
Chapter 11: I will do the hero, then you get the credit

  Eric ignored the bullets fired by the robbers and walked into the office building like a stroll. The robbers in the building were wondering, how could they always miss him with their perfect marksmanship?

  When Nick Fury broke in relying on bunkers and tactical moves, Eric had already solved the first robber. Nick Fury only saw Eric throwing the robber aside like a garbage, and he hurried on. Before he put his pistol back into the holster, he picked up the robber's submachine gun and held it in his hand, then took the pistol from the robber's leg and handed it to Eric.

  Eric shook his head, picked up the dagger on the ground and shook it in front of Nick Fury.

  Nick Fury sighed and made a gesture to continue to him.

  Eric chuckled and walked to the second robber's position. But before they took two steps, the two heard a "ding" sound, and then a round thing was thrown over.

  "Grenade!" Nick Fury's eyes widened, his pupils contracted sharply, and he hid behind another wall at the fastest speed, but Eric raised his hand and threw the dagger in his hand.

  The dagger spun and flew in the air, the hilt hit the grenade exactly, knocking the grenade backwards and flying back.

  "Boom!" With a loud noise, the robbers were bombed to pieces, Eric flicked the dust on his clothes lightly, and beckoned to Nick Fury, who was stunned, "Let's go!"

  The sound of the explosion attracted the other two robbers. The two robbers didn't talk nonsense. When they raised their submachine guns, they fired a burst of fire. Nick Fury hid behind the wall, and from time to time, he stretched out his gun and fired back a few times. but Eric just rushed straight to the two robbers.

  "Watch out!" Nick Fury yelled, but didn't follow.

  Eric was like a ninja as he made several dodging moves in a short distance, and he could easily dodge the robber's bullets every time. When he got to the robber, the two just ran out of bullets.

  The two robbers were shocked by Eric's performance. They only reacted when they heard the strike of the firing pin, and hurriedly reached out to pull the pistol from their legs. How could Eric give them another chance, he punched a robber in the chest like lightning, and the man flew out, vomiting blood, and struggled for a long time without getting up.

  The other robber was obviously better. He took a staggered step back, distanced himself from Eric, and pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger directly.

  Eric tilted his head, let the bullet pass, flew forward, punched the robber's waist with a left fist, and punched his head, the robber fell down the ground before he could react.

  "You're so fast! Faster than any fighter I've ever seen!" Nick Fury came up and checked one by one to make sure they were out of combat.

  "As I said, I belong to the special department." Eric smiled kindly, took a grenade from the robber's waist, and threw it directly at a glass without pulling the ring. Several pieces of glass were smashed accurately on the head of a robber who was about to shoot a black gun. The robber collapsed to the ground without humming. Nick Fury hurriedly ran over and hit his head again.

  "Let's go, it's gone, they're on the roof, I heard them, they've prepared a helicopter." Eric said and ran to the stairs.

  "The roof? Hell! That's forty floors! How did you hear that?" Nick Fury scolded and followed up. After climbing two floors, he realized that he was a little stupid, slapped his forehead hard, and used the elevators

  By the time Nick Fury came out of the elevator, Eric was already fighting with the three robbers. Nick Fury was dumbfounded by this monster, the he bypassed the battle group, and ran in the direction of the helicopter. The robbers can fight there anytime, but saving people is the most important thing!

  "Da! Da! Da!" The helicopter was equipped with a heavy machine gun, and a series of bullets shot at Nick Fury. He hurriedly rolled to the side and fired back as he rolled.

  A bullet happened to hit the window next to the pilot, wiped the pilot's nose and flew over. The pilot was startled, pulled the joystick, and the helicopter took off.

  "No! Damn it!" Nick Fury scolded, and regardless of it, he squatted in the corner and aimed to shoot. Unfortunately, his marksmanship was really poor. submachine guns, pistols, and bullets were all fired, but no one was hit.

  The robbers on the helicopter shot a round of bullets at the corner of the wall where he was hiding, he was so frightened that he dared not show his head again, he could only watch the chopper slowly flew.

  The chopper had left the roof more than ten meters, and the pilot pointed his middle finger at Nick Fury very arrogantly, as if he was the one fighting back. Nick Fury gritted his teeth, punched the ground angrily.

  At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed from behind. His speed was so fast that it looked like a cheetah.

  "Eric, what are you doing!" Nick Fury exclaimed.

  Eric has no time to take care of him. The body strengthened by the super soldier's serum was operated to the extreme. The lungs contracted and expanded sharply, inhaling more oxygen, and the powerful heart continued to transport blood to all parts of the body. The muscles were working perfectly, pushing his speed to peak after peak.

  The machine gunner on the plane also seemed to be taken aback by his speed and did not remember to fire until the pilot reminded him, but it was too late. Eric came to the edge of the roof, squatted down, exerted force, and flew towards the helicopter like a cannonball.

  Eric flew more than ten meters in the air, slammed into the helicopter, and then punched and kicked, knocking down several robbers on the chopper, leaving only the pilot alone.

  That pilot is also a ruthless, knowing that he is not his opponent, he even took out a pistol and shot it on the helicopter's dashboard. The chopper suddenly sounded an alarm, black smoke rose, and it was about to fall off as it spun.

  Eric stabilized his body, picked up the little girl who was tied to the side, and came to the door of the chopper and jumped down!

  "Eric!" Nick Fury shouted, this distance, without the run-up just now, then he wouldn't be able to cover it!

  Nick Fury ran to the edge of the roof, and saw Eric hugging little girl, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air, and slammed into the glass curtain wall of the building, knocking the glass curtain wall into a big hole but managed to go in, Nick Fury collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, he was really frightened!

  Nick Fury struggled to stand up and ran downstairs to find Eric. Unbelievably, Eric was unharmed!

  "You're a monster!" Nick Fury stared at Eric, his lips trembling.

  "Hey, man, I told you, I'm from the special department!" Eric carefully put the unconscious little girl on the ground and untied the rope on her body.

  "Okay, okay, I believe it." Nick Fury waved his hand impatiently, and took out his mobile phone to report the situation to his superiors.

  Eric stopped him, "Fury, don't mention me to them!"

  "Why?" Nick Fury asked inexplicably. "You saved the director's daughter. You are a hero and deserve an award."

  "Come on!." Eric snorted and turned to leave, "I belong to the special department, so I don't exist! Fury, I'll do the hero role, and you'll get the credit, OK?"

  Nick Fury looked at Eric's disappearing figure, remained silent, and said silently in his heart: "I also want to form a team that does not exist!"


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