Detached, I stare ahead from my position at [Red Star] watchtower. A horde, sizable but low-leveled, is heading towards my team.

While it's nothing we can't handle, it's very annoying. My team, XLX Squad, holds high standing in [The Coalition]. Our rank is one envied; gained through blood & tears. And yet, nothing changed. At least we live in a sort of comfort, with each other as family.

A worn sigh escape my lips, and my eyes sharply find the sky above. The sky is an permanent crimson sheet, ashen from the thin cloud-filtered atmosphere.

It's disturbing how I, along with the 2 other soldiers on my Unit, are sickeningly used to the "Kill or be Killed" world we live in. A hell humanity are expected to survive in . . . . . . along with other survivors.

A majority of the populace can't remember how Earth used to be Fifteen Years Ago. A world peaceful compared to ours, of broad normalcy. No world-wide uncertainty/worry of when ones next meal will be or if you are heading into a pit of [Walkers]. A happiness

under the 'Azure sky' and 'Yellow sun'.

It was not too long ago betrayal was merely expected, now it's a trembling uncertainty.

The world before is completely gone, with no sign of returning. Even WITH the efforts of the Coalition. All Consequences of the [The Disaster].

Even I could barely remember. Although, its because I was barely hitting double digits at the time. An 10 year old orphan expected to die by the time that I hit adulthood actually. But thankfully, I Lived in a caring Home; The matron, Old Lady ***** cared for ALL of the children, keeping us clothed & well-fed, out of her personal pockets. We were one huge family, made me feel normal. And trust me, I was anything but — an amnesiac freak with eyes like crystallized blood that pierced the shadows.

Low groans knock me out of my stupor; I blew away a strand of my crimson (black tipped) hair. It lays almost listless against my smooth

tawny skin. Zeroing in on my targets, I move. With inhuman speed, I rapidly shot at a large horde of zombies.

Makenzie used her own fun to shot up the warehouse we're stationed at. She's tall & slim with short dark brown hair; a beauty with narrow eyes - much like mine - obviously mixed with Japanese and American origins. Eyes a light blue I imagine the old world sky to be like. Her actions crush any remaining zombies.

Harold scouts the area, double checking to secure the area. Then we can leave. He has auburn hair cut to make with a dark tan and pale green eyes. He's averaged height, two inches shorter than me and a few cm's taller than Mackenzie, with great features.

Ah~ how cursed we are. With these looks, were constantly swarmed by birds & bees. Don't get me started on out skill. I am the leader; specialized in a well-rounded range of weapons. My heart belongs to the sword however, skilled enough to cut a bullet. Ask Makenzie, the sniper in the Coalition. Harold is the strategist who specializes in tech and history. We've been through a lot and have enough experience to work seamlessly together.

"Status," I order, voice cold and firm

"Clear." He nods at me

Makenzie looks at us, "Noah, I think-"

Suddenly a golden light bathed the field, both of my teammates stare wide-eyed to what's behind me. I turn and my eyes also widen.

No. Not for seeing the 'sun' for the first time, like Harold suggested earlier. But for being shot in the back. A single shot ringing out; a stab in the back.

The golden hue was from an old spotlight. A mere trick to set the scene. I hear the dark & humored cackles from the two I thought to be my family. I fall -harshly - onto the dry and blackened ground.

The last image, before I die, is a sad smile in a cloud of pure white light. An hallucination ..... or is it? For I hear a soft, barely audible, voice ring out in the empty space of the mind of my corpse

"I will bless and reincarnate you in what you love. I hope that it heal's your heart "
