
Bennie And Benny

Stanley was not a happy camper even though he was camping. He had received news that that the mutants were two, not one and they had gravely injured and killed the FBI agents when they were forced to stop. He knew Alex would hang those lives on him unless he came up with a solution but the two mutants were too bothersome. One of them was a Psychokinesis mutant and the other a Terrakinesis! These two put together was like putting ghost pepper sauce over a Carolina reaper. If one won't kill you then the other will surely finish the job. Also, they were siblings with the best relationship he ever heard and saw!

"We need to go back to their trail, are you sure they went this way?" he asked a strange man who had a cayote's nose and bat's ears.

"The boy might have covered their tracks with his powers but I can smell them out. Remember, you promised to let me go when I find them," the man reminded Stanley who got angrier.

"Also, I promised to start procedures on you when you fail to find them so I wouldn't be so smug right now," Stanley hissed at him. The man shrunk back and continued sniffing around.

"That is strange," he said as he took a big whiff.

"What's wrong? Did you lose their trail?" Stanley asked, anxiously.

"Lose it? No. But, they might be lost forever unless you have excavators readily in your pockets. They went underground," the man said and Stanley froze for a moment. Underground meant that they could be anywhere. He saw the boy's grades and he was no fool, especially the girl. She was a straight A student but that doesn't mean she might be that smart.

"Get the excavators here," he told one of his agent who nodded and went to do what he said. Stanley knew it will take time and he was right. It took them exactly two days to get one there and by then, Stanley had no hope of finding them but he still authorized for the digging and it took two more days and that did not bear any fruits for lava shot out of the hole, killing and destroying anyone and anything in its wake and Stanley was saddened to see twenty of his men succumbed to the molten rocks.

"DAMNIT!" he roared and kicked the car in front of him, throwing it far away. Everyone looked at him in surprise but he was not concerned.

"I want you all to put pictures in every news station in the country. Time for procrastination is over, I authorize the use of deadly force when dealing with these two mutants. Any one who has any information about them will be given two million dollars even if it is just a clue," Stanley said to one agent then turned to another.

"Alert all police stations that when dealing with this two, there is no time to receive their ritual. They are a priority one targets, shoot on sight or they might be the ones dying. When they have wounded or killed either or both of them, the police station will be funded for two years by us personally with weapons to help dealing with mutants. I don't believe the two will stay underground forever," Stanley said.

Stanley was right, the two did not stay underground for long but they had gone a distance that was not quite logical! Benjamin's Terrakinesis could be said to be too OP even if he copied it from a person who barely even scratched the surface of it. With it, they traveled hundred of miles in a couple of minutes! When they resurfaced, they found themselves staring at the Statue of Liberty!

"We are in New York!" Lucy gasped as she got hold of Benjamin's hand in a grip. Benjamin was shocked too as he did not know he was moving that fast either.

"We need to get out of here," she said and got out of the hole as she looked around. They both saw they were on an island and Benjamin got an idea. His eyes turned white as dark and angry looking clouds started forming over his head! Flashes if lightning came and went as it started raining a monsoon all over New York! Soon, the winds picked up speed and the waters in front of the two siblings started parting, making a way for them. When the water was fully parted, Benjamin made the way as solid as a rock and they walked on it as Lucy was fascinated by the view in front of her. When they got to the other side, Benjamin eased up on the winds, making the waters go back with a splash that caused an almighty wave to happen next.

"That was awesome, Benny," Lucy said as she hugged him. Benjamin felt proud of himself when she said that.

"That was nothing. I think I can flood the world with these powers," he told her.

"How do your powers work, exactly?" she asked him.

"I think if I see a person using their powers then I will get them only in an upgraded and totally Overpowered way!" he said then frowned and looked at her. "Except your powers. I can't seem to get your powers no matter how long I see you use them."

"Good thing, I don't know where I would brag as an elder sibling if you just copied my powers," she said. "C'mon, you made it rain a monsoon so we need to be like the others and find somewhere we can sleep." Even as they talked, none of them was even remotely wet. Benjamin nodded and they went away.

Ororo looked at the angry sky with a frown on her face. She had thought that she could make the downpour less but the weather seemed not to listen to her at all. She thought being positive would help but it was of no use.

"Something wrong, Storm?" a bald man in a wheelchair asked.

"Professor, I can sense this monsoon is the work of a mutant. I tried to control it but the weather is not listening to me," she said. The professor kept on nodding as he heard her.

"When a mutant who has enhanced strength meets with another with enhanced strength, it depends on how the X Gene has enhanced the mutants strength. Perhaps the weather changing mutant is stronger and more adept in controlling the weather than you," the Professor said. "You haven't had to train your powers for long so maybe this is your opportunity."

The day passed and the monsoon was gone but with it came a lot of questions. It was not common for a monsoon to just appear out of nowhere so the weather nerds were going crazy trying to find out why. The real culprits we're wondering the streets of New York, wondering how they would eat.

"Why can't we just pickpocket someone? We wouldn't go hungry," Benjamin complained to Lucy who was adamant that they had to find a shelter first. They had slept outside and even though Benjamin made the ground as soft as a mattress and the air around them warm to a point of soothing, she slept like a baby, it was still not healthy for them to sleep out in the open.

"We are not thieves, mom raised us better than that," she snapped at Benjamin who kept quiet immediately. Then, they saw some teens sitting on the pavement talking to each other and Lucy dragged him towards them.

"Hi there," she greeted them, making all of them look up at once. "Hi...We are looking for the homeless shelter, can you direct us there?" The teens were quiet for a while as they scanned them. Lucy was uncomfortable but was even more when she saw light clouds starting to form above them. She looked at her brother and saw him glaring at a boy so she looked at the boy and her heart missed a beat. The boy was handsome with a lean body, black hair with a few touches of blonde, green eyes and an Adam's Apple that screamt for the fair sex's attention. They boy was looking at her too and there was interest in his eyes.

"Why are you asking?" a girl asked them. Benjamin noticed his sister was not going to answer because she had her eyes on the boy so he went for it.

"We are homeless and we would like to spend the night there," he answered. They all looked at him with a frown on their faces.

"What happened over to your home? Abusive father? Alcoholic mother? Sexually attracted uncle?" another girl asked.

"Authorities. We have clashed heads with them for a couple of times we decided to escape," Lucy answered quickly and added with a small laugh and pushed a strand if hair behind her ear. Benjamin noticed it and frowned even more.

"We will get outta your hair if we are bothering you," he said and pulled Lucy away. She gave the boy one last look before giving Benjamin a disgruntled look.

"What? Just because you found Mr Perfect you forgot the FBI are after us?" he asked her.

"You said it not me,"Lucy said and gave him the cold shoulder for a few seconds before turning back to him. "Are you protecting me?"

"I'm protecting us. We are being hunted by the government because of what we can do. We can't let anyone else suffer because of us, mom is in a lot of trouble because of us, we can't let another person or people be like her. Also, he already had a girlfriend, the girl his hands were too busy fondling her boobs," he said but she got hold of a tone he had when talking about the girl.

"You like the girl so you dislike the boy? I like the boy and dislike the girl. Wow, we are siblings," she joked as she punched his arm. Just then, they heard someone running towards them. They turned around and saw one of the teens catching up to them.

"Hey, sorry about earlier, we have to be careful when in the streets. So, you said both of you are homeless, right? You might not want to go to shelters. Most of them are shady and you might never know which one is which. We can, however, make sure you new blood are safe out here, teach you a couple if things and in exchange, you become one of us," the boy said.

"Sorry, we have too much in our plate to decide to join a gang," Benjamin said but Lucy dug her elbow into his ribs.

"We would be happy too," she said. The boy nodded with a smile.

"C'mon, we'll introduce you to the others," he said and led them back to the teens who were waiting for them.

"My name is Caleb, the gorth looking chick over there is Emilia and she's actually a red head, the tall guy with no muscles is Amos, the blonde chick with airbags for boobs is Helliet, in short Hellie for she raises hell when she want things to go her way, the black head girl over there is Shelly, her overprotective brother next to her is Sammy, the Queen B there is Bennidette, short form Bennie and our glorious leader is called Luke or sugarpie when Bennie is calling him," the boy said.

"My name is Lucy Cosmic and this is my brother, Benjamin Cosmic, short form Benny," Lucy said, looking at Bennie, and Benjamin's heart almost flew out of his chest when he heard her introduction.

'C'mon sis, even if you want both of them to stop being an item stop giving them so cringy clues!' he lamented to himself.

"Cute name," Bennie said to Benjamin who just shrugged.

"You don't have to patronise me, it's awful," Benjamin said. "Caleb said something about homes being too unsafe? Is that from experience or is that a sales pitch?" Lucy dug her elbow into his ribs. He wished he could tell her he did not feel any pain at all but that will make her persistent and it was already annoying enough.

"Yeah, a lot of disappearing happen over there. But, stick with us and we will keep you both safe to our best of abilities, provided you contribute," Luke said. Both Lucy and Benjamin got the gist of it.

"So this is a gang," Lucy said making everyone but Benjamin take in cold breath.

"We like to call ourselves street smart. We make sure we are not harrassed by others and keep us feed and clothed," Caleb said.

"Don't worry, you will not get to do the heavy lifting. All you have to do for the first one month is accompany Shelly and Sammy for the first one month and learn the rule of the streets. From there, we will know how you will both go forward," Luke told them. "For now, Caleb will take you both to our shelter and get you changed. The monsoon yesterday made a lot of us sleeping outside sick."

"This way, follow me," Caleb said and led them away from them.

"I don't like the girl," Bennie said as she looked at Lucy's back. "Though I am not worried seeing she is a flat surface."

"Her brother is kinda cute though. I saw how he was looking at you, Bennie," Hellie said with a snigger.

"I am not interested in a virgin, inexperienced brat like him. Besides, I am sure he won't survive one night with me," Bennie said and laid her head on Luke's lap who started caressing her neck.

"I don't know, they feel dangerous, especially the girl," Sammy said making everyone turn towards him. Sammy was so overprotective of his sister that they came to a conclusion that he opened a sixth sense of sensing danger either to him or his sister.

"How so?" Luke asked him.

"I don't know, I just know it," Sammy answered.

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