
27. One Night

Vampires, an existence that survived the long rivers of time. They were the kings that ruled over humans at one point, the natural predators of humans.

But their greed and desire for human blood lit the spark that gave birth to vampire hunters. These group of humans came together and found methods to kill these so called natural predators.

Thus a long war erupted between vampires and humans. As time passed humans gained the upper hand, vampires continued to lose. Facing destruction they retreated into the shadows.

Times changed, from carts to steam engine, from there to industrialization. The world started to change, what was fought in plain sight turned into a shadow war.

Normal humans forgot the existence of vampires but those in power knew their threat and kept them in check. To completely kill them off was impossible so a treaty was formed.

It's been hundreds of years since the treaty was formed. Each country watched over this treaty, on the surface vampires were forbidden from capturing humans but those in power turned a blind eye to occasional accidents to keep them satiated.

In this era it was S.H.E.I.L.D that watched over the treaty in the west. As the largest and the strongest defensive agency in the world S.H.E.I.L.D was best suited for this kind of operation.

"Why do you want all these info?"

"For a trade."

"Trade eh....

Currently within an unknown location a black man with an eye patch over his left eye was talking over the phone. His expression was stoic and unreadable.

This man was the current leader of S.H.E.I.L.D, Nick Fury.

Nick asked with interest, "Who are you trading with?"

Frank was on the other side, "I am sure you can find that out even without me saying."

Nick raised an eyebrow, "Interesting."

Frank indifferently replied, "Just get me the info."

Nick agreed, "Alright. The usual place tomorrow."

Frank cut the call. Nick looked at a bunch pictures on his desk and was lost in thought.


Frank handed a stack of file to Adam, "This is what you asked.

Adam opened it and did a rough checking. There were twelve pictures of old and middle aged men and several dozens of estate coordinates.

Frank suddenly asked, "Don't forget our deal."

Adam reassured him, "Relax, I am a man of my word. Get me their location and I will take care of them."

"No! I want them all alive! Frank Costa and every single one of Costa executives, I want them all alive! "

Frank was practically gnashing his teeth as he said those words. Adam could feel his rage, he felt pity for those poor souls who would end up in his hands.

"I will contact you in three days."

Adam disappeared along with his words. Frank clenched his fist and muttered

Frank took a picture and said, "Soon, I will get them all soon."


Somewhere in the United States.

A large mansion stood alone in a vast estate. Usually this place would be crawling with security but today it was painted with blood.

"Ahhhh!!! Kill him! Kill him!!"

Bullets flew around everywhere and within this hail of bullets a person walked about leisurely. Small sounds could be heard as bullets made contact with his body.

The assaulters were scared out of their minds. Just minutes ago they were strolling around like usual doing their rounds when a man suddenly popped out of nowhere.

Like a reaper he travelled through the shadows and claimed the lives of everyone present. It hasn't been three minutes since this monster appeared and he had already killed off all the outer perimeter security.

Didnt expect their security to be this tight. I was found out as soon as I killed a few. Well, doesn't matter anyway.

He strolled through the front door as if it was his home. The first line of inner security was about to make contact when they lost sight of him. Before they could react he was already among them.

It was from that moment hell began. He killed all of them swiftly and painlessly. His opponents only understood they were hit when they fell down powerlessly.

Some of the ruthless ones used this chance and fired their guns. The lives of others were the least of their concerns.

But reality was cruel. Other than crackling sound and whisps of lighting flashing around his body nothing else happened.


One of them ordered decisively. If they could just regroup with the other team then maybe... just maybe they would have a chance. After all even if this monster could fight against them, could he do the same against tens of vampires?

Adam could feel pain all over his body. It had only been two weeks since he started the True Inner Gates, his body had already seen tremendous changes and now he could withstand hand guns but he had to defend against larger weapons.

One more gate... then I won't need the lightning armour occasionally.

Adam walked forward leisurely, but his eyes and his mind were completely focused. No matter how weak his enemy was Adam would never underestimate them.

He walked past several sculptures of demons and devils as well as large portraits of people from the past.

One thing he had to admit about vampires was their wealth. Their long life span and heritage allowed them to be in possession of unimaginable wealth. It is also because of this reason that human leaders made pacts with them.

For their politics money was required and vampires were a good source. After all there were thousands of homeless people around the world, no one would care if they disappeared.

As he walked past a corridor a large hall came to view. Men wearing armour lined up orderly, all of them had heavy assault rifles which was aimed at Adam.

A middle aged man wearing white suit with a cane on his hand stood further back. His eyes were blood red and his complexion pale. However energy far greater than what Adam encountered before surged within him.

"You had the audacity to attack Count Flyods Estate! You humans broke the treaty! "

Adam smirked, "Hehe, treaty? That's cute. You guys have been running around capturing humans, it's clear you don't care about such a treaty."

Count Floyd said with rage, "Your leaders know of this! And how are we supposed to live if we can't eat!?"

Adam scoffed, "That's why the government provide you with blood packs. All you have to do is pay, that's enough for you to live."

Count Floyd's aura churned, "Blood packs!? We are a noble race! How can we live on blood packs provided by you humans like a refugee!!"

Next chapter