

As soon as he said those words I felt speechless followed by the sound of the door opening as Matt's voice sounded asking a question

"What Boss Aura?"

Before I could say anything the blonde guy spoke

"Dude listen to this, when I said my greeting to this Mister(?) Ryan who said he is your ex-boss corrected me and I instinctively followed his orders, I think it must be because of his Boss Aura. It is su-"

"Foggy!" said Matt in a slightly louder voice, interrupting his chattering.

"Yes?" (Franklin/Foggy)

"There is no such thing as Boss Aura."

said Matt seriously.

"Then why did I just follow his orders?" asked Foggy(?)

"That's just you Foggy, when anyone who you deem friendly says something to you with slight assertion, you simply just follow it sometimes before your brain processes it," Matt said in exasperation.

After a slight moment of time, Foggy said

"You just called me gullible in an extremely roundabout manner, didn't you?"

"I don't know Foggy, figure it out."

Matt said as he put a lunchbox on the table and turned towards the door to walk out while gesturing me to follow him.

"I will be going out for a while with Ryan for a while, call me if there is an emergency." 

(Matt Murdock)

'Is Foggy his name, his brain sure feels like it's foggy.'

I thought as we walked out of the building.

(Next Chapter - An eventful time. Guess what's coming.)