
Creating magical items(chapter 19)

A white wisp escaped his outstretched hand, coalescing into a sinuous serpent that stretched to a formidable length of 15 feet. The snake moved with precision, swiftly entwining itself around the advancing wolves before striking with lethal precision. Adam continued to meditate, his focus unwavering, as the serpent dispatched the spectral assailants one by one.

However, Adam's spiritual force was limited, and the serpent's manifestation began to wane after a mere four minutes. As the last injured wolf lunged towards him, Adam remained composed. With effortless ease, he retrieved a katana resting beside him, effortlessly impaling the creature as it leaped.

Nonchalantly rising to his feet, Adam stretched leisurely before making his way back to his boat.

-scene change-

Upon his return, Adam resumed his usual routine with unwavering determination. As he diligently worked on leveling up his spells and sketching out new concepts, an additional activity caught his attention.

Inside his boat, wooden boards and carving tools lay scattered about, a testament to Adam's newfound endeavor. Having absorbed the knowledge from the architecture book, he now sought to refine his craftsmanship. With practiced precision, he carved a square wooden board, while replicating the spell model of his stable mana ball absentmindly.

Beside him, his magic hand mimicked his movements, albeit with a touch of awkwardness. Thirteen minutes later, Adam finished carving the replica of the spell model, only to be met with an unexpected turn of events.

As the duplicate spell model began to glow white, the wooden board cracked and splintered, prompting Adam to swiftly discard it overboard. Witnessing the spectacle unfold, Adam couldn't help but chuckle in bemusement.

"What just happened?" he pondered aloud, his confusion evident as he entered his sea of consciousness after feeling something amiss. Yet, as he observed the original stable mana ball spell model in his sea of consciousness, now faintly faded before recovering using his already refined plain mana, he felt a surge of realization wash over him.

"Wait, did I just do what I think I did?" Adam exclaimed, his eyes widening in astonishment as he began to comprehend the implications of his discovery.

Amidst the tranquility of his surroundings, Adam's excitement was palpable as he held a piece of wood and a chisel in his hands. Taking a deep breath, he focused his thoughts and waited patiently for his spiritual force to fully recover. As it activated without summoning any spells, he knew it was time to put his theory to the test.

"Alright, to see if my guess is correct, I should focus on my least used spell," he muttered to himself as he began to sketch the spell model of the unstable mana ball. Nothing seemed amiss during the process, but the moment he completed the duplicate spell model, a radiant glow enveloped it while the original spell model began to tremble uncontrollably in his sea of consciousness, as if it was being peeled away. Cracks appeared on the wooden surface, and Adam couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Guess I was right! I am really transferring spell models from my sea of consciousness to an item," he exclaimed joyously. However, his elation was short-lived as the wood began to destabilize and vibrate, prompting him to swiftly discard it overboard. With a resounding explosion, the wood disintegrated into the sea, leaving Adam to contemplate the implications of his discovery within his sea of consciousness.

"Well, this certainly changes my plan," he mused, realizing the significance of what he had just witnessed. "Transferring or solidifying my own spell model to an item probably means that I can use that item to cast that particular spell using that spell model." The prospect excited him, but a lingering question nagged at his mind.

"But it raises a question... for me to cast a spell, I need three things: the spell model itself, my own spiritual force, and my refined mana particles," he reasoned aloud. "Since the item would theoretically possess the spell, then it should require my own spiritual force, so it's going to draw my own mana particles... which would make this whole process useless, as I can just store the spell in my sea of consciousness without fear of it being destroyed like an item would. Or..." His voice trailed off as a new possibility dawned on him.

"It uses raw mana particles to cast spells, which would solve my limited mana particle issue when I run out of refined mana," he concluded, his excitement mounting as he contemplated the newfound potential of his discovery. Little did he know, this revelation would forever alter his path in ways he had yet to fully comprehend.

-scene change-

In a familiar park nestled deep within the woods, signs of recent disturbance littered the serene landscape. Small craters, upturned earth, and broken splinters of wood scattered about, bearing witness to Adam's relentless pursuit of understanding. Sitting amidst the aftermath, Adam held a branch of a tree with white cracks forming along its surface. As it began to vibrate, his expression shifted to one of disappointment.

"What am I missing?" he pondered aloud, tossing the branch aside as it exploded into a flurry of bits and splinters, leaving Adam to continue his search for answers

after a while, Adam let out a weary sigh as he rose to his feet. "There is something that I am missing, and I still can't figure out what," he muttered for the umpteenth time as he made his way out of the park. His brow furrowed in concentration as he continued to ponder. "The problem is not the spell model, as even the original spell is reacting," he mused, absentmindedly stroking his chin. Despite the crowd that had gathered around with their phones out, filming the commotion, Adam remained focused on his thoughts. "So, the only problem should be the material itself since it explodes every time. Do I need stronger material to finish the process? It's the only logical thing left," he reasoned aloud.


A/N: HHHHHHH, you thought you could get away from crafting, you thought crafting would be seen in my other fanfic (which you should check out, by the way). Hell no! If I were a DND character, I would be an overpowered artificer. Seriously though, since Adam is hell-bent on being a pathfinder (the first person to pave a new road), he will be making his own— and I mean everything from sigils, symbols, armies, magical items, potions, to heck, his own divinity. I meant what I said about pathfinder, but that doesn't mean he won't use existing things to make his own thing. No, he will use everything at his disposal to create something unique to him.



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