
Rushed fight

Ethan's pov...

I waited for my chance to take out that abomination in one strike. But before chance arrives, I show the him choking the hulk and after few seconds. hulk stopped moving.

Seeing hulk loosing consciousness o immediately ignited the black heart and launched myself th3 abomination. Going straight for his neck.

Abomination's eyes went wide at my apearence and reflexively try to block my sword with his hand. his fingers were cut off but he succeeded in changing the direction of my attack.

So I immediately stopped using ignite to save up my aura and jumped back to make safe distance between us.

He released hulk's neck and turn toward me with a furious look. hulk fall on the ground unconsciously.

"shit !!" I curced as i saw the hulk going unconscious. how the hell am I going to hold this thing alone?

The plan was for me to help the hulk so he can kill this thing. But now with the hulk out of the picture. I was the focus of that thing. I was in pinch but I didn't panic and decided to save ignite as last resort.

I saw the angry beast jump to toward me to smash me with both his hand. I was barely able to dodge. even after training all this time. I was still barely making out alive from those attacks.

He was definitely stronger and faster than hulk. I already knew that by observing until now but while fighting it. I can't help but get goosebumps.

The only thing I can take advantage of was his barbaric way of fighting.

He came to punch me but I jumped up and started to concentrate aura in my foot stepping on his monstrous hand. And with the forward flip and gave him the kick on it's head.

It wasn't my full force but best I can do in a short time of focus. maybe as strong as Hulk's normal punch.

It didn't do much except leave a little mark And making that thing angrier of course. Barely 20 seconds had passed since I entered the fight but it were already feeling like hours.

I turn black heart into a spear and cover it with aura without using any element which increases the raw power of each strike. With that, I started to fend off his punches one after other but the impact of every collision was slowly it's taking on me.

I wasn't able to land a single hit on him. more than his strength or speed, his reflexes were far more terrifying. Whenever I tried to take advantage of his blind spots his hand always reaches there to block.

Helplessly I had to use ignite while finding a gap to give him a good hit with but the flaming spear hit him in the abdmen but he had changed its direction slightly to avoid damage at his vital points.

He greened at me as i was now in reach of his arms and his double-handed fist come my way. I quickly took out the spear from his abdomen and tried to defend myself with it. I held my legs on the ground for a second before shooting away in straight direction. Breaking through the building behind, finally crashing into the next one, just to get buried under it's debris.


Marias pov...

We saw the abomination was choking hulk and hulk stopped moving. Everyone seeing the scene held their breaths. Far from killing it. There was no one here who can take even one punch from that thing. Well maybe someone can but there's no guarantee he will arrive.

But as if proving maria wrong, A Red trail of flames filled the surrounding, going straight towsrd the abomination. It tried to block it but got his fingers cut.

It all happened in a matter of seconds. everyone's eyes were fixed on the red trail now and at the end of it was a man with a black sword in his hand, a white mask on his face, wearing a black coat with golden lotus engraved on the back. The black lotus has arrived.

He arrived but things were still desperate, the hulk was knocked out. 'can lotus handle him alone' I thought.

"Sir ??"

I called for fury. If I had conclude that much there's no way he didn't. But he continued to stare at the screen without giving any response.

He had a solemn look in his eye like a gambler looking at his biggest bet.

We saw the whole battle between abomination and lotus. Lotus was barely holding. But still holding nevertheless. Which seemed impossible just few minutes ago.

Even after being against such monstrous opponent. he was still able to get few hits. His mastery over the spear was otherworldly. I had never seen such a mastery of weapons. he was making up for his lack of strength with purly by his spear skills.

But still, the effect of blocking each strike was evident on him and finally, he took a hit and went flying through the building. Crashed in the next one before getting buried under it's rumble.

Fury quickly turned to me. I immediately understand the meaning and started to move. we have to divert abominations attention from lotus some how. From the last hit, he sure had gotten heavy damage. We have to buy him time to get back.

But I stopped midway as my eyes got glued on the screen. We saw a hand shot out of all that ramble. A hand clenched in a fist.

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