
Ch. 5

Walking into the makeshift office of the FOB we had I started to comb over the reports that the officers had been making. Starting off with the casualty list it made me wince. Even though we faced a severely weaker enemy than the Covenant we still lost a few. With a squad of 5 ODST KIA and 20 Marines being a part of the list.

While going through the reports Artemis showed herself on the desk. "Hey Felix, I've got everything compiled on Gideon Malick who pushed for the nuke on us. It's quite messy and it webs out from him. Do you want me to send this to Director Fury?"

"Don't dig too deep, we'll give it to him when he shows up on our doorstep," I replied back.

"Oh, and what makes you think he will?" She asked.

"He's a soldier, by the brief conversation I can tell he likes to be boots on the ground."

"Whatever you say Spartan. Another thing, I've been monitoring your vitals." She continued on.

"Oh? Don't leave me in suspense, tell me am I finally dying?" I chortled at her

She giggled at that and replied, "No, you can't get rid of me that easily. But seriously, since the Forerunner Crystal was destroyed there have been changes…"

"That doesn't sound good."

"There have been changes with me and you. For you, it seems like you're constantly getting stronger. Not quickly and you wouldn't notice it. When we get back to the ship I want you to go to the infirmary so I can run some tests." Artemis explained.

"Okay, and what about you? What's changed with you?" I questioned her.

"I… I think I'm starting to feel emotions," she muttered out.

"Do you suspect rampancy?" I asked her concerningly.

"No, nothing like that. I think I've evolved beyond a Smart AI. My processing power has been greatly enhanced and as I said, I think I can feel emotions." She said and gave me a concerned look.

Before we could continue the conversation there was a knock on the post outside of the tent. Artemis disappeared and yelled out for the person to enter. Watching a green feminine hand reach into part the tent entrance I had a solid idea of who it was. It was later confirmed when the green-haired beauty opened the flap all the way and walked in with a dazzling grin. Everything about her screamed power, her purple and white leotard did not leave much to the imagination. But for me, it didn't have to. She was 6'7" of raw power that wouldn't make normal Spartans envious, but the biggest thing was she wasn't buff. Jennifer was ripped, and it looked like someone sculpted her body. Her perfection would make pin-up girls the UNSC spent millions on to look beautiful to entice more to recruit.

"So, I take it beers are going to be put on hold?" she said breaking the ice.

"You would be right. Have a seat if you want." I chuckled out and motioned to a chair in front of the makeshift desk. She smiled then sat down, crossed one leg over the other, and leaned back.

"I have so many questions," Jennifer stated and stared at me.

I stared back at her through my helmet and said, "And unfortunately for you, I won't give many answers."

"Figured as much. You military types are never forthright with information, nor upfront. So, how about we play 5 questions. Of course, if it's classified, I'll accept that as an answer." She said with a coquettish grin.

"Agreed, you go first." I played along.

"Are you human?" was her first question.

"Yes," I replied simply, genetically enhanced humans are still humans after all.

"Were you born green and gorgeous?" I asked her.

With a tinge of green in her cheeks she replied, "No, I was born a normal human girl. My turn, where did you all come from?"

My face hardened in my helmet and I replied with, "Classified."

She just pouted at me like a kid that got told no.

"Are you a full-time… Superhero?" I asked thinking it was weird that this is the new reality.

She barked out laughing. When she finally got herself under control she replied, "Hell no. It doesn't pay enough, I'm actually an attorney. I tried the whole hero gig, but I found it much more fulfilling helping the little guys. Are you single?"

This had me grinning, she hasn't even seen me and she's interested. My charming personality is so amazing, or maybe it's my dazzling skills in the field. After a second I composed myself and flippantly replied, "Never had the time for relationships, to busying fighting for my life."

Jennifer just stared at me for a couple of seconds then asked, "What do you mean fighting for your life? I've never seen anything like you and the others, nor your ship!"

I tisked at and waved a finger back and forth, "Nu-uh-huh, it's not your turn."

