
Marvel's Monkey God of The Sun

This is going to be move to the fan fic section so until then its on hiatus.

Sageofculture · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Childhood part 1

(Time skip 3years)

Its been 3 years since I got the rewards from the first sign in.

I currently have my fleshy body in side of my true body(The sun)

The sign in has a rule where you can only sign in once a year.

Its no big deal when when your a god a thousands years is can be treated like a month let alone a true immortal like me.

As far a the current timeline goes its the middle stage of Ancient Greece.

In this time period there are only Deities, Titans ands supernatural beings frolicking around.

There are currently no mortal races in Ancient Greece currently.

Cronus hasn't even married Rhea yet, I wont have to even think about the Titanomachy for a long time.

Today I am going to do the forth sign in, I really hope I get something decent.

The rewards from signing in are random so I cant guarantee It will be good.

Last time I got Tony Stark's tooth brush and Captain America's briefs.

Naturally these items were incinerated directly by me.

Anyway back to the main course system sign in.


[Congratulations host for receiving a Chaos Spirit Treasure: Pillar of War]

Then a white pillar of 2 meters with golden dragon carvings.

I tried to lift it up but no avail.

Only using all my strength I could barely pick it up.

I still couldn't believe my eyes Its a chaos spirit treasure, you should know this come from my fathers world great desolate.

There is not one person in great desolate who has a Chaos spirit treasure.

Not even the strongest Hongjun who has strength no weaker than the primordials, only has fragments of a chaos spirit treasure.

In terms of weapons I could said to be the in the top out all pantheons if not the top.

I cant wait to show my weapon at the gathering of deities in a few days.

(The gathering of Deities is a Event held at the beginning of the year in Ancient Greece

hosted by Cronus.)

Its my first time since I was born that I am going to this event.

When I first found out that I was going from my mom I was shocked.

Mostly because my mom disliked the whole King of Deities from the beginning.

The only reason she allowed me to go is because she wanted me to be more social and because she had a little respect for the throne of heaven.

I wanted to give mc a axe but I feel he is more of a staff user than and axe user

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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