
Marvel - One last sacrifice

In most marvel fanfics MC always gets to transmigrate or reincarnate into marvel universe and knows the future plot. But here, it's one of the many realities where our protagonist is neither transmigrated nor reincarnated. But the part of this universe from the beginning. He doesn't know about any future events. He also faces the unbelievable difficulties and threats just like everyone else. This is the story about how much impact our protagonist Had on the fate of the world and how the story changes from the marvel we knows. So let's see how a boy in the highschool turns into the last wall that protects the earth. After all this is the story about Emergence of guardian of the earth. ---------- hello guys, Author here... By reading the synopsis. you have gotten the idea of where I'm going with this. I want to write a character, who doesn't have a head start like knowing the future or getting things from the system. I'm trying to make a character as real as any other. Soalong with others he will also get surprised by the unbelievable thing and struggle agains the terrible invasions that will occur in future. That's about it. So enjoy reading. ---- note: you already know but I don't owe marvel or even the cover image. so if the image owner wants me to take it down I'm happy to comply.

Blood_God_ · Movies
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67 Chs

War of Bidding

Ethan was still unable to launch a pure aura attack on long distance. Pure Aura attackes needs a to be covered in layer of a compressed aura. which is too hard to control and needs too much focus. That's why aura users are generally short-range fighters.

But one can use a physical object for long distance fight. After getting covered with aura, a simple card can become as sharp as knife. It was quite easy compared to pure aura blast.

Ethan was specially focusing on his wind element because of his experiences in getting shot away in the sky. where only aura of defence wasn't enough.

Because after certain point it was impossible to enhance physical traits of body Like strength and agility or reflexes any further. you can say that it's physical limits as human.

So as a solution, ethan had decided to use wind elements to lessen the impact of the fall. Wind control was harder than fire but still after restless amount of practice. ethan was able to gain enough control over it. Enough that he can now jump from 15 floor and still manage to land on the ground without damage. Like a falling feather. It uses a big amount of his aura but the exchange was worth it.

Ethan was thinking about his growth And he was surprised himself. specifically by increase in his aura reserves. 'Looks like training my elements has its own perks.' he thought

He had also completed his hoverboard. It was just a little longer and wide than a regular skateboard. I was matt black in colour with symbol of golden lotus in the centre.

But suddenly Alices' voice made him come out of his thoughts as she pointed his attention on certain news. it was about the town of Puente Antiguo in New Mexico. It had been completely destroyed. There were clips of thunderstorms and red beams destroying buildings of the surrounding. Not clear about where they were coming from. But it was obvious that it was anything but a normal incident.

A telecast on news showed that it all had occurred just several hours ago and now the situation was under control. Well, it was more than 2000 miles away so he couldn't have made it there anyway.

Ethan knew he can't be everywhere. It sure wasn't normal but he didn't think too much because he can do nothing about it. he knew that There were lots of things in the world that can't be explained.

Once again ethan realized that he wasn't anythinh special and there are lots of stronger and more dangerous people out there.

He now wanted to get back at his old task of modifing his equipments. So he was again going New York to get the necessary tech. since the deal from months ago was off and now he has attended an auction to get it.


Ethan's pov...

I reached my hotel in new york and immediately left for the centre of the black market. A place is known for its illegal transactions in the shadows. even some government agencies were aware of it but they don't take action against it because they knew that dosen't matter how much they will try. The black marketing will happen one way or other. so why not use it themselves?

During the night the auction was held in the big hall like place. I entered in auction hall with my biding number. It was - 81. I can see that there's more than hundreds of participants were present. everyone were wearing masks to avoid the complications after the auction.

In the auction. many things got presented I wasn't interested in anything else other then what i wanted. but the next thing that got presented sure peak my interest. not only mine but all the participants grasped their breaths in disbelief at it's arrival.

It was the initial prototype of ironman's arc reactor. Maybe Markov had leaked it or someone else either way it was on the stage now.

Everyone started to bid. I also tried my luck. it quickly reached 55 million dollars but suddenly one participant raised it to100 million and the whole hall went silent and like that the arc reactor was gone to number 27.

I was disappointed at my loss but I wasn't a fool to give 100 million. I'm loaded but i knew my limits. I can't buy this on top of what I came here for. 100 million were my limit for today.

So I focus on what I have come for and finally after a few more things later. My thing came on rhe display for auction. it was the codes to activate the old satellite of stark industries that weren't in use for like decades now. but it was still operatable.

I needed a personal satellite to expand Alice's range at global level. I had the funds to launch one myself but it would attract too much attention. This method also has it's risks but I can deal with that much.

So I let people bid for it initially. It reached 40 million but most people lost interested quickly because they can launch their own satellites. most of them were most likely from big companies.

So in the end I made my bid of 45M but someone overbid me with 50M. So I again raised it to 52M but once again he raised a bid it to 60M. I turn to look at the bidder. It was number 27 again. I wasn't turtling out here. So i pushed it over to 70M. Just to got shot down next moment with 100M.

Some participants were excited about the bidding war and some were looking at us like we were fools to bid this much on an old satellite.

Screw it I thought and raised it to 120M. Even if he was seating quite far. i was still able to see him. He was looking in my in my direction too. Then suddenly he whispered something.I heard him clearly with my enhanced hearing.

"Jarvis, find everything you can about number 81."

I had heard Jarvis word and I knew who was this number 27. Anyone with interest in Artificial intelligence will guess who he is.

"Shit!!" I said.