Watching her bluster and get peeved off entertained me quite a lot more than it should have. But before we could continue on flirting another knock on the post out front of the tent was heard. With a sigh, I hollered out, "Come in." Looking at Jennifer she sat there pretending to be invisible, but I could tell she was curious. The tent flap opened quickly, which caused Jennifer to turn around and see who it was. She tensed up at the sight of a 6'2" black man with a bald head and an eye patch. He was followed by the red-headed spook and some dude with a damn bow.

Jennifer slowly got up and greeted the man, "Hello Director Fury."

Fury stared at her for a second and replied, "Mrs. Jameson."

She finally stood up straight and looked down at the man with tense shoulders, "It's Ms. Walters now. But I'm sure you already knew that."

Jennifer turned around and winked at me. Before anyone replied she said, "I hope to see you around Felix." Then she sauntered out of the tent and brushing past the 2 spooks and a dude with a fucking bow. I had to thank whatever god was out there that I was wearing my helmet, cause I could not keep my eyes off her swaying hips. After she left I gestured for the chairs for my new guests and I leaned back into my chair.

"What can I help you with, Director Fury?" I asked him.

Fury was the only one to sit down, while the other two flanked him one on each side. He leaned back and folded his hands in his lap. I can tell we're about to have a, who has the bigger dick match.

"I take it you talk to all your guests with your armor still on. Not very hospitable," he said nonchalantly.

"Well considering you're director of a military agency that appears to have superheroes in it, I feel that it's quite apt. Not to mention that you probably have orders to kill me should the chance arise." I laid it out to him.

Artemis chimed into me in my helmet, " You are correct, he has orders that if there is a chance to take it. Also for him to acquire as much of our tech as he can."

"Fucking hate politics." Fury said as he relaxed his posturing.

Chuckling I relaxed as well. With our actions, the once tense atmosphere faded in the room and it was just like a bunch of soldiers shooting the shit.

"So what do the talking heads want now?" I asked him point-blank.

Fury fiddled with his hands trying to prolong the time before he had to state the demands.

"Stop, you're the messenger. You've been shitted on so much today, I won't be adding to that pile." I said trying to ease his discomfort.

"They want you pulled out in 30 minutes, or else they will see it as an act of aggression and retaliate." he finally managed, and I just stared at him in disbelief. Fury continued, "The National Guard is mustering 6 blocks east. They have APCs and a couple of tanks, along with 2 platoons." He then got up and walked out, along with the other two.

"Shit," I muttered.

"I'm on it, giving command to The Redemption to bring down a Scorpion for fire-support. Also routing the Falcons to cover over the drop-pod retrieval. They should almost be done and starting troop pickup." Artemis said as she promptly started to prepare.

I quickly got up and ran out of the tent and came storming over to a Lieutenant, I had managed to get a green tag-a-long on the way. Not paying her any mind I gave orders to the Lieutenant, "Marine, I want every non-UNSC personnel out of here. Lock it down, the local government is going to attack in 30. They'll have APCs, Tanks, and a shit ton of infantry. Get everyone prepped, dismissed."

The commotion of Fury leaving and me hurrying out of the tent caused the curiosity of the supers that were waiting for their turn for introductions to tag-a-long as well with Jennifer. By the time I turned around to address her, there was a circle of people in their pajamas.

Grey-side-hair man with a red cape broke the silence first, "I'll be in touch at a later point."

I liked him, knows when there was more important shit to be done. There is someone to take lessons from him and it's the dude who opened his mouth up next. He wore some kind of black eye mask with only a line of red-tinted glass. He opened his mouth up and it made me think of the boy scout Captain America.

"I'm Cyclops, we mutants need to stick together, the X-Men will have your back. It won't be the first time we fought the government," he said, trying to act heroically.

"Kid, get you and your pajamas wearing friends out of here. We don't want to drag anyone else into shit soup sandwich. That goes for you too, Mean Green." I said to the boy scout and finished looking at Jennifer.

Cyclops looked like a fish out of water with all his gaping. I guess no one had talked to him that way before. For some reason, I was fighting the urge to call him "Bub" and I have no clue why. Jennifer just raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her.

"What makes you think I was staying? I like my citizenship too much to risk it. Just waiting to tell you good luck." She replied with a mischievous smirk.

I just waved her off and turned around while saying, "I've got to get dug in for the fighting retreat"

Without a glance back I ran off to prepare. Twenty minutes in we were down to 2 pods left out in the field, and 2 of the four Pelicans were starting to ferry troops back. They had already dropped the Scorpion main battle tank at the FOB on one of the trips back from retribution and we had it manned and waiting. As I was making my rounds and coordinating Dagger 1 came on the comms.

"Retribution 1 this is Dagger 1 come in." her voice came through clearly in my helmet.

"Go Dagger 1," I replied.

"Retrieval has been good, unfortunately, we're missing 1 pod. Looks like someone got to it before us. I've taken the liberty of having ODST ride up with the Pelicans. Dagger team is all that's left for this last pick-up." she reported.

"Have your ride fly by here before going up. I want your team at the FOB and we'll be the last out." I ordered.

"Already on it, Dagger 1 out." After that, the comms returned to the usual chatter.

5 minutes later we could see soldiers rounding the corners onto this block. They didn't stay still, some of them took quick turns into buildings while others held cover and stuck their heads and guns out. We were 80% of the way exfiltrated and the only Marines left would fill a Pelican along with the Scorpion tank. Dagger Team had rejoined the group by now and we've set up for the attack.

As the second to last Pelican was arriving and touching down to connect with the tank a man had popped out of the lead tank that showed up on the street. He pulled out a bullhorn and pissed me off.

"This is 2nd Lieutenant Jackson. You have 5 minutes to leave this country, or surrender. If you do not heed this warning we will reply with force! I suggest you put your weapons down and surrender for your crimes!" he shouted out.

I looked at Dagger Team with an "are you serious" head movement. Dagger 1 replied with the jack-off and splooge motion with her hand. The other 3 just shook their head and disbelief, but not Dagger 5. She just stood there and flipped, the butter bars, the bird. That had us all laughing hard as we watched the officer become red.

While this was taking place the Scorpion had finally been connected to the Pelican and the Marines had loaded it. 2 Falcons had arrived on the scene to take me and Fireteam Dagger out of the area of operation as well. After we all loaded up all three aircraft took off, the Falcons giving the Pelican cover as it was slowed due to the heavy load.

Once we got above the buildings and headed up to Retribution there were 2 jets heading our way. I stood up and started to prepare for the worst and grabbed Dagger 3's sniper rifle. Watching the jets I could tell their target was the Pelican with the tank. I brought the rifle up and started to track them with it. When they got into range they for some reason didn't fire any missiles but instead tried to strafe the aircraft with their machine guns.

It obviously wouldn't do any damage to something that could take a couple of his from plasma weapons, but they don't know that. As they screeched past I moved to the other side of the Falcon and aimed up my shots. I fired off a shot, then quickly jerked the rifle to the right and fired another. After bringing the rifle down I saw that one of the two engines on both had gone out and now was leaving a trail of black smoke behind it.

I handed the rifle back to Dagger 3 then finally took my seat and relaxed. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Retribution getting closer, and asked Artemis to patch me through to Hamilton.

"Yes sir?" he asked.

"Once we dock, bring the ship behind the moon," I ordered.

"Roger that." and he disconnected.

"So Felix, I'm thinking about getting a little party together tonight." Elise(Dagger 1) said.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll join it this time," I replied back to her with a chuckle.

"Awww, has our Petty Officer found a new girl to chase? Hear that Heather, you lost your chance!" she goaded us.

"I'm fine with that, I plan to have my way with Jace tonight." Heather(Dagger 4) harrumphed.

"Woah, since when? I was planning to go to Elise's party." Jace(Dagger 2) chimed in.

"We're in on this party too!" Charlie(Dagger 3) and Candice(Dagger 4) joined in.

"Great! Maybe I can get a couple of the ODST to join in too. They do get all hot and bothered when they survive an encounter. They fuck like they will never have sex again, it's so primal and vigorous." Elise said with a bit of wistfulness in her voice.

I could feel the daggers Heather was staring at Jace all the way over here. That killing intent he faced made him cow down and slump his shoulders.

"Fine, we'll party alone," Jace admitted in defeat.

"Aww." was heard from Elise, Charlie, and Candice. All I did was shake my head at their antics and glad I wasn't a part of this one.

Next chapter