Lucifer Morningstar, the charismatic and cunning fallen angel from DC Comics, finds himself mysteriously transported into an ordinary human body in the Marvel Universe. Stripped of his celestial powers, he must navigate this new world as "Lucas Morning." Starting as a bartender in a New York City nightclub called The Blind Spot, Lucifer uses his wit, charm, and uncanny ability to uncover people's deepest desires to build a network of influence among both the city's elite and its superheroes. As he uncovers the mystery behind his displacement, Lucifer discovers he retains a fragment of his former power, which grows as he faces greater challenges. He becomes embroiled in Marvel's ongoing conflicts. His quest to regain his powers and return home leads him to uncover a cosmic threat that endangers both the Marvel and DC universes. Throughout his journey, Lucifer's signature blend of devilish charm, cunning manipulation, and grudging heroism shines through. He transforms The Blind Spot into his new kingdom, a nexus of information and influence. ..................................... For Advanced chapters check out my Patreon: