3 3 home

"Tell them, contact my lawyer if you have any questions."

In the middle of the night, a manor in Manhattan, in a luxuriously decorated house.

Matthew sat on the sofa with his feet on the desk.

Life Secretary Lucini understood his thoughts, closed the door directly, and walked to the living room to deal with the policemen who had come.

There is no way to hide such a big murder in St. Mary's Hospital.

No matter how stupid people are, it is clear that this ill-fated Matthew is chasing him again. I think someone must be afraid of long nights and dreams and directly send the poor young master back to heaven.

Obviously, this plan completely failed.

Master Matthew, who should have been killed, came back from the dead and returned to his villa.

The police at the door naturally wanted to ask the details.

For example.... Where did the professional killer who killed the nurse go?

It's a pity that Matthew was obviously too lazy to pay attention, and directly handed it to his family lawyer to deal with it.

The villa manor, lawyers, life secretaries, and even more than a dozen elite bodyguards patrolling the surroundings of the manor are all capital strength demonstrated by Matthew, who holds all the shares of the Tenshen Group.

He has billions of dollars in assets.

However, it is clear that some people do not want him to survive.


Matthew squinted his eyes, closed his eyes and thought deeply, just so in-depth where did the black hand come from?

The rival company in the past?

This is very possible.

After all, every rising company will inevitably rob each other's market and touch the interests of their opponents in the process of growth.

Or is it the internal management?

General Manager Blake Cooper?

As long as he dies, he will naturally no longer exercise the rights of the sole shareholder, and all equity interests will be managed by a company foundation. This seems to fall into the hands of General Manager Cooper in a disguised form.

In other words, this company veteran Cooper also has no small suspicions.

"It's all possible."


"There is no clear evidence."

Matthew raised his eyebrows.

But he was not in a hurry either. Although the enemy was on the dark side, they were more anxious than himself.

After all, they are so eager to kill themselves, so they naturally hope to get some kind of attempt, but it is a pity that their life is so hard.


A glimmer of light flashed in Matthew's mind.

He remembered that his cheap parents had left a note with the phone number written in it, as if if he encountered any difficulties, he would quickly let himself call this call.

Matthew opened the drawer and found the note.

Looking at the number on the paper, he pondered for a moment. The most important thing was that he couldn't match curiosity, so he chose to dial it with his mobile phone.

About twenty seconds passed.

The opposite is connected.

It is the voice of a lady.

"Mrs. Lynn..."

Surprisingly, this is still very kind Chinese.

Matthew didn't know her origin.

However, there is still not much to conceal the existence of this sticky note by allowing my parents to solemnly remind me in the past.

"Sorry, they had an accident. I am their son."

Although it was his cheap parents, when Matthew mentioned it, he was still emotionally uncomfortable.

The lady outside the microphone was silent for a while.

"I see. I'm coming from the Middle East now. By the way, kid, don't collect your body for you when I arrive. Try to stay in a safe place for me."

The speech is very concise and the tone is very confident.

But from the words, Matthew has already made up for the image of an impersonal Gao Lengyu sister.

Who is this woman?

After hanging up the phone, Matthew frowned. The tone of voice and the attention of her parents undoubtedly proved that her origin is not simple, and she definitely has good power.

I was curious for a while, but I didn't expect to really get a big help.

And soon.

Under the obstruction of the lawyer, the police outside left the villa helplessly. However, in order to avoid unnecessary murders, two police cars were parked on the street not far away.

From time to time, people dressed in plain clothes are spreading everywhere to check for suspicious persons.

For a while, the entire Manhattan villa estate became solid.

of course.....

For Matthew himself, the biggest reliance is the Symbiote Armor.



Inside the bedroom.

Matthew looked at the mirror, and saw that the skin of his body was lingering in red and black evil lines, and if there was life, it would continue to move under the skin.

Under a thought.

Numerous slender black and red silk threads continued to spurt out from the body. In an instant, these weird black and red silk threads were wrapped around his body, and his symmetrical and strong body was gradually covered by a thick black and red armor.

Under the sharp black hair, Matthew's eyes flashed with scarlet luster.

He can feel the boundless power emerging in his body. Normally, he can even easily punch through an alloy gate. Under such a biochemical suit, bullets and even missiles cannot break through this layer of defense.

"Claw form..."

A black and red thread emerged from Matthew's right hand again, and in an instant, a sharp claw was directly woven.

Thanks to the phantom form of the symbiote, he can also weave various cold weapon forms such as long whips and sharp thorns.

Transmuting everything, terrifying regeneration power, improved physical quality, terrible spiritual resistance and even magic resistance, the entire symbiote armor is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that the entire battle suit does not have the most common weaknesses of symbiotes, such as fear of fire and ultrasound.

This is not out of nothing.

Conventional symbionts, such as venom, all have these weaknesses, but there is a symbiont named'serum' in one of the heirs, but they have no scruples in this regard.

And Matthew's Symbiote Battle Armor clearly includes this characteristic.

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