
Marvel - The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Ryan, a typical college student, could be found anywhere. One day, after attending a lively college party, he fell asleep during the bus ride back home. Upon waking up, he surprisingly found himself in a completely different body. Now, he faces the challenge of understanding his new powers while trying to figure out what his role is in this new world full of fantastical beings. Important Notice: This story will not feature the character Knull. In theory, the protagonist would be Knull himself; furthermore, he has no knowledge of the Marvel Universe, coming from a reality where it does not exist. "Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays" ----- My works are also posted on the Webnovel and Royalroad websites. https://www.scribblehub.com/series/943130/marvel--the-primogenitor-of-the-symbionts/ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78368/marvel-the-primogenitor-of-the-symbionts ----- If you liked the story and want to see more, consider taking a look at my Patreon, are several chapters ahead per week. https://www.patreon.com/Rowen_Kun/membership ----- My discord server for conversations and pictures of the protagonists of my works, as well as possible spoilers of my future stories. https://discord.gg/g7YrnpbTYq

Rowen_Kun · Movies
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129 Chs

Chapter 57 - Back to reason

"Damn, what the heck are these things?" Logan questioned, watching the beings emerging from the dark mist that Sara was emanating.

The words came naturally from Logan, although he had seen several mutants throughout his life, this was the first time he witnessed something of this magnitude. The mist somehow seemed to have a life of its own, as if it were awaiting further orders from its master. Suddenly, Xavier's words echoed in his mind. Logan then wondered if both events were somehow connected.

Logan didn't believe Sara was deliberately hiding these powers; it was more likely that she simply didn't know about them. So, he pondered on the being linked to Prime. Logan couldn't entirely dismiss the possibility that this entity might be using Sara in some way.

But something told him that wasn't the truth behind it either. Something didn't seem right about the whole situation; it was almost as if the being before them was neither Sara nor Prime but something completely different.

To be honest, they were completely surrounded. Logan couldn't envision a way out of there alive, but he couldn't allow the kids to get hurt any further. It was the duty of adults to protect the younger ones, and Logan was determined to do that until the end, even if it cost him his own life.

"Kid, as soon as I give the signal, I want you to grab her and get out of here as fast as possible, without looking back"

Upon hearing Logan's words, Scott was paralyzed. He understood all too well what that implied, but abandoning their comrades went totally against his ideology. However, in the end, what could he do? If he didn't follow what Logan was saying, the three of them would be doomed to death.

Before any decision could be made, Kurt suddenly appeared beside Logan, with a troubled expression on his face. Even without saying a word, it was quite obvious to Logan that the news wasn't good.

"Kurt, what happened? Did you find the professor?" Scott asked, his voice clearly filled with desperation.

"Kitty found him... He was inside a dark room in the mansion, with a giant helmet connected to his head. We don't know what happened, but he's unconscious. I don't think he'll help us in this situation"

Kurt's words fell like a weight in the room, leaving everyone in silence. None of them had any idea how to stop Sara, and their only hope seemed to have been shattered before them. As various conflicting thoughts passed through the trio's minds, Jean finally began to regain consciousness.

"Jean! Are you okay?" Scott asked as soon as he noticed Jean waking up.

Jean expressed a slight smile on her face. Then, she moved her gaze to Sara. The sight before Jean was genuinely frightening: a black mist, seeming to have a life of its own, emanated from Sara. Moreover, several bat-like monsters roamed the area.

"Jean, what happened there? What did you see?" Logan asked, his voice filled with urgency.

Jean pondered for a few seconds on where to start. She didn't even know exactly what she had witnessed. To begin with, at least, she was sure that wasn't Sara's friend, or at least it wasn't the personality he had been showing.

"I... I think I saw Prime, but it wasn't him. It seems like something is acting on instinct. When I entered their minds, I felt a strong desire to protect. Prime must be there somewhere. I just need a little more time to find him. Maybe we can solve this whole situation that way" Jean replied.

"What? You can't do that. You just came back, and every time you enter her mind, you get hurt. We need to find another solution. There must be something we can do" Scott exclaimed.

Jean held Scott's hands and looked at him with a serious and determined look.

"Scott... it's the only way. Besides, Sara and Prime are our friends" Jean replied.

Upon hearing this, Scott fell silent, lowering his head. Then, Jean directed a determined look to Logan.

"Are you sure about this, kid?" Logan asked.

Jean simply nodded. Upon realizing this, Logan let out a sigh.

"Alright, is there anything we can do to help you?"

Although Logan felt awful about leaving everything in a kid's hands, to be honest, they were at a loss. It was a matter of life or death, and he just hoped he wouldn't regret the decision later.

"While you're in their minds, all I ask is that you protect me. Meanwhile... I'll try to bring Prime back" said Jean.

Saying these words, Jean closed her eyes once again.


When she opened them again, she found herself immersed in that endless sea of darkness. This time, without hesitation, Jean focused on creating the strongest mental barrier possible. With protective thoughts ahead, Jean advanced resolutely.

Jean seemed to be venturing further and further into the darkness, the feeling completely strange; it seemed like the darkness itself was alive and watching her. Jean could hear her own breathing and heartbeat echoing in the surroundings. Strangely, the place conveyed a sense of complete peace.

Jean began to feel strange suddenly, bringing her hands to her face to ward off the drowsiness enveloping her. She knew that if she fell asleep now, it would be her end. However, a series of thoughts invaded her mind.

"Wouldn't it be okay to sleep a little? Maybe I would feel at peace here" These and several other thoughts began to flood Jean's mind suddenly.

Further ahead, Jean spotted a small white light, which, though small, radiated enough intensity to illuminate the endless darkness of that place. The last time she was there, Jean had noticed that small flame. It was from there that the protective thoughts seemed to emanate.

Jean finally reached her goal, which made her think it would be okay to rest now. Everyone would be safe, and she wouldn't need to be so exhausted anymore. With these thoughts, Jean's eyes closed slowly as she reached out towards the flame. However, unknowingly, her hand was also held back.


Outside Sara and Prime's minds, Logan, Scott, and Kurt were all being held by tentacles wrapped around their necks. Despite Scott, Logan, and Kurt's efforts, fighting with all their might didn't seem to be enough.

At that moment, the three thought it would be the end. However, suddenly, they were lowered, and the tentacles released them. Scott, Logan, and Kurt looked at each other, perplexed and confused.

The being began to dissipate the mist, and the monsters that had emerged began to hastily retreat as if they feared not being able to return from where they came. The three watched the unfolding events closely, staying alert for possible new attacks.

"You don't need to worry, I don't intend to attack you... anyway, my priority was to protect Sara. I'm sorry you got involved in this"

Said Prime's voice, and the three remained silent, aware that they were not dealing with Sara. Scott, realizing that the situation had calmed down, rushed to Jean's side, who remained unconscious.

"She'll probably keep sleeping for now... she spent a lot of mental energy to stay conscious in my mind" Prime continued.

The three remained silent, however, this seemed to be the best outcome they could achieve, but there was still a question about what exactly had happened.

"Were you aware?" Logan asked.

Upon hearing Logan's question, Prime briefly pondered what had happened. It was true that he could see and hear, but his body simply didn't respond. It was as if an automatic mode suddenly activated, causing Prime to perform actions he wouldn't normally do.

"Not exactly, I could see and hear everything, but I couldn't control myself. It felt like my body was being dominated by my instincts" Prime began.

Saying this, the three watched as Prime disappeared, causing Sara to reappear again. She fell to the ground lightly, but none of them dared to approach. A red goo began to rise beside her, and none of them moved. The goo then began to transform, and in moments...

An 18-year-old man, with silver-white hair and crystal blue eyes, appeared. He was the exact copy of Sara. Carefully, he lifted her in his arms.

"My instincts to protect her" Prime concluded.

If you like my work and want to support me, consider checking out my Patr-eon. Besides several chapters ahead of the public, you will also be helping me get closer to my dream of being a full-time writer.

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I'm recommending two stories for Litrpg fans, one by me and one by another writer who seems to be off to a promising start.



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