
meeting blade and bloodline, hunting an unkillable vampire(chapter)

As an explosion erupted nearby, a woman with red metal wings and an orange visor could be seen flying out of the blast alongside Spider-Man. "Like I don't have enough on my plate," Adam grumbled as he opted for his usual route home, navigating through a series of shortcuts and alleyways. These shortcuts were usually uneventful, but tonight proved to be an exception. As his senses tingled with danger, Adam instinctively rolled forward while casting a spell to defend himself. Centering himself, he was surprised to find a man, an actual human male of African descent, standing before him. However, this man had red eyes and sharp claws.

"Huh, this is actually a first time," Adam remarked casually as the man launched himself at him. Reacting swiftly, Adam parried the attack with his sword, causing the man to backflip away. "A vampire, color me surprised," Adam commented as he effortlessly decapitated the vampire with a single thought. Unfazed by his actions, Adam didn't even flinch as he regarded the fallen foe. To him, this was just another monster, and he had slain plenty more.

"not bad", Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind him, causing Adam to turn around. He was just in time to see the infamous Blade, wielding his iconic sword, accompanied by a girl with purple hair who appeared to be around the same age as Adam. Observing Adam with an amused smile, Blade remarked, "You've got one strong stomach, kid." Turning to face him, Adam returned the smile. "It's the first time I've met a vampire," he replied nonchalantly.

The girl chimed in, smiling at Adam. "You seem to be able to handle yourself. The first time I saw these things, it freaked me out. You seem to be taking this a lot better than me. Oh, and nice sword," she added, nodding at Adam's weapon. Adam simply nodded in acknowledgment as Blade inspected the dead vampire's head. "It seemed to have recently turned, but newborns usually don't act immediately. This thing was probably after you," Blade remarked sternly.

Adam pondered Blade's words for a moment before responding confidently, "Well, it ain't my first monster. And thanks." Blade continued, "These newborns were just feeders, siphoning off people's life force for their monster. And if, as you said, monsters are attracted to you, then hundreds of them will be hunting you soon unless we get rid of their king." Adam mulled over this information before asking, "What is the plan?"

-scene change-

On a random rooftop in Brooklyn, Adam, Blade, and Bloodline, Blade's daughter, could be seen discussing their strategy. Adam let out a sigh as he absorbed the plan. "So, the plan for this unkillable, gluttonous vampire god is to seal him away using me as bait, since they are attracted to me?" he queried, gesturing toward a miniature tower-like object. Blade and Bloodline exchanged a glance before turning their attention back to Adam.

"Alright, it can't be worse than that 30-foot Leviathan," Adam muttered to himself, though Blade and Bloodline, being dhampirs, definitely heard him. Bloodline's eyes sparkled with excitement as she brandished her sword. "Alright, let's do this," she said eagerly, echoing her father's determination as blade threw an amulet towards adam, as he said, "this will protect you from being turned, i would have gave you a sword but you seem to have that covered" while pointing towards his long black coat which several hidden weapons.

-scene change-

In the dimly lit subway station, Adam stood amidst the aftermath of battle, surrounded by several corpses of dead vampires. Around his neck, there were several bite marks, of course caused by the vampires, yet he wasn't turned. The magic hand floated beside him, wielding a bloodied katana as Adam examined the amulet that Blade had given him. "This doesn't seem like an ordinary material," he thought, turning it over in his hand.

As a beam of light shone upon him, Blade and his daughter emerged from their car, which they couldn't drive due to the chaos. "You really weren't kidding when you said they would be attracted to you. You should probably get that checked out with Dr. Strange," Blade remarked, concern evident in his voice. Adam sighed, shaking his head. "Nah, I'm good. My problems are my own," he replied stoically, accepting the katana from the magic hand, which then disappeared.

"Here, take this. You're leaking," Blade observed, noticing Adam's bleeding wounds. Adam waved him off as he cast a healing spell. "Yeah, I got this covered," he assured them, watching as the healing lotus disappeared. Bloodline, Blade's daughter, looked at Adam curiously. "So, you're like, what, a sorcerer? That's cool," she remarked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

Before Adam could respond, "blade, is that you old friend" a familiar scent filled the air, and a figure emerged from the darkness of the railway. It was R'ym'r, he was very definition of a vampire, with his bat-like ears, fleshy skin, long nails, and imposing wingspan. Blade immediately unsheathed his sword, recognizing his old foe. "R'ym'r?" he exclaimed, but before he could react, R'ym'r swiftly incapacitated him, hurling Blade against the wall.

Turning his attention to Bloodline, R'ym'r taunted, "A child? Blade, you have gone soft." However, his taunts were cut short as a white sword whizzed past him, nicking his ear. R'ym'r's gaze narrowed on Adam, who was already preparing a spell. "You... you've slain many of my spawn," R'ym'r growled, his voice dripping with malice.

In a blur of movement, R'ym'r struck Adam with incredible force, nearly knocking him senseless. Dazed but determined, Adam summoned his mana prison spell, intending to contain the vampire. However, R'ym'r seized him by the throat before he could finish casting. "You think I would let you finish casting, sorcerer?" R'ym'r snarled, his grip tightening.

Before R'ym'r could inflict further harm, Bloodline appeared behind him, stabbing him with her swords imbued with the same powers as her father's. "Stabbing and cutting won't get you anywhere. Your fangs are too small, little dhampir," she taunted, her voice laced with defiance. Blade intervened, sending R'ym'r flying and buying Adam enough time to complete his spell.


A/N like i said, i will involved him in marvels shenanigans(just give suggestions) and who knows, he might just meet the love of his life in one of these encounters.

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