
Marvel Conquest

(Hiatus) Marcus is reborn into the Marvel world with a mission. His mission being, take over the whole world. Follow his journey as Marcus starts an empire from the ground up and uses his knowledge to Conquer the world of superheroes and villains. A/N: Don't be dissuaded by the second wish, trust me it's not a tale of an Op mc from the start. And the second wish isn't what it looks like, please read my review to understand. And VOTE VOTE VOTE, let's get at least 1000 The cover was edited by FaultedCell. Thanks Edited by: Whitedevil, starting 20 chaps by Pilot armour On another note, this is an AU and I don't own any characters except for the original ones I created. Discord: https://discord.gg/PvpncqgnaT

Berserk_Asura · Movies
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34 Chs

CH 20: An Interesting Find











WILL: 20.0










MMA: 18%






(You can save unused skills you are learning here. You can't make a new skill unless a slot is free.) }

"As expected, The increase in Strength, Stamina, and Endurance is substantial, along with a medium increase in Agility and Dexterity. And the 4-point increase in the will stat is another bonus. Now the only thing left is to study the x-gene and see how much it has awakened."

Marcus took a sample of his blood and after preparing it, put it under the microscope.

Unexpectedly, the blood cells started to suck the light from their surroundings, making it slightly darker for a few seconds.

Although there was a very minor Change in the surroundings, Marcus was still able to notice it.

"This…This means my cells can absorb light from the surroundings and then use it as a way to empower the body. But it's not enough, I can't control it, I need to know why?"

Marcus collected cells from different parts of the body and experimented with them, and every part of his body could absorb and generate light.

But to search for the main reason, Marcus dived even deeper, and finally, the x-gene was in front of him.

He compared it to the previous data he had collected from himself and found that the x-gene had caused some type of mutations to occur in his cells, which was the reason for his light powers.

But the mutation wasn't complete yet and Marcus was able to figure that out "It might have been due to the incomplete awakening of the x-gene."

After he had heard about his grandfather, Marcus had tried different ways to awaken his x-gene for some time but then he remembered that he could mutate into something inhuman looking as the genes were quite unpredictable, so he stopped trying to awaken it.

And that was also the reason he tested the Extremis with his gene to see if it affected the gene in any way, but after seeing a neutral reaction, Marcus had decided to inject the Extremis.

But now, his gene had awoken unexpectedly, and seeing the nature of his power, Marcus had decided that he was going to fully awaken his gene.

And for that, he had an idea…


Somewhere in the Sewers of New York…


The sound of people running through shallow water spread throughout the tunnel-like structure they were running in.

One could see a black man wearing a black trenchcoat running after two other individuals.

But the speed at which they ran was very fast, far faster than even the best human athletes.

But the chase didn't continue for too long as the man in the trenchcoat took out a few shurikens from his coat and threw it toward the two people in front of him.

The shurikens were able to hit their marks perfectly and caused them to stumble and slow down, which was enough for the man who was chasing them to shorten the distance.

He instantly unsheathed his Katana and swung it horizontally, cutting off one man's head and before the other could make any move, the man turned the blade and swiped it at the other one's neck too.

But instead of spurting blood like normal, both of their corpses turned into ashes and fell into the sewer water and were washed away, leaving no signs of such an encounter.


After the success of the Extremis, Marcus had decided that he needed Dr. Curt's research to be successful. Because it could allow him to easily get a foothold in the Biotech and Medical industry.

But for now, he decided to take a vacation. The packing for vacation was ongoing when he saw the news on tv.

"...the body was found with bite marks on its neck and the blood drained from its body. The authorities are saying that it's the work of a serial killer who is trying to live his fantasy by killing people in vampirical ways. The body was of a 25-year-old female, who…"

Seeing the news article brought a smile to Marcus' face, it wasn't that he was sadistic and took pleasure in the woman's death, instead this news confirmed another thing Marcus had been searching for, Vampires.

"Grandpa, cancel the vacation, I think I have found something more interesting here in America. And, Don't worry if I am gone for a while."

Marcus was elated by just thinking about the different experiments he could run on a vampire, the knowledge of how their body worked would be a valuable addition to his ever-growing trove of knowledge.

And he could also meet one of his favorite vigilantes from his past life, the one and only, Blade.

All these thoughts had stopped him from going on a boring vacation, instead, he wanted to use his newly gained powers to do some 'good for the society', and killing the vampires was always a good thing.

For the next two nights, Marcus designed a new type of armor, one which could look menacing in the dark, hide his identity, and make him fit the stereotype of a cyberpunk ninja.

Marcus' speed of work was far faster than anyone's mainly because of his Parallel Thought skill and the use of telekinesis alongside it.

With His current mastery, he could split his brain functions into three parallel parts, although three parts weren't any good for a normal human who only had two main appendages to work with, Marcus had his telekinesis.

Additionally, with the help of a few freely moving assembly arms, which were controlled by Deus, his work on designing the prototype of the Armor went even faster.

As for Deus, it was actually the evolved No.3, and right now, it was nearly as good as Jarvis.

Marcus had named it Deus, following his habit of having an acronym for everything, he called it Digital Essential Understanding System.

After two nights, the Armor was ready. It was all black and had a hoodie, covering the head. The face was covered with a menacing-looking mask that emitted red lights from the eye sockets in dark.

(Png in paragraph comments.)

There were four sheaths, two on the back and two on his side to carry swords. There were shurikens attached to his braces which also looked cool and could be used as ranged weapons if needed.

Marcus decided to name it D.O.S.E, Dark Operations Stealth Exo-suit.

The night came up, and Marcus disappeared from his mansion. But, before leaving for the hunt, he had decided to learn an essential skill, Swordsmanship. In the past, he never needed it because it wasn't necessary, but now that he was going to show off as a vampire slayer, the best thing he could do was learn to use a sword.

And using the sword also allowed him to use his KI more fluently in combat. If his sword skill becomes better, he could even throw out KI slashes with it.

After leaving, the first thing he did was to investigate the place where the woman's body was last found.

Marcus reached the place after parkouring atop the roof with his enhanced Agility and Dexterity. The act of jumping atop the roofs of high-rise buildings gave Marcus an unforgettable thrill.

The place of the woman's death was surrounded by police tapes with No Entry written on them. Marcus entered the area, ignoring the signs, "Deus, Scan the surroundings, let's see if we can find some marks which might lead us to some vampires. Although it's been two days since then."

The scan didn't find anything, only the obvious footprints of the people that had recently been in the area.

"Alright, that was futile. Deus, can you search for the information related to the woman and where she had been to just before she died?"

"Yes sir… From the witness reports in the police database, the woman was last seen leaving a disco bar, 1 mile North from here."

"Oh, so that's where the Vamp might have made her its target. Let's check out this bar, and maybe we can find some live specimens."

Marcus jumped along the alley walls and climbed atop the roof of the building, from where he started his Parkour and finally reached the roof of the building opposite the bar.

The light from the entrance lit up the front, so Marcus waited atop the roof. But, the alleys on the sides were covered in darkness, a perfect place for creatures of the night to hide and feed.

But, due to the night vision function of his helmet, Marcus could see through the darkness in those alleys.

And his wait didn't go on for long, after some time, Marcus spotted a girl leaving with a man. The girl was drunk and was leaning on the man for support.

Marcus zoomed in on the man and enabled his infrared camera to see whether the man was a human or a Vamp.

The infrared showed that the body of the man emitted far less heat than the girl, so less in fact, that he easily blended with the surroundings in the infrared video feed Marcus saw.

Identifying his target, Marcus switched back to his night vision and followed the Vamp from the roof.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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