

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime & Comics
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V3 Chapter 17 - Almost Scared to Death



Sen gave a shocked shout which was answered by his Grandfather's confused voice.


"How long was I missing for!?" (Ryan)

'Don't tell me it's been a few years!?'

"It is only the sixth day and Why are you shouting?"(David Angelo)

"Huh? Six days, then how come mom had another child in six days!?"

'Children aren't born that fast even if you are in the fantasy genre.'

"What stupid nonsense are you spouting? They said you were the one that brought back the little girl home!"

"..." (AN - system rebooting in progress)

"AH! So they adopted Sasha, Phew~"

'Almost scared me to death.'

"Then I will wait for your call, I am on a public telephone so please be quick." 

I said trying to save myself from the embarrassment.

"Then you wait for a while." Grandfather said and hung up the phone.

After I finished speaking, I turned back to look at Aunt Heather and I saw she was talking to the boys that tried to rob us and they were gathered around her and nodding their heads at whatever she was saying submissively.

I put down the receiver and walked towards her, seeing me coming she put something in the youngest boy's hand and shooed the boys and they hurriedly bowed towards her and ran away.

"Why did you let them go, what if they come back?" I asked Aunt Heather

"They won't, apparently it was their first time doing this," she replied confidently

'That explains their amateur reactions and lack of skill.'

"Surely there is something else?" (Ryan)

'I mean first offence doesn't mean we should just let them go.'

"Yes, because of the storm two days ago, the youngest boy's father was injured and they lacked money for treatment so when they saw us near the money exchange they decided to try extorting us."

said Aunt Heather as she told me the story that those boys told her.

'I get it now.'

"How much?"(Ryan)

"Somewhere about 15000 Nepalese rupee or 200 USD." (Heather Rand)

"So you just gave him the money?"

I asked trying to find out how she dealt with the situation

"Yeah, I gave him 250 USD and asked him to promise to never resort to such methods." (Heather Rand)

"Why?" (Ryan)

'Don't can't tell me she let them go just because they promised.'

"Because those boys while appeared trying to rob us they had no intentions of harming us, see even the knife is a blunt knife."

She said as she showed me the knife she kicked out of the leader's hands.

"Seems true."(Ryan)

After I took the knife I could confirm it was really blunt so I agreed with her actions.

'And they got a good beating so it's fine.'

Now I know where Danny's character comes from but at least she is much smarter.

"What happened on your end?"

Asked Aunt Heather.

"My Grandpa will call me back when in a while and tell me what to do." (Ryan)

I didn't want to tell her about my fiasco.

"They must be worried about your disappearance."(Heather Rand)

"Sigh~, Apparently not much," I said with a resigned sigh.

"Why do you have any problems within the family?" she asked surprised.

"No, because a friend of my grandmother told them I will be fine." (Ryan)

"And she just believed that friend like she could predict that!?" 

She seemed shocked by my words and couldn't comprehend my family's reasons so I explained.

"More like she could see that."

"What do you mean?" (Heather Rand)

"Well, if that friend is who I think she is, then that lady can literally see the possible future outcomes." (Ryan)

'I can't think of another person except the bald woman, can't believe my grandmother is friends with her.'

"And you believe that?" she asked

"I do." (Ryan)

"Why?" (Heather Rand)

"Because she is the reason you are alive."

I looked straight into her eyes and said showing the seriousness of my words.

"How did that happen!?" she asked curiously so I told her the whole story.

"Two hours before I took the flight to Tibet to rescue you she reminded me that I have two hours to begin my journey or I will fail in keeping my promise." (Ryan)

"Is that important?" (Heather Rand)

"Yes, because the promise was the one I made with Danny and with the condition I found you in, you would not have lasted more than four hours with those wounds, maybe less."(Ryan)

"And the next flight that I had to Tibet was 3 hours later and with a two hours longer journey, which means-"(Ryan)

"If you didn't take that flight there was no way you could be in time to save me." she spoke interrupting me.

"Exactly!" I affirmed her answer.

"Then I will have to thank her in the future."

she said as she seemed happy for some reason.

"Why do you seem so happy?"(Ryan)

"Well, if what you said is true she might be able to tell me about Danny or Wendell." 

She said in a cheery voice.

'That was an option!?'

"Maybe, by the way, where did you learn to fight, you were quite, how do I put it?" (Ryan)

"Awesome?" she asked with an eager look

"Fine, it was Awesome," I said with a resigned feeling.

'Her moods are too jumpy.'

"Before marrying Danny's father I was Heather Duncan and my father was a very rich man because of which I was kidnapped twice when I was young, worried about my safety he contacted some people from the army to train me in self-defence."

"I later learned that my instructor was a former SSR and she never really retired."

"I also trained with Wendell after I married him."(Heather Rand)

"What about the wolves then, how did you lose to them so badly if you could fight that well?" (Ryan)

"Simple, because I was tired, the plane I was on just crashed and I travelled for about 8 hours in the snowy mountains, sometimes carrying Danny and after stalling the wolves from going after him for half an hour I had no energy left."(Heather Rand)

"I see, that makes sense."

'Yeah, that would leave you drained.'

"No, wait a second, I never questioned this before but how did you survive the plane crash after being thrown out of the plane, Danny never told me because he doesn't remember." (Ryan)

"I had a parachute when the engine blasted off before our plane broke into pieces I grabbed Danny and a parachute."(Heather Rand)

"I wanted to get to Wendell but unfortunately the plane started to fall apart midair causing us to be flung out." she continued with some disappointment.

I wanted to ask some more questions but I was stopped by the ring of the telephone.

I picked up the phone and Grandfather gave me the instructions to follow on the way next.

For now, I needed to reach a border town in Nepal called Siddharthanagar and call him back for the rest of the arrangement.

After I hung up I turned to look at Aunt Heather and said

"We will have to look for a driver to take us to Siddhathanagar, a border town."

"Then let's go."(Heather Rand)

After paying the phone booth owner we went on our way.

"By the way, what was the name of the person from SSR that trained you?" (Ryan)

"I remember she was called Margaret Carter, my father respected her very much."

Aunt Heather answered as she seemed to think about the past memories.

"I seem to have heard that name before."

I muttered under my breath as I tried to remember.

'Isn't that the name of the Lady Steve was always moping about.'

"No way!!" (Ryan